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Live From The Woods 2022 Turkey Edition


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We're close to mid-season already as sad as it is to say. What's the consensuses for everyone? Normal season, quiet season, active season?

I don't have a great history on the property I hunt so it's hard for me to determine, but it seems the activity has been less than last year. I've had gobbling and yelps, but only eyes on 2 birds. 

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7 minutes ago, Belo said:

We're close to mid-season already as sad as it is to say. What's the consensuses for everyone? Normal season, quiet season, active season?

I don't have a great history on the property I hunt so it's hard for me to determine, but it seems the activity has been less than last year. I've had gobbling and yelps, but only eyes on 2 birds. 


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2 minutes ago, Belo said:

We're close to mid-season already as sad as it is to say. What's the consensuses for everyone? Normal season, quiet season, active season?

I don't have a great history on the property I hunt so it's hard for me to determine, but it seems the activity has been less than last year. I've had gobbling and yelps, but only eyes on 2 birds. 

hunted 5 days so far. I believe only heard gobbling 3x maybe 4 but did lay my eyes on birds each day. Few gobbles on roost and a couple sporatic on the ground. Only came close once to hooking one. Haven't really even played with one yet. Pretty sure I'm only on one bird and 2x now hes had 6-7 hens . 

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25 minutes ago, Belo said:

We're close to mid-season already as sad as it is to say. What's the consensuses for everyone? Normal season, quiet season, active season?

I don't have a great history on the property I hunt so it's hard for me to determine, but it seems the activity has been less than last year. I've had gobbling and yelps, but only eyes on 2 birds. 

Better than the last two years here. I usually don't get to mess up as much

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I'm done w/Turkey. Didn't even hunt NY. Ohio is a one-bird state this year for the first time and that took three days.

4/30 Day 1 Spot 1 - Heard one gobble, and an early shot from the area the birds were coming from. Nothing seen through Noon.

5/1 Day 2 Spot 2 - Preset blind was in the game. Got in, and had four gobblers around us (like a five on a die - us in the middle). One lone tom looped in and wouldn't cross the wire fence 60 yards out, but he put on a show before moving off with storm coming. T-storms came in that were brutally bad and we toughed it out, but no other birds after that storm. A ton of gobbling pre-storm.

5/7 Day 3 Spot 1- No gobbling. One hen at daybreak. Tom and two big jakes around 7:40 completely silent. Buddy and I doubled up and done.

Got two monster toms still on cam at Spot 2 and Spot 1 has birds showing up randomly at various times. 


Edited by phade
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Different route. Off fields in the woods. Damp out but not bad. Using the glass today, soft talk and even flapped my hat around. Geese down in the marsh, song birds are nice, crows yapping but Neary a turkey sound except me.



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39 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

Had a hen meandor down grassy field to 20 very quietly yelping while another was yelping off my shoulder at 50-75. Had 4 deer off same shoulder at 10-12 yards.  Only songbirds singing now. 

Always enjoy your Turkey hunt play-by-play. 

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