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40 points
Shot him in his bed at 7:15 found him at 8:15 had to finish him off. 17.5" wide haven't weighed him yet but I'm guessing 185lbs. Started dragging at 8:30 just now made it out to road at 4:55, absolutely the most brutal drag of my life! Can't wait to get him hung and see what he weighs and start drinking beers! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk15 points
15 points
It's been a long hard season for me been hunting every single chance I got to this year. I've missed 2 does cleanly and had a couple close encounters that just didn't pan out. Been bow hunting for 3 years and have learned a lot in that time. Prior to this year I've only taken one shot at a deer and missed cleanly. But today I finally connected. It was super foggy for me today but at 8:15 the sun came out and the fog lifted at about 8:30 had a doe moving quickly behind me and to my right I grab my bow knowing a buck be behind her sure enough there was a small buck chasing her they were out of range. I grunted at them but they wanted nothing to do with it. I texted my buddy saying deer where moving and then tried a snort weeze just to see within 30 seconds I hear movement and see another deer coming down the hill towards me it get to be about 40 yards in front of my and turns and is heading straight to me I draw and he gives me a slight quartering to shot. I hit him right above the shoulder and he takes off. He broke my arrow after about 40 yards then I hear him crash he's not one of the big boys I've seen on camera but this was my last day to bow hunt and I couldn't be happier with him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk14 points
Had a yearling come by around 6:30.. then about an hour ago had a 6 come by and 15mins a bigger buck came by... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk12 points
Big Adirondack 8 down, still dragging story and pics to come. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk10 points
It is illegal to shoot pheasants with a rifle or pistol. With a rabbit, you better make a head shot or you will just waste the animal. Back in shotgun only days my Uncle used to carry a few shotshells in case he wanted to shoot a rabbit or a grouse. You are probably better off just sticking to deer hunting. With my luck if I decided to pop a bunny rabbit, I'd spook the big buck that was heading my way just out of sight. The only critters other than deer that I shoot while deer hunting are coyotes.7 points
11/17 - Today was a good day. My brother in law drove in from Michigan last night to do some hunting at the farm. We had an 8 pointer at 40 yards, 30 minutes before legal shooting light, so of course let him walk. He was nice enough to come back at 1:30 this afternoon, and Tom shot him at 225 yards. He went 100 yards and dropped in the field. I took Luna up for a training track and she did great. At 4:00 we went on a track for a buck that was shot last night. Luna quickly took us the couple hundred yards to the hunters point of loss, then lost the track where the area had been grid searched. We did multiple restarts and she eventually took us into a swamp that was loaded with deer. One crashed off close to us, then I heard another blowing at us. I was concerned that Luna was on a hot track and it may not have been our buck, but she proved me wrong. A short distance later I found some dried blood high on some swamp grass, and Luna was pulling hard. She made multiple turns on different trails and we found some hair and a deer tail laying there. We continued on and and within a few yards found the 5 point buck. He had been dead awhile and the coyotes had just started on his rear end...I believe we pushed them off him. This is the hunters first buck which made it an even more rewarding track!7 points
The louder the left is screaming the more I think the appointments are appropriate.6 points
I would hunt with your dad, that won't be there forever. I'm sitting right next to my son right now up a tree. Can't beat it!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
5 points
Sick day. Come on hunting gods reward my poor work ethic . Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk5 points
Thanks everyone! Still can't believe I shot it! I've never had the shakes that bad4 points
PlanNed on being out for an all day sit but my little man has a double ear infection and won't let out of his sight. Its ok that I'm not out there sometimes being a dad trumps everything else. Good luck my fellow hunters tomorrow. Shoot straight !!!!!!4 points
4 points
4 points
I'll bet you guys thought that TF stands for " Turkeyfeathers".. What it REALLY stands for is " Terminal Flatulence".....hehehehe................4 points
Only thing I'll break silence for during deer gun season is a coyote. I'll just admire all the rest4 points
Nodeerhere, you now need to change your forum name. He's a beauty. Congrats4 points
I haven't paid the closest attention the last week but from what I've seen there's an awful lot of important people that only a few months ago bashed him, now eager to set up meetings with him. Ford now keeping a factory here and apple wanting US factories. If this is a example of how quick positive things can move under trumps administration, I think we are gonna have a awesome 4 years. Feels pretty damn good to be an American again.4 points
The alternative would've a lot worse. I'd rather have someone IN my stand than my stand not be there at all4 points
Probably anyone who disagrees with the Liberal agenda ..........4 points
Little $$ but this is what works for me on my new SUV! No lifting, other than onto the deer cart portion of the unit. Yeah, that knee-knocker 4" riser is painted orange as a reminder to myself. Okay, so I regret trading in my small p/u!! lol4 points
Thanks grampy. I hope this is the last fall that I get shafted with covering so many hours. We let a guy go back in late summer so we've been short handed ever since. Some how we can't find a single person in the capital district that can do the job of a miller to replace the guy we let go. It's not a easy job in the least, but it's not impossible. Anyone with at least average intelligence can do this after a few months of training. It's the work ethic that all of our possible candidates have lacked. We've brought in about 5 people the last couple months to see if they could do it and not a single one wanted to work. When the hell did "work" become sitting in a break room or locker room on a cell phone all day? That's the mentality these guys bring in the door. We even have "assistant millers" or wheat runners as we usually call them, who are supposed to help us when we need it and pretty much do anything we ask of them. 3 of the 4 can't get off FB long enough to look where they are walking. They are also supposed to have a pretty solid understanding of how the mills operate and function so they can take over in emergencies if needed....but our guys can't even handle their own equipment let alone my 8800 pieces of equipment. Not sure why they even keep them classified as "assistant millers". More like chair warmers they are. Sorry to get off topic....needed to rant there for a min.... Good luck tomorrow and this weekend to everyone! Let's see some bone on the ground!!!4 points
Sounds like the same model you guys used to lose the election. SO keep up the good work.4 points
Alright guys and gals it's almost gun season. Hope you all have a SAFE opening weekend and successful too. And don't be that d bag that shoots at 6:15 when it's dark as hell!!3 points
I agree...made the decision to hunt closer to home this opener and skip camp....haven't hunted with my buddy in years...so my dad and I will be heading out with him tomorrow morning....not always about the deer we shoot....but deff about the memories we make! Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk3 points
And yonder the sun doth set upon my 2nd bow season...... Tag soup again. But I did at least get to shoot... If only I hadn't dropped my arm. Sent from my D6708 using Tapatalk3 points
Jeff Sessions for AG. Now let's lock this border down and get serious enforcing laws already on the books. And last night, his twitter account:3 points
As an archery hunter in the woods, you can always tell when the gun guys get to their camps for the first time. All of a sudden the chain saws started and now the shooting begins. Nothing like waiting to the last minute to see if the guns are in or make sure u have firewood3 points
Then there's Howie, a guy I hunted with years gone by . Hunted in blue jeans, jean jacket , upland vest and a brown cowboy hat. One OD he's late so,we head out ( farmland ) as its getting light he pulls up to the house , then finding us gone drives down the road and down a lane way. Little bit latter BANG, back comes car with buck in trunk. We go over, "sorry guys I could not find my slugs, " see he hasn't even looked to his hunting gear since last year..... Scout ? Lol , pratice with gun ha ha , scent control pay attention to wind ? No . He found 3 slugs and drove out to hunt. He figured we would not be where he was going so he drove there , walked a bit and was leaning on a hay wagon smoking a cigarette , when a buck stepped out of the pines at 30 yards . " Well see you guys gotta get this cut up " and off he went . Every year Howie killed a buck.3 points
3 points
Got in late around 615. So far 2 does a button, spike and 5 mins ago a nice 8 or 9 pointer. He wasn't huge but he was decent enough for last day. Couldn't get a shot. He stayed in the thick stuff 40 yards out. I grunted and bleated and he could care less!! He was sniffing the air like he was trailing a doe. He was up wind of me so I know he wasn't smelling me. I hope he doubles back. Or have another bigger one come by lol. Good luck everyone.3 points
Good luck everyone on the last day of archery. Today is 2 year anniversary of Snowvember in WNY Little different this year3 points
How Obama "Saved America"... Inadvertently. Democrats have paid an unprecedented price under eight years of President Barack Obama. When Obama took office in 2009, Democrats controlled the House and the Senate by substantial majorities. Democrats sat in 28 governor’s mansions and controlled nearly as many state houses. And in 17 states, Democrats controlled all three. Now democrats only control 4 states...period. This is not because of "racism" or any of the other ridicules lies that state propaganda machine (media) spew. It is because of Obama's failed policies and the overwhelming rejection of them by the American people. In the 45th presidency Donald Trump will appoint the supreme court justice that will effectively "Save America" ...possible of course because of the abject failure that was the 44th president.3 points
Actually...I believe just the opposite is happening...all the people with a civil mind (Republican, Democrat, and independent) are thanking their lucky stars Donald Trump is POTUS elect. The media is so stupid that they believe a majority of the people are happy with these protests, people destroying property etc. Democrats are going to have to swing to a far left agenda to appease these kooks and that is an agenda the overwhelming majority of the people will not support. The democrats were much better off when they just lied to the American electorate about being the working man's party. Now the party's true colors are on full display and an overwhelming majority of the people don't like it.3 points
Well my bow/crossbow season is over with no tags filled. I had some opportunities...passed some some small bucks and doe with fawns. No regrets...enjoyed my season. Be back out Saturday morning with the rifle...3 points
3 points
3 points
Sorry no more Kool-Aid for sale... sales ended Nov 8th3 points
I will be high on a mountain in the Adirondacks. Away from anyone wearing orange. With no fear at all if anyone coming in and messing up my hunt, no fear of anyone being in one of my stands and no fear of anyone being 75yds from me. I'll hunt southern zone during the week when I don't have to deal with the masses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Bottom of the ninth, two out...a big rutting buck comes trotting in, directly at me. I grunted at him at 20 yards. The leaves were so noisy, he didn't hear me. So I grunted very loud to stop him. It worked at 15 yards. Of course at full draw I settled the pin low, but he dropped and I spin-ed him. Took two more arrows to quickly finish him. Weighed #155 on a scale dressed out. What a haul dragging him out of the wood and getting him in the truck. But how fulfilling to hunt the entire season and scoring in the end on a rutting buck! Some times it doesn't end that way. And you hold out...and it doesn't happen. What a season with so many small bucks passed! Not able to close the deal on a lot of the alphas I had on cam, and some of those would bring me on the edge of divorce...again. I really don't need another mount! but what a great ending to the archery season. Couldn't be happier. Earlier, I watched this guy chase a tiny doe, two scrub bucks were with him. A buck with both antlers broke off was munching acorns beneath me. When the Whitetail Breeding Unit ran by, he took off after them. But he came back soon to pig out on the acorns. That was in the morning, about 9 am. So I decided to spend the afternoon sit in the same stand. He came in about 4:30. I think I have him on a trail cam shot from earlier this month. His right tip of the main beam is broken off. What a blessing.3 points
Was packed up and unhooking my harness when i saw him coming in. quickly got my bow back up the line and knocked and arrow and drew back. 15 yd shot at most went 30 yards and piled up. double lung with the grim reaper wts and FMJs. Biggest archery buck so far. Shot him in 8A3 points
Turkeyfeathers good luck . My daughter will also be toting her 870 youth .20 ga. She'll be in a large ladder stand maybe 60 yards from me , my best stand for deer numbers , she should have something go by.2 points
2 points
I sat 6-8:30 am. kicked up the resident doe and button buck on the way in, nothing else. Have a congested 9 month old that needs some snuggle time with Dad, apparently, so that's a wrap on my 2016 archery season. I put some meat in the freezer, but overall, much less productive than last season...I only saw 1 buck the whole season while hunting. Scouting for the late season and 2017 season starts tomorrow...well, maybe Sunday since it will be 60 degrees here on opening day for the second year in a row and I don't expect to be doing much walking around. I'm not liking this trend at all!2 points
92, you'll notice that the majority of the threads intended to cause arguments are started by the same two guys. Actually, they might be the same person.2 points
I feel like I'm in a game of angry birds. I hear poi poi poi and then what sounds to be a giant wing span taking off. Haven't seen what it is yet. Could be turkey but doesn't sound quite right. Scared the crap out of me before daylight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Yes , lots of orange Be careful if you happen to be walking thru thick stuff. Private land or not , never assume you're the only one out there and your safe Please wear safety harnesses while climbing Those early shots when it's still dark make me chuckle. All I can think of is "Billy Bob is removing his loaded gun from behind the seat and accidentally takes out his dashboard ". Be safe and looking forward to reading your " live from the woods" posts. And don't forget your TP2 points
2 points