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Just curious, how many people are NRA members here?

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I am a Life / Endowment Member. But, truthfully it is not the organization I remember of 40 years ago. If I had the option to join today, I probably would not. They went from a grass roots hunting and shooting organization to a High Paid Lobbyist Washington organization - too extreme - lost touch.

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I've been a member since 1967....

Whether or not you like thier modus operandi , the NRA is still the NUMBER ONE reason that we still posses our gun rights in this country.  If you don't believe this, just listen to how the anti gun LEFT whines about the influence that the NRA has. Politicians are scared SHITLESS to run afoul of the NRA, and for good reason.  Through that organization, supporters of the Second Amendment can MAKE or BREAK a  national election , and have many times.

If you are a gun owner and don't support the NRA, that is your perogative, but understand that your rights as a gun owner probably would not exist today, except for the efforts of the NRA and its members..

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I am. I've been a member since I was a Junior member. Had a little blip during my late teens and twenty's when I was chasing other sorts of 'big game' but found my way back.

Other type of big game? Fat Girls? lol

But yes, i am a member and will probably become life when i have more money.

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I am a Life / Endowment Member. But, truthfully it is not the organization I remember of 40 years ago. If I had the option to join today, I probably would not. They went from a grass roots hunting and shooting organization to a High Paid Lobbyist Washington organization - too extreme - lost touch.

i second this....they just seem to align themselves with some of the wrong people. some of their recent freedom rallies were just alittle too much.
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