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Will you Quit?

Four Season Whitetail's

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Most likely, the only thing that force me to quit is when I can't climb that stinking killer hill behind the house anymore.


However, I believe the "one buck rule" would maybe drop out some hunters that are already looking for an excuse to quit. I don't think there are that many people that would actually be affected by that change.


I also believe that the requirement to take your kill to a check station would be unenforceable. People that hunt their own land, and butcher their own deer, probably are not going to be too likely to hoist a deer up onto their car to drive a bunch of miles to a check station. The result? .... Even fewer deer being reported. Also, don't be looking for any instant resources being given to the DEC to man all the check-stations. That ain't happening.

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No won't make me quit. I'll just deal with it just like when anything else is forced upon you. But I have to say the weekend warriors spend a lot of money in those small upstate towns. You limit a person to one buck and  get it early in bow, that may cancel a couple of trips and money spent.

Edited by First-light
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Like Doc I won't ever quit until I physically can't get in the woods any more... you're not going to lose the hardcore hunters because they're hardcore and you won't lose the weekend warriors because they only hunt a limited amount of days anyway and probably only take one buck, if that, anyway... what will happen is that there will be a decrease in hunters taking bucks during seasons outside of bow season due to the fact that if you get a buck with bow you'll be done hunting bucks for the year... you may however see a huge rise in the number of does taken by those who take their buck early and still want to be in the woods hunting. Or maybe even see waterfowl hunting on the rise by hunters that always made the choice to buck hunt instead, but already took their buck early and now have the time to hunt waterfowl.

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I'll hunt deer as long as I can still get out there and new regs won't stop that. I may be a bit more selective in the buck I take. I think a lot of hunters around here would still take more bucks than they are alloted. Thier daughters are wives would now have to get dressed up in some hunting cloths and make the trip to the check in station. No lol.

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That is  the way it was when I started to hunt deer + there was a party permit for a doe. Which was 3 people to a permit for 1 deer.We only took 1 buck per year anyway since then.

When they had check stations on the way home,we always stopped at them,they aged the deer, made sure they were healthy and always had a good time chatting with the other hunters about there and our deer.

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As some have stated, I'd never quit unless for physical reasons.

Of the various rules that get discussed on here, the one buck rule (as a blanket rule for every hunter in every portion of nys)is one that I just don't get. It makes even less sense to me than AR. Our state is large and varied and needs to be managed as "site specifically" as possible. One buck rule may be beneficial to some areas, but hurt other areas both from a deer management perspective and/or taking away a hunters choice needlessly.

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Same here. Would never give it up. I believe in light of the check station they will someday require you to mail unused tags back in. Im all for the part of getting the masses out of using others peoples buck tags  .With the numbers of tags a person gets in a sportsman pack, that hunter probably does not use others tags. Its the guy that buys his,hers and the kids buck tags and fills em up!  I know up here the hunting has taken a nose dive. The state does not have a real clue as to how many deer we have and where they are.

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Crazy question IMO. We live in a society, when rules change you still follow them.

I hunt in 3 states and 6 different wmu's all with different regs...I hunt under whatever regulations exist...that's why it's called hunting and not poaching.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Around here people don't care about the rules at all

and if you make it a Ar area then hang it up

cause people ain't gonna listen nor care for

that matter......and as far as the safe act goes

they can kiss my ***.... all my neighbors have

anti safe act signs up......the people in charge

of this state have lost there minds.... and its gonna

be sad when more home invasions and robberys

start accuring because people cant defend themselves

do they really think that someone who bought a ar-15

Is gonna turn them in or comply lol good luck....

a lot of people are gonna become outlaws because of all these


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And sooner than later these idiot law makers are going to push too far and the sheeple will push back. We are as a nation a pretty ruley bunch, we do not want to put the extra work into fighting every cause or rule we do not believe in it will mess up our lives too much. We got it good right mentality. But like I said at some point we will get riled up enough to realize we are getting a lot of crap dictated onto us, our rights and our freedoms by idiots. Rich politician idiots who like to keep us under control.

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