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So 70 something days into the season I took my first deer of the year... Wow.. tough year.. saw nothing but young deer all year during legal hunting hours... Finally, this past Sunday, Deer #11 of the day came up and was a good one... 130 lb doe, shot at 45 yards, T/C Pro Hunter, 110 grains of Blackhorn 209, 250 grain bonded T/C shockwave... Spent the year trying to get my wife, son and friend deer... Got everyone deer, now it was my turn!!!!5 points
Why I carry a Gun I don't carry a gun to kill people. I carry a gun to keep from being killed. I don't carry a gun to scare people. I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place. ... I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid. I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world. I don't carry a gun because I'm evil. I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world. I don't carry a gun because I hate the government. I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government. I don't carry a gun because I'm angry. I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared. I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone. I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon. I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy. I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy. I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man. I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love. I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate. I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate. I don't carry a gun because I love it. I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me. Police protection is an oxymoron. Free citizens must protect themselves. Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess. Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take an ass whoopin'See More Write a comment... !4 points
4 points
There was an armed guard in the school - but the libs ain't gonna like hearing that... http://www.ijreview.com/2013/12/102056-armed-school-guard-at-arapahoe-high-prevented-further-loss-of-life/ Matt Vespa | On 16, Dec 2013 Why did the tragic school shooting at Arapahoe High in Colorado only last 80 seconds? An armed guard was on the premises – and the only fatality from this horrific event was the gunman. As the Christian Science Monitor reported on December 14: As they investigate the latest school shooting in the United States – Friday at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo. – one thing is clear to law enforcement officials there: The presence of an armed deputy sheriff on regular duty at the school was the key factor in preventing more deaths and injuries. As soon as he heard the first of five gunshots, that officer and the two school administrators he was talking to raced toward the commotion shouting their presence and ordering students and staff to follow the school’s lock-down protocol. As a result, Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said at a briefing Saturday afternoon, the heavily-armed shooter [Karl Pierson] realized he was about to be confronted by an armed officer, and he took his own life. Although it may seem like our society is becoming more violent, gun violence in America has dropped almost 40% since 1993, according to the Department of Justice. Sadly, school shootings will happen regardless of public policy. And the fact that schools are “gun-free” zones makes them easy targets for criminals seeking to inflict harm on innocent Americans. So, are armed guards the answer? It prevented further loss of life at Arapahoe High. Newtown adopted armed guards in their school district after Sandy Hook. Last January, a majority of Americans were comfortable with the idea – and that sentiment hasn’t changed.3 points
A very good friend of mine was involved in an attempted robbery last Friday at a mall near Rochester. It was an attempted robbery because he pulled his Colt 45 and diffused the situation. When the police showed up 10 witnesses came forward and told thier stories.My friend was not charged with anything . The would be thief was handcuffed and taken away. The woman who was about to become a victim ended up as a witness. This one ended well. If every citizen in the US were armed there would be 99% less crime. Stand Tall, Fight Back3 points
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That is seriously wrong on all levels. Don't you think all animals deserve an ethical kill? There'a a couple of things wrong with what you said. First off anybody who does this is by no means a hunter. Also, it is a fact that coyotes cannot be eliminated.2 points
That's funny. You mean the ones with the insurance company collars they traded turkeys for and where stocked by men in black suits at night?2 points
Rather than one long and continuous deer season, in my opinion it would be cool to give the deer a break much like Illinois does with their second season. Is there a down side to stoping hunting for a week or two and then starting up again? Might be something the majority of hunters could agree on? Just curious because something we never hear about in NY.1 point
I thought they were flown in by helecopter, along with the black panthers and mountain lions.....1 point
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2 Thanks all! He went about 10 yards. Biggest buck I have ever taken.1 point
I forgot I had this old photo of Reuben Cary with the "Last Adirondack Wolf", killed in 1893 on my family's property. As mentioned earlier it was DNA tested in the last 10 years or so and was shown to have Red Wolf genes, similar to the Algonquin Wolves of Ontario. It doesn't look any bigger than the coyotes we have there today.1 point
Here is the buck I took at 8:00am this morning. The wind for this location was wrong for the hunt, and I knew it. But I placed my three scents containers out and then emptied my scent bottle around the tree I was in. Hoping it would bring in the big buck. At 8:00am he came sneeking in the brush 60 yards from me. One shot from the muzzleloader and the buck was down. I could not believe what just happened......Dez Hunter1 point
Snowmobilers want an earlier oping if anything. They aren't giving up any time and have a huge lobby.1 point
we have one here in pa. and it is one of my favorite seasons nobody in the woods that time of year you can also use archery gear in pa.i don't think you see it in ny. due to the snow mobile season and trail system in ny.i think it would be a good thing .1 point
Split, put a small silica gel packet in your Black 60. Any moisture will be taken care of.1 point
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Glad to see you making that change - with the amount of work you put into your ground - its time for you to reap the reward personally (moreso than now).1 point
with some of you hunter and huntress couples I thought it would give you a chuckle.1 point
Yes, a lot.. since the mid 60's. A lot of land that I hunted has houses now, but there's still enough to hunt. Long Island is no where near as it was when I started, but you'll find and get game. My first hunt on Long Island I decided to try one late morning, so I went to a Dept. store, bought a 12 gauge goose gun , a box of shells and drove east and hunted. I had hunted upstate only before that and this sure was easier...and no 25 cent toll on the bridge. I assume that you don't want to include waterfowl. Remember, watch for the ticks!! .. So Now, mostly squirrels and crows.I love to eat squirrels and only eat crow figuratively, but people eat them I call red fox, in my special secret spots, but never shoot them. There are a lot of reds, but you have to find good spots ( I got great photos) . I also hunt pheasants and a few times a year with a friend and his beagle, I hunt rabbits. Both are tough, but doable without a dog. The coop at Rocky Point and Otis Pike stock pheasants usually every week ...The last week of December, they supposedly let out the remaining birds, so we used to try to get there then. I never verified that, but it was good to think that anyway. I used to see a lot more quail, and do see them "sometimes" I hunted raccoons with hounds for a number of years on Long Island, but don't anymore. I have also hunted raccoons in the daytime, on sunny days, by searching tree tops for "coon fur". Not overly effective, but I've taken a few with #4 high brass like that. So there's plenty of them.My good spot for that is now gone.. It was great for squirrels too, and no one really knew it was s good spot. I want to eventually call coons in the daytime , but so far can't with my mouth calls. I'm looking into a mouth call now that'll supposedly work. Most do it with ecallers (see daytime coon hunting on youtube if interested), it looks really good, but they come at you pissed. I've squalled them at night when treed and they turn and have even come down the tree at times, but that's not what I want, .I don't know if that interests you, but it is out there to learn and do. I saw lots of 'possoms(old smiley), but didn't shoot them. I used to see grouse in a spot on 25 near Ridge, it was known by some for getting shots at grouse, but don't see them anymore.. And I THINK that there is no season on grouse.. You'd have to check that. I prefer small game because it requires less time than deer and it's easier to skin and butcher. I can pop into a spot that I like hump around the woods, and/or fields and get stuff. When I used to tan skins for making things and mounting it was easier to do smaller game and I had more room to display.... For making things, feathers and fur for flies, and lures, and skins like squirrel, and coon for maklng pouches and things. It took less breaking then deer to soften.(I don't know if you're interested in that). My wedding ring holder at night is a pheasant foot standing up.(looks weird, but I never misplace my ring.) As far as spots, the best bet is Otis Pike and Rockypoint. The problem is that some days you have to wait on line to get out. After DEc. 31st. During the gun deer season small game is only open on weekends...Feb. is still good for some stuff.... Double check that if you are planning small game Jan. There are a couple of tidal wetland spots that you are permitted small game, but only a couple, the others are for waterfowl only .Get the permits, they are free, last for 3 years, I think,and you need them to hunt the coop for small game after the check station closes .( I gather that you know that you have to check in and the other procedures from Nov. 1 thru Dec. 31) There's a spot in Yaphank that guys used to hunt, it's mainly for bow deer hunters. There lots of squirrels and crows and quail there.Years back, I got thrown out of there by a Deputy sheriff on the North side of the tracks, but was told from guys here that it's ok on the other side.. You'd have to check that out, I'm not up to date on that spot.. The place has lots of deer, and , not that it'll do you any good, but a sh$#@# load of Turkey(s) too, some guys here, 'll probably chime in on this. I just woke up so my brains foggy, there's probably more, but for now that's all I got. I hope it answered your questions1 point
I share a driveway with my neighbor. it is mine, but we share it. He works different shifts, so if I am out I do it and vice versa. My daughter and her soon to be husband bought the house across the street. Sunday when I had the snow blower out, I called them and said get the vehicles cleared off and I will be over. Well watching the bills was the priority so they did not bother. Well after t he game, they did and she called and said they were ready. My reply, I was done a while ago. I sat in the warm house and watched them shovel. I told him cone and get the snow blower and do it. I guess I pissed him off because he shoveled it all I bet next time they will clean them off when I call.1 point
Ya I am a little confused on why you are confused. There is no grey area it is written clear. Like Shawnhu said you have to read the whole thing you cannot just read one sentence, it is clearly written as to what you can and cannot do in areas where hunting with a rifle during deer season is prohibited.1 point
Made it out for the last 2 hrs today I didn't see anything while in. The stand but while walking the trail back to the truck I seem a doe and while turning the power on my scope she took off. O well I got a deer with the bow and muzzle loader this year time to clean the car out this week and put all the hunting stuff away for a while1 point
I'm in, that's all we use anyway and I could use an extra couple of weeks.1 point
Two best deer I have taken were with a homebuilt cap-lock I assembled from parts ordered here and there over time. Sold that gun and its one of two I regret parting with out of a bunch that have come and gone. I still have parts for a one or two more; just need to find some time to get another back together. Have some sweet tiger maple stocks for a flintlock long rifle sitting around and most of the parts, need to order a barrel. Hope your idea catches on.1 point
Tooth dissection can be done anytime as long as you keep the jawbone.. it is the only sure way to know the true age... tooth wear is very good but the type of food that the deer are eating can make a difference in the tooth wear possibly giving a less that accurate reading after 3.5 years1 point
I don't ride although would like to own one someday. I do know plenty that do ride, but don't hunt and wait till the seasons over to run the trails. I always appreciated that. End of the day? There's plenty if time to kill deer in NY. We already have one of the longest seasons. But one thing is sure, you'll never please everyone.1 point
Sweet buck! I had to do a double take......your "Freak" reminded me of a shed I picked up with a similar split g3! I wonder if they're related,lol1 point
Count me in. I would need another rifle, always a good thing1 point
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I miss the days of the primitive season even if I was in a tree to hunt. I sure would like it again, but the reason it went away was all about money. when inlines scopes and any projectiles were added more people get involved and spend more money on privileges. Plus the bow guys will complain. I know you did not start this to have everyone rain on your parade. but the days of old ways is gone. At that time of year the older guys who would like to do this again would not bother due to the weather involved at that time. If I were to tweak it, I would include it with the current privileges and if you have a tag left have at it. Plus getting real black powder is a chore also, at least in my neck of the woods. I would allow substitutes that were loose, no pellets. Here in the north, we have two ml seasons an early one the week before regular season and the week after. I drag out the 54 renegade with 90 of ffg goex patched round balls for those two weeks. I keep my inline for regular season1 point
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Might be a good idea to start gun season earlier an have a week break in between.1 point
I guess you could just decoy, but calling while doing so will greatly improve your odds. Calling doesn't mean you need a $600 FOXPRO either. You can pick up a hand call for $15 or you can just lipsqueak. That's where you sorta kiss the back of your hand to create a squeak. I've kidnapped a few of my dogs squeaker toys and stole the squeaker bulb out of them. She has so many that she doesn't care! lol1 point
Sportsman/trophy. The hunters on here and those I know in life that brag about numbers? Meaningless to me. I love the hunt, the woods and the experience. Tags filled or not. I pass many deer looking for my trophy (quality over quantity) but I will still fill my freezer. I still consider any bow kill a trophy. However I focus on bucks. A gun kill has never been too impressive to me.1 point
I've always thought it would be good if there were a few days to a week between the end of gun and the late M/L season.1 point
land.. He is in my avatar but here is another picture of him from opening morning of the south. I think its from the Big 10 I missed last weekend of bow.. Buck Fever... But a clean miss and good news is the season is over and no one claimed to have gotten him or another we called the freak so they will only be bigger next year!! We never were able to catch the Big 10 on camera but I have also included a picture of the Freak1 point
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You're lucky Mr Big didn't wind you and come push you back to your vehicle.1 point
I doubt it fits your budget for money or time this year but in the future there are some great hunts to be had down south. I hunted Alabama a couple times in mid January and had a blast. Relatively reasonably priced hunts with liberal bag limits and friendly folks. You're a young guy and putting in the time and effort now to get your life started in the right direction. You will have plenty of time in the future to fill plenty of tags!! If you do make it out here in NYS in the next day or so, good luck!1 point
Didn't want to go through all my stuff so here are some of my better works.1 point
its hunted on and off as i have a lot of property, but it is hunted bow gun and muzzleloader. one year in 3 days of gun there were 6 gut piles under it ...lol deer keep walking thru. opening day my friend sat it and had his buck at 730am, put his son there at 3pm and he had his buck by 330. you dont have to hunt it hard the deer are always there a few hrs and you see deer .. just a question if its a good shot or if you want it.1 point
Tagged out, #8 on the season... 1st ever late season bow harvest 5th with the bow this season. Great ending to a great 2013 NY season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
my best stand(was replaced 1x already from portable to permant, and was rebuilt this year) has yielded 63 deer in 18 years 22 of them being antlered buck, it is a triple funnel, 2 natural movement and 1 pressure, sits at a convergence of 3 habitat types(swamp,hardwood, and apple brush) at the top of a ravine. is now a permanant stand 22 feet high between 2 trees. is both an effective gun and bow stand.1 point
My by far best spot was actually my father's old treestand. He built a wooden treestand along the side of a hill that looks down onto a big level wooded area, that was in 1980. Right when I started hunting he told me that this was the spot I would be going to from now on. I have to thank him a lot because at this location is where I shot 3 of my 4 deer. For 33 years this spot has been consistently one of the best in the area and I'm grateful that my father passed it along to me.1 point
I'll tell you wan, Vince. It's much better to kick yourself thinking about a shot you should have taken then it is to kick yourself thinking about a shot you shouldn't have taken.1 point
I remember him Shawn. Steve if your challenging me don't, my parole condition is not to search/ stalk anyone again. 2yrs and I will come knocking Lol1 point
While the .410 is capable of killing both turkeys and pheasants, it can be difficult to find a gun/choke/ammo combination to do so. A better choice would be to look for a Remington 1100 semi-auto in 20 ga.1 point