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Pulled cards the other day from cams that have been soaking since New Year’s Day. Only went through a few but got this Fisher on a few different cams. I used to get them on cam periodically every year, but none in the last year or so. I know they have a rep for being turkey killers, but they seem like a real interesting animal to me. Hope he or she sticks around. Cant be more damaging to the birds than the multitude of yotes and foxes we have running around.9E29C06D-D493-418D-B752-B7A2005F6EE2.jpeg.b8ad2ad7842ad1a6bcfc3d4284ebcf9b.jpeg

Edited by Steuben Jerry
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I have read that fishers can attack turkeys at night while the turkeys are roosting. Not many escape (turkeys flying in the dark in the woods don't do well). Not many fox and zero coyotes can do that. I have also seen videos of fisher catching squirrels in trees. The squirrels rarely escape unless they enter a hole in the tree to small for the fisher to follow. 

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I've watched a fisher chase a tree rat once. Couldn't believe how fast that thing was. Squirrel was in the very top of the trees jumping from tree to tree. Limbs were too small to hold the fisher, so he was flowing a few feet below.  He didn't get the Squirrel. 

Got this one on cam this fall.  Looks like he was making some noise. 



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