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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/22 in all areas

  1. Well yesterday was a day to remember. Cut his track around 7 he had a haram of does on the top of the mountain and every so often he’d go up and pester another. Problem was there was so many tracks up there that it made it very slow to figure out what one was his. Luckily in the 6 miles of tracking him he really never went anywhere and finally found a receptive doe. I ended up killing him at 15ft. Looks like snow in Maine next week so I’m going to try and continue this amazing season and hopefully be home on time for a turkey dinner. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    29 points
  2. Grunted the buck in at 8am and shot the doe around 9. Perfect shot on him, he dies within 50yds. Shot ended up being liver on her, gave her three hours, came down from my stand and she was within eyesight, around 60ish yds. She's laying flopped on her side. She gets up and walks off slowly. Caught up with her later about 200yds away bed down eventually after getting permission from the neighbor. What a guy! He came out on his side by side, distracted her while I snuck up on her and put another bolt through her heart. She excited shortly after. Then he helped me load her up, drove us back to my truck and helped me gut her and load her in my truck. I couldn't be more thankful to that neighbor, he went way above and beyond. Truly an ambassador of the sport. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
    15 points
  3. Started at 14 coming up from LI to hunt in Dutchess County. We stayed at an Inn about 20 of us. Hunting camp was a blast and the memories and stories were something else. We started in 1974 and did this yearly ritual for decades, seemed it would never end. Well now at 66 it's down to me and my old friend Frank. We're the last two and hunt my property in Ulster Country now. We've hunted together for 50 yrs. All the other guys are gone, many sadly have died off, many just lost interest, others moved south. My buddy Frank will be retiring come summer and his wife is going to drag him to Florida. We don't talk about it much, end of an era I guess. Sitting out in the woods I can still hear the voices and stories of our long gone crew and think of the good times we had. Almost a bit erie when I'm out in the woods now. Now I realize it wasn't all about the deer we shot or that new rifle, it was about the people. Those were some times.
    12 points
  4. Ok you guys are real close but I was the closest! She comes in at 143 lbs!
    7 points
  5. Some picts of the Doe. Put your 2 cents in on weight. He says 153 I say 139.
    7 points
  6. I really wish we could just forget about the other website and every one move on. No big deal if you are on both just don't poach members or talk shit about each site.
    7 points
  7. Painted some snow red. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  8. Called another one in by burping. Nice clean deer, should be good eating!!! Robby
    6 points
  9. I wonder if this silly bickering is partly what drives some people away.
    5 points
  10. First hunting in the 70's for the first days of SZ crossbow. Then it was days of only seeing doe and few of them as it be. Finally, today I see a lot more movement. Around 10:30 this guy comes trotting by at 35 yards. Double lung shot. He only went 30 yards.
    5 points
  11. Jokes aside I will be driving 90mins away and then a 45min hike up a mountain but my son will be with me. We have no intel on this location, no cameras. So opening day will be like old days, hope and pray something crosses our path.
    5 points
  12. They were moving this afternoon in 9g. 4 bucks chasing one doe within minutes. Happily took this one at 20 yds. He didn't go 20 yds and piled up.
    5 points
  13. Well after 45 years of hunting the thing we fear when hunting tree stands happened to me. Slippery conditions this morning with the snow and ice. I hunted until 9:30 and started to come down my ladder stand. It is a 20' model. About half way down my foot slipped I had one hand on the rail and that let go. I was on my way down to the ground. It took a second but felt like I had enough time to think OMG it's happening to me this is going to hurt. I fell backwards but turned and hit the ground in a horizontal position. My right arm and shoulder hit the hardest then my neck snapped and my head hit the ground. I lay there saying I think I'm ok. I got up slowly thinking something is going to hurt real bad but I was ok. My shoulder is sore my head fine. My Angels came through thank you. Please be careful and take your time. I have been in and out of tree stands so many times and never thought it would be me.
    4 points
  14. Feet, 5 yds. He was coming up a knob to check his back track I was going up from the other side and we ran into each other in the top. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  15. And some people wonder why I end up talking to them like children. Are you all listening to yourselves? If it doesn’t stop, and people continue to instigate arguments and problems on this site, they are going to end up gone. This dead horse subject has been beaten long enough.
    4 points
  16. I can, and will, do whatever the hell I please! I don't, and never did, need you're approval for anything little man. Who voted you mayor over here?
    4 points
  17. My old buddy Mort, who has shared many a hunting and fishing adventure with me over the last 30 years or so, is going to be sitting with me opening day in my heated tower blind. We will talk,, tell stories ( most of which have been told before) and possibly a deer will venture out in the food plot , which may screw everything up, because if it is a shooter we may have to shoot it and then get out of the warm tower to dress it out and load it in the truck, which might interrupt an other wise perfect day..
    4 points
  18. My brother shot a doe with the crossbow last night. The doe is huge going to weigh it in a bit. Maybe every bit or 150 lbs or so.
    3 points
  19. Disagree, this year we are going to have 4 generations in the woods at the same time. My dad is 83 and my grandson is 7. And we will be having plenty of venison to feed all of our families. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
    3 points
  20. True. I used to love opening day of small game season. Pheasant, grouse, rabbit, squirrel, fox, quail and even ducks were there for the taking, so the day was full of promise. I really miss the 1970's.
    3 points
  21. The biggest offenders are the ones who left, you can go back and look through anyone of these shitshows that seem to happen on a regular basis and you will see the same cast of characters involved. It is an embarrassment. Start hitting the ban button and you will see this baloney stop immediately. Al
    3 points
  22. Hunting overall has changed, I believe that the loss of small game hunting is the biggest single factor in hunting's downturn. When I was a kid everyone hunted and small game season was looked forward to back then the same as Deer hunting season. Put a kid behind a good Beagle running Rabbits or in a good Squirrel woods, in a blind overlooking a good waterfowl pond, whacking woodchucks at long range on a nice summer day, when youngster gets to see plenty game and get to fire their firearms more than one time a season it makes a big difference in the fun factor department. Sitting in a tree stand freezing your ass off all day, day after day is not fun for most newbies and easy to see why hunting is not their cup of tea. Like little league baseball and peewee football start out small, get hooked and grow into it. Al
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. I will be taking my grandson out in the afternoon. He is 5 and Always wants to hang with papa.
    3 points
  25. Was invited by @Swamp_bucksto join him and his family and friends for a second year in chenango county. Good times to come. Arriving Friday early and got house till Tuesday.
    3 points
  26. No reason for there to be competition between here and there. Everyone is free to come and go as they please. It's just that no new members can get on here anymore. I've been on here for years, and enjoyed it!!! But with no owner participation saw it just turn into a constant political bitch fest. Most everything posted turned political. That's not why I come to a hunting and outdoor forum. If I want to debate politics, there are more appropriate places to do so. As for cliques......I have made some friends for life from this place. Some are here, some are there, most go back and forth. Seems as if all of a sudden a member here is firing up his own clique??? Whatever..... It doesn't have to be that way at all.
    3 points
  27. Finnaly able to post I tried yesterday but it wouldn't go through let's try this again..8 point from yesterday sorry for the sucky pics ...
    3 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Where’s Wolc with his girth measument when you need him?
    2 points
  30. Four Seasons was elected mayor of the forum?? Jeez, talk about fraudulent elections... LOL
    2 points
  31. I'm getting ready to hunt. Body feels fine even my shoulder is ok. I won't forget this and I hope you guys don't either. Thanks for all the well wishes.
    2 points
  32. Here are a couple pictures of a bucks I’ve seen in the last week or so. Two mile creek rd path.
    2 points
  33. Again. My Anger? Just because people call you out over and over has nothing to do with anger. It’s Fact! I believe I just read and posted on another thread where another member on here called you out? Do you not see the pattern here. Yes and the people that use two sites and talk smack about one of them will continue to be called out. Be ready for it.
    2 points
  34. I have these in all my stands. This morning I fell too when stepping down to the top of the bottom climbing stick. Probably only like 6ish ft but thank God it felt like I landed on a little of pillows. It was slippery and the route and prussick know were wet. The only thing I cleary remember is hearing prussick knot that's attached to my harness just going, "zzzzzzzz" all the way down. I thank the good Lord and many break falls in bjj and judo Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
    2 points
  35. I’m hooked up before my feet leave the ground
    2 points
  36. You are welcome to come sit in my tower with Mort and I....We're both too old to be a threat....<<grin>>...
    2 points
  37. I heard Biden said he is also putting his hat in the ring and maybe Hillary or VP Harris. Doesn't seem fair for Trump to run against them. Maybe Fetterman ?
    2 points
  38. Gorgeous cape on him, love the red forehead. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
    2 points
  39. Nice little thank you gift from this outfit delivered by UPS today. They have been treating me well. Al
    2 points
  40. Way to go!!!! Pretty buck right there!
    2 points
  41. Dr J, There has been a regular orgy going on in my area but this guy looked to me like he had heard about the party but just couldn't find it, he came within forty yards and for what ever reason just took off, I started doing my burping routine and he came right back and presented himself with a pretty easy shot, twenty-five yards, not sure. No burp, no buck. It was a pretty cool hunt all together, i had three little ones running around in front of me and were within fifteen yards for about twenty minutes. I have permits but waited and it paid off. Robby
    2 points
  42. That was nice of you to rag on me just for asking a question about posting videos on the political thread on the other site it was just a question and you blow up on me . Thanks for the warm welcome over there but i think i will¹ be spending most my time here happy hunting guy .
    2 points
  43. Listen, right wrong or indifferent, if I catch anyone recruiting members through PMs, Ill ban that person. I dont care what anyones opinion of that is, its how things are going to be unless burmjohn asks me not to do it. We are also not going to constantly repeat the same threads bagging on this site. If you dont want to be on this site, then go away and leave things here alone. We are all adults, act as such.
    2 points
  44. Headed north now so when I get more time I’ll get into it more but 6 of us made the 26hr 1450 mile drive each way to Ontario for a deer hunting trip. 5 out of 6 of us killed 200+ pound bucks and the sixth had plenty off chances! My first international hunt if you want to call it that but it was an absolute blast and I cannot wait to do it again! Tracking up there is so much different because there are 50x’s the deer I’m used to seeing in the adks and At least 10x’s more than I see in Maine.
    2 points
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