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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/13 in all areas

  1. I know this is a forum and there are plenty of debates on here, but you sound like a real douchebag sir
    6 points
  2. My future hunting buddy. (Grandson)
    5 points
  3. I sent for a shirt that says," I heart yoga pants" the heart is upside down so it looks like a woman's bottom... Can't wait to wear it to the gym! I dropped a grand today, but 400 went onto my oldest kids car, funny she's going to Disney world with her BF in a couple weeks and Europe this Sumer ..... And I'm paying for car repairs.
    3 points
  4. Any PR is good PR and it seems every site you go to these guys are getting lots of PR. Walmarts across the country will sell out of duck stuff before xmas! Brilliant move on their part!!! Show them the money!!!
    2 points
  5. Thanks bud,my little girl will love it.Its her first year for turkey hunting
    2 points
  6. I'm sure there are many here that share your sentiment...
    2 points
  7. I always liked this one of my little buddy when he was a pup , he used to sleep so sound that you could pose him and he wouldn't move
    2 points
  8. If you put a broken cam up for laughs on the scumbag who steals it, put some cat or dog poop inside it. They deserve it....
    2 points
  9. Tiny little pants ? My girl knows not to wear them around me or her work out will be me chasing her around the house trying to "smack her cakes"
    2 points
  10. Chloe Favorite hunting spot Making syrup Logging last year. Muskie Sugaring at night
    2 points
  11. Thanks guys, glad you all enjoy the journal! I'm hoping to stumble upon a few early drops soon, but in the mean time, the snow here is just too darn deep for any real "antler hunting"..... it's still WAY early but I know there's a few out there waiting to be rescued and probably even a few I missed last year. We got a good bit of rain today and more on the way this weekend to melt some of this white crap away. Now that I got my legs stretched out the last few days, I'll start to cover some more ground looking for some more deadheads in some of the usual thickets they seem to turn up routinely year after year. I don't like finding all the dead ones after season, but in a weird sort of way I feel recovering someones unrecovered buck is the best way for me to salvage some of that excitement they missed out on, and give those trophies the final resting place they deserve and will be admired and appreciated. Hoping to have something to show after the weekend, but it's a loooooooong season full of unknown ups and downs. I'm just happy shed season is finally here!
    2 points
  12. Even if it's fake it's very funny.
    2 points
  13. Some pics from yesterdays walk
    2 points
  14. And people that see that what A&E did was nothing but cowtowing to the liberal extremist minority, have the right to speak their minds on it. Face it, its just more bowing down to the PC bull crap that is so prevalent now days. a&E will face the repercussions of their actions as well. Btw, did you read what the man actually said. Not really much ignorance in it. Im not religious, and dont necessarilly agree with everything he said, but none of it was ignorant. The only ignorance has been from the people saying it was some kind of hate mongering. Id be willing to bet most of them havent read the whole statement, in its full context.
    2 points
  15. Subscribed. I'm glad to see you haven't found any yet... There's still hope for me. I went out yesterday and saw a crotch with only one side but I didn't find any bone....
    1 point
  16. http://www.chuckhawks.com/about_smokeless_muzzleloading.htm In here it says that smokeless pressures can be less than the maximum load for conventional inlines. Like troutfisher said though- I ain't trying it! I have a Savage. I bought it in 2011 with the intention of using it during shotgun season in Cayuga County. Of course the DEC made rifles a legal implement in 2012, so I don't shoot it as much as I had originally planned. My only complaint about it is the weight.
    1 point
  17. The reason most want to go with smokeless these days is to have much increased pressure over black powder and to shoot their bullets without sabots. The energy and velocity they get is outstanding and shooting to 300-400 yards is very common. I have a friend who has built a couple for himself off of Model 70 s/a rifles. He has used both Kreiger and Brux barrels and you would NOT believe the accuracy!! He uses Parker 275BE slugs that are, oh what is the word for it......swagged down to fit real tight for super accuracy and no gas loss.
    1 point
  18. Way different pressures between smokeless and blackpowder.putting smokeless in a blackpowder gun is basically asking for a gun to take your hands and face off
    1 point
  19. Can't wait to see the pile this year,god luck!!
    1 point
  20. outdoorjay.. This is NOT^ criticism. It is just my analysis of LI hunting... I assume that you were on either the Rocky Point, or Otis Pike coop. because you wrote that you were told that you would share with a pheasant hunter.I saw that yesterday..I was at one spot, two pheasant(dog) guys passed me and I saw what I assumed (I didn't go close) was a deer hunter on a stand.. I was at spot 10, someone 12 and I assume the other guy was at spot 1. They all connect, as do many coop- sites.. It's just the way it is. Without the coop we got almost nothing. IF you're at the coop that will happen at times in most spots, so pick ones that are spaced better, no guarantee, but it's all you got. and the more hunters that there are the more likely the land stays open for us.. As far as separate days..Look at the other side of it.. The State stocks pheasants every week so to a bird guy you are the one that shouldn't be in his spot..Those birds are stocked for him. Maybe he can't get his good bird spot because you are parked in it. Deer hunters get 3 months of bow and almost one month with gun. Pheasant guys get about 60 days. Small game hunters in the coop can only hunt weekends in the coop in LI gun season.. Deer guys get all the weekdays. So from their prospective they may think that should get more time. When I was a coon hunter, some guys didn't like trappers to share their area, and I'm sure vice verse.. We actually met to not have an understanding..We both had equal rights to use the land for our passions, so we got to understand and respect each other. My best squirrel spot in the coop is a very good deer spot(I should have gone there yesterday). It's a 2 car spot, so it's a crap shoot of who is there with me..For me, the deer guys don't bother my squirrels, but at times they have taken up that spot so I can't hunt it..... AND, of course to them when I shoot I bother their deer.. When I bow hunted LI I figured hoped that my small game brothers ( we are all hunters) would push the deer all day, and they do. So in my opinion, as they say.. it's just life in the big city.. It is what it is.. not perfect, but like I wrote, and you know, it's just what we got and we live with it.. I hunted the coop since the mid 60's so I'm just used to it I guess, and hunting beats doing anything else for me. There is , or was some open land west of the coop where I used to crow hunt in October which is a popular bow hunting site. One day I was at a site and a bow hunter walked thru "MY" field and took a stand at rattled behind me...He was moving and crows could see that, so I , like you, wasn't happy..But then later I did shoot a crow and I'm sure that he wasn't happy..We had no ill words, we were just doing our thing..Equal rights I have had problems upstate too with too many hunters.. Cranberry Mt. and Big Buck Mtn. in particular...I once had to wait 3 hours to park and have access to Cranberry because the spots were filled.I lived with it. I could have left and gone North where there's more land, but I chose to stay. There really is no, and will never be a solution that will make all of us happy, so in my opinion, we just have to adjust and improvise, and respect other hunters. As far as separate days.. I'm retired so I don't care, but to a working guy, or someone with a young family he goes when he can. It wouldn't be right to restrict him( him can also be her..( I have to be politically correct). So that's my opinion..
    1 point
  21. I left Long Island 10 years ago and moved up to the beautiful Hudson valley, room to breath, room to hunt and room to drive your car and just live like a human.
    1 point
  22. rant without cursing, read the rules. its not permitted here...
    1 point
  23. What wallet? Ugghhhh............ Only thing that has saved me lately is I won an Internet Based Big Buck Contest with a bunch of UBB buddies. BIG money.........GOOD bunch of guys too.
    1 point
  24. You wouldn't be so free to say that if Big Angie was next to you. LOL My girlfriend met her in person and she is a bit on the rough side.
    1 point
  25. You forgot Mob Wives ! They have to be the ugliest women I've ever seen ! I'm sure the hubby's are happy to be behind bars !
    1 point
  26. I'm a man that hates stores and shopping. Most of what I do for myself is online. However as a proud new parent of a 5 month year old boy i went overboard in toys r us. it was like being a kid again... Only with money. $300 later I was done. Then to dicks to pickup some work out clothes for the wife. Damn nike and UA is expensive. $60 for these tiny little pants. Finalized with a trip to macys jewelry dept and I was out almost a grand in less than a few hours. Ugh...
    1 point
  27. Many have a single brown eye......................................(most) (Just don't tell Phil Robertson)
    1 point
  28. Sorry if you are an adult with kids and earning 8 bucks an hour, I'd bet you have made some very bad choices at some point. My youngest a college senior is working part time at an acounting firm for $15, and this summer will intern for a larger firm for $25 . Her last summer job paid 12.50 she found that co. 60 grand. If one wants to earn more money, one should get the skills that makes them. Sought after . Hating the rich will get you nowhere ,become one! My sister and bil lived in a trailer at 19 w/ a kid. He worked 2 jobs went to night school, later took a buy out from Kodak,a second mort. Started his own co. Sold it for millions. His son my nephew,put everything he owned into a company. Inc. magazine just ranked it 8th fastest growing co. In the U.S. My hunting partner grew up in a basement. That was the house no upper floors ,just tar paper over the wood floor / ceiling? He took a factory job here in Roch. Today he owns it. What made these guys rich was risking it all working 60 plus hours a week for months without a day off ,taking large risks with everything they owned.
    1 point
  29. Best thing i ever discovered at gander mtn , is the metal cart that floats around the back of the store with all the dust covered items for sale . I got a gorilla safety harness still in the box albeit beat to crap , i think i paid like 25 cents on the dollar for it.
    1 point
  30. This is way better than a reality show... just like a nasty train wreck you can't take your eyes off.. lol ... NJ Shores, The Kardashians, and Housewives of New York all rolled into one!! Who wants to be Snooky???
    1 point
  31. So let me understand this, a born again preacher from the Deep South is against homosexual behavior and some people are surprised by this ?
    1 point
  32. Typical comment from someone who thinks they know how it works. Many will make claims to what they'd do with money, but they always change their minds when they get it. I just received a very, very nice bonus. The government took almost half of it. But hey those on welfare worked hard for it, not me right? Vote blue and it'll continue to happen.
    1 point
  33. I'm at the range once or twice a week. I have 2 pistols right now, .22 and 9mm. The past few weeks I have not been bringing the .22 because my supply is dwindling and I have not been able to find any to replace it. Things will get worse in NY come Jan. 15 when ammo can no longer be purchased through mail order. .22 cal will be more rare than an honest politician. My suggestion is to buy 9mm guns and reload. Reloading brings the cost down from .30/rd to .15/rd. I shoot a couple hundred rounds of 9mm each week. I can keep this up for another year til I have to buy more components for reloading.
    1 point
  34. Maybe so....It's probably rude and insensitive, too... But it's FUNNY !!!! Hehehehehe...
    1 point
  35. For all the lefties out there I am going to let you in on an idea since it seems there will be some open time slots on A&E to fill in when the Robertson family walks. Pitch a show of homosexuals that open a shop and work making vibrators and you can call it Dick Dynasty.
    1 point
  36. It's about free speech, for both sides. Gay or anti-gay. Just remember freedom of speech was intended to protect offensive speech, not polite conversations. A&E viewers should decide if he leaves by changing the channel. Not a group trying to stifle freedom of speech.
    1 point
  37. Honestly I have never watched the show. If he needs to talk about homosexuality then Be as it is. It is his loss that he can't see the human race is diverse. This will never change wether it be a duck hunter or judge .
    1 point
  38. I don't understand the controversy here. He has the constitutional right to make ignorant and silly statements and his employer has the right to suspend or terminate him if they feel that his statements reflect negatively on the company. His right to free speech was not taken away. He's simply being held accountable for his statements. The company has the right to make sure that the shows that they air reflect well on them.
    1 point
  39. Yet another ignorant comment from you. Have you even read what he said in the interview? This is America, you flipping dope. You are allowed to speak your mind. Its called the first amendment, you might want to read up on it.By the way, watch YOUR language on here. If i have to remove more of it, youre gonna take a break from the site.
    1 point
  40. You should really get a clue before you spout off at the mouth! He was making Duck calls long before he found god. And FYI, I'm no bible thumper so he didn't get rich off me. Cant even tell ya when the last time was I went to church. You really sound like a dipshit on here with all your crap!
    1 point
  41. I feel the same way about Barrack Obama talk about bilking the system and ruining it. there is the poster boy
    1 point
  42. Yup, I admit it, I'm a bigot. And you should also admit you are a Lib-tard.
    1 point
  43. Congrats to everyone that was successful this 2013 deer season...Be it in downed deer...full filled goals or just great days a field....Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year PS.... late season guys/gals Good luck
    1 point
  44. Small , stature ,Definetly bipedal , human or ape like, my best guess is midget Big Foot
    1 point
  45. RED the hardest part is which one your gonna buy now! because your gonna buy so many its just a coin toss which one you want next.
    1 point
  46. I have a Glock 40 and an LCP .380...............the LCP gets taken out 95% of the time because of the size.
    1 point
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