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2 hours ago, Chef said:

So do you think he will run again in 2024 and if so what does it say about the Republican Party if he wins the primary

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I have a better question Chef . What does it say about the Democrat party for voting for this brainless incoherent weakling incompetent fruitcake we have now for President and his cabinet of some of the dumbest assholes on earth that should all resign immediately . Especially WOKE Blinken. He is not WOKE. He is asleep at the wheel like Biden. They probably share a bunk bed room down in the White House basement. 

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Im assuming you’re serious. One of my best friends was a die hard liberal and has the same sentiments.  He has swung to the other side cause he said the party has gone bananas. 

Same here. I have friends who were Dems until the left went so wacky they are sick about it

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1 minute ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

I believe you know there is an actual human prescription of Ivermectin , right ?

This happened in NY and these families fought and won in NY Supreme Court to have their loved ones that were dying on ventilators get doses of it. They were dying and it saved their lives.



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16 minutes ago, SportsmanNH said:

I believe you know there is an actual human prescription of Ivermectin , right ?

This happened in NY and these families fought and won in NY Supreme Court to have their loved ones that were dying on ventilators get doses of it. They were dying and it saved their lives.



Starting with the very first sentence you can tell that your article is suspect. That’s not how science works. If someone’s about to die, sure, authorize what you will as a last ditch effort to save them. Perhaps the drug will rescue them. Perhaps they’ll die. Or maybe they weren’t going to die and hopefully the drug won’t interfere with recovery.

There are clinical trials underway to test the efficacy of this drug and  others. Let’s see how they play out before offering miracle cures that lure desperate fools into taking animal meds or idiot doctors into prescribing them. 

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2 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

Starting with the very first sentence you can tell that your article is suspect. That’s not how science works. If someone’s about to die, sure, authorize what you will as a last ditch effort to save them. Perhaps the drug will rescue them. Perhaps they’ll die. Or maybe they weren’t going to die and hopefully the drug won’t interfere with recovery.

There are clinical trials underway to test the efficacy of this drug and  others. Let’s see how they play out before offering miracle cures that lure desperate fools into taking animal meds or idiot doctors into prescribing them. 

But the prescription version of this drug was not animal meds. Its been given millions of times to save peoples lives in Africa and South America. And the human version that was administered to those that fought to have their loved ones get it in these court cases is batting 1000 . In the charts in that article I believe it showed that it saved 86 percent of the patients that were deathly sick and on the verge of dying. But you are right. You need the clinical trials to test the waters before diving in . But it sure would be a plus if it was proven not to be just plain coincidence . 

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45 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

Starting with the very first sentence you can tell that your article is suspect. That’s not how science works. If someone’s about to die, sure, authorize what you will as a last ditch effort to save them. Perhaps the drug will rescue them. Perhaps they’ll die. Or maybe they weren’t going to die and hopefully the drug won’t interfere with recovery.

There are clinical trials underway to test the efficacy of this drug and  others. Let’s see how they play out before offering miracle cures that lure desperate fools into taking animal meds or idiot doctors into prescribing them. 

Making another post because I didn't add the link to the studies and trials already performed or are still in process . Now some of you guys in the medical field would be able to decipher what the charts show better than me , a real estate developer and builder. But if I'm not mistaken , these charts from 63 studies show a strong benefit to Covid patients both preventing Covid and curing patients that have advanced sickness.


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4 hours ago, SportsmanNH said:

I have a better question Chef . What does it say about the Democrat party for voting for this brainless incoherent weakling incompetent fruitcake we have now for President and his cabinet of some of the dumbest assholes on earth that should all resign immediately . Especially WOKE Blinken. He is not WOKE. He is asleep at the wheel like Biden. They probably share a bunk bed room down in the White House basement. 

Its the medias  fault really and big tech you know  if you type in  idiot in google images search trump comes up lol 

How can you compete with that much media corruption that  they even messed with the image search on google .

So your average guy who does not really watch much news or even understands  how they are being tooled around just goes with what ever main stream media says half the time .  They only put out story's  that help the side they want to win most the time. Biden is just so much of a clown they have trouble covering up for him. If  people really were getting the whole story on this guy and his crack head son  his poll numbers would be 0 % .  The number 2 and 3 Nancy are just as bad . 

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8 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

Starting with the very first sentence you can tell that your article is suspect. That’s not how science works. If someone’s about to die, sure, authorize what you will as a last ditch effort to save them. Perhaps the drug will rescue them. Perhaps they’ll die. Or maybe they weren’t going to die and hopefully the drug won’t interfere with recovery.

There are clinical trials underway to test the efficacy of this drug and  others. Let’s see how they play out before offering miracle cures that lure desperate fools into taking animal meds or idiot doctors into prescribing them. 

  You talk. Suspect???   And you use CNN as your go to?  Perfect!

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Dudes an idiot! I’ve yet to talk to anyone that thinks some people shouldn’t get the shot.

If you’re old, have other health issue, are fat, etc I think you should get as many shots as you can!

I haven’t gotten it because I’ve had covid and think the risk of not having the shot and getting it again is smaller than the risks that come with the shot…

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Dudes an idiot! I’ve yet to talk to anyone that thinks some people shouldn’t get the shot.

If you’re old, have other health issue, are fat, etc I think you should get as many shots as you can!

I haven’t gotten it because I’ve had covid and think the risk of not having the shot and getting it again is smaller than the risks that come with the shot…

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+1. The vaccine is a great option. Keyword option

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Honestly how loose is the FDA’s definition of a vaccine if you need a booster every 6 months and it doesn’t stop you from contracting and spreading the disease. What efficiency numbers are acceptable? It seems as if this is a new screwed up new definition of a vaccine at best. Anyone with a link to the FDA’s definition of a vaccine.@Biz-R-OWorld does this make any sense to your brother. @knehrke you seem to be very informative on this subject any insight on the history of the FDA’s definition of vaccine.

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Honestly how loose is the FDA’s definition of a vaccine if you need a booster every 6 months and it doesn’t stop you from contracting and spreading the disease. This seems as if this is a screwed up new definition at best. Anyone with a link to the FDA’s definition of a vaccine.[mention=871]Biz-R-OWorld[/mention] does this make any sense to your brother. [mention=654]knehrke[/mention] you seem to be very informative on this subject any insight on the history of the FDA’s definition of vaccine.

A friend who is a DR explained it to me. And what he said is they should have been more upfront from
The beginning. When they give two doses like that up front so close together it is not conducive to lonh term immunity but is for fast immunity. So they took a gamble that getting antibodies in enough people fast could slow the pandemic. They always knew a 3 more spaced out dose would have to be given for longer immunity they just didn’t know how fast it would Wayne.

This is from a friend not media or anything

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