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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk45 points
I shot a nice fat spike tonite....Made a nice 250 yard shot...Made me feel just a little better after missing a much closer shot on a much bigger buck the second day of the season.... Mort and I still had a wrestling match trying to get him in the truck....Two old men trying to get a limp deer up on a high tailgate.....Hehehe... I am going to rig up a come along or future use, so I can just winch 'em on... Got my meat for the season, but I still have two DMPs ...I may take another to can, and I also have an old fishing buddy, Handsome Howie, who would gratefully accept a deer ....35 points
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk32 points
I harvested a doe this evening. First deer of the year. Better late than never! It was a treat to take my 3 year old boy on the retrieve. In other news, after a few test shots, I determined that my shotgun shoots as good as ever after the infamous tree stand fall last week.23 points
I'm out mooching around for a doe, my hope is to take one with this ML my dad bought me. It's never killed. I'd love to take a doe with it before season ends Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro21 points
So I was in the stand by 6:45 this morning, there was about 5 inches of snow on the ground so no need for a flashlight which was nice. I started seeing movement about 7:15 about 100 yards below me, a few does moving into a stand of mature pines, then a few more. I have seen virtually nothing since opening day of gun so I was feeling good about this. A few does here and there meandering though the creek bottom kept my attention for the next half hour or so. Out of the corner of my eye I catch a big doe trotting up the hill to my left, I have no idea how she got there, or where she came from, then I see a deer behind her and put my scope on it, its a buck!. I see the rack and move the crosshairs to the shoulder and let 'er rip. It looked like he dropped, I think... The doe is standing 75 yards to my left, unalarmed, looking over her shoulder at where the buck was. I put the scope on her but decide not to shoot. I sit tight for a few minutes while she feeds her way up the hill a bit more. I climb down and find the buck right where he was standing. I recognized this buck as the one we called the "the crab claw buck" I have pics of him 30 yards from where I shot him. He broke off half of his split G4 (?) on his right side since the last video/pics. Really cool buck. It was quite a job getting him dressed, out of the woods and into the truck alone. I have never really cared how much a deer weighs, but I just may go grab a scale, this one seems very heavy! I also found two beds in the snow within yards of him, I am wondering if he wasn't bedded with that doe only 75 yards from me and I never saw them?19 points
15 points
BBD Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk13 points
This morning me and the wife loaded the 3 kids into the mini van and surprised them with a weekend trip to NYC to see the christmas tree go ice skating visit the 911 museum and other things. They were all very excited.9 points
I thought of another option possibly ,just hear me out, is swapping the wife out for one in favor of trigger locks an option?9 points
I am covered up in deer. Just got back to the stand to get my gear and 5 more standing 75 yards away. That makes 17 seem so far Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk8 points
That I did, , My Good Friend, using a reload with one of the casings that you so generously gave me.... Deer was at 250...Rifle was zeroed at 2" high at 100, which should put it right on at 250...Bullet hit right where I aimed.... Thanks again, Dave !!8 points
I just got another negative from Monday, so I faded this thing. Am I a better, stronger man than those that contracted it opening weekend? I'll let the forum and history decide. But for now I'm EXTREMELY thankful I didn't get it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro8 points
Very happy to have this guy hanging. Been an interesting season to say the least, but I will not be eating a tag. This Franklinville ridge runner made my night with a little help from my Savage 220. 35 yard poke. Didnt go 20. Great set of loins on him ! Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk8 points
Butchered tonight, turns out I did hit him the second time I found both slugs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro7 points
hehe, came in for lunch and to see if anything walked past the cameras during daylight and to catch up here and had to laugh as I read "I'm covered up in deer" (Congrats on a great looking buck!) after my text exchange with my brother this morning who is 60 miles away.... (emojis removed) bro: What exactly does a whitetail deer look like"? me: Their tails are completely bright white and four feet long, they stand 7 foot at the shoulder and have one very large eye in the middle of their head. bro: are they indigenous to the area? me: Yes, for many, many years... the curious thing is that they have developed a defense strategy whereby they burrow underground beginning the 3rd Saturday in November each year (called a scrape) and cannot be found thereafter! bro: Fascinating! I'd love to see one. me: but aren't you worried about your "perfect season" like the 72 Dolphins and maybe Steelers this year? ... and on we went... his perfect season is that he shot the only deer he has seen since opening day, I got a buck with the crossbow so we have meat and are still having a blast.6 points
Warmer than I thought it would be this morn. Out to give it a go.6 points
Saw this moose driving back to camp in the moose river plains recreational area about 8 miles from inlet5 points
Out with the 30-40 krag cmon deer!5 points
Congrats ! And what a generous man you are, to give your friend the meat. There must be a line of guys waiting to get your meat, how lucky for handsome howie. Tell him I said hi, when you give him the meat. Hehehehe Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk5 points
Bacon wrapped colossal scallops, spicy mayo on top for the appetizer. fresh ahi tuna steaks with jalapeño avocado glaze on top. Cooked rare of course. Scallops were delicious. Having a few more cocktails then starting in on cooking the tuna. Ill be sure to post a money shot of that.5 points
Jalapeno cheddar Venison sausage. 20 pounds in the freezer and 60 pounds of various sausage coming soon.4 points
4 points
4 points
Buck inner lions with@Bionic cow massage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
4 points
Was dealing with a smart buck this morning. Everything felt great this morning, like it was going to be "the" morning. It's the first time I felt this way this season. I've passed several small spikes and a one antler deer more time than I can remember at this point, but knew there was a nice one in the area. I settled into my chair the ground at around 6:45am, and snugged in watching the hillside above me and the hemlocks below. At about 7:30 am I watched two small does walk down the hill in front of me, and they milled around by the hemlocks before going in I assume to bed down. It has always been a popular being area for deer. At 8am I was still primarily focusing on the same spots but occasionally peeking down into some think stuff below and to my right, another popular pass through spot for deer. And, just as soon as I cast my eyes in that direction I caught a huge body deer cruising through the thicket below me. His body looked 3 times the size of the does, and I just knew immediately it was a buck. Then caught sight of his rack. I never paid any more attention to the rack because I knew he was a shooter , and instead smoothly got in position to shoot. He was about 60 yards down hill and going to pass broadside. I could have poked a shot trough the berry bushes but instead chose to wait until he was going to be directly side ways to me and in the hard woods where I could get a clearer shot. I put my rifle in his direction and watched him go behind a tree about 22 inches diameter, and waited for him to step passed the tree and into my scope. And I waited, waited, waited, thinking when are you gonna step out, but he never did. I never saw him again, I never heard him run or spook off. He just disappeared! At 10 am I had to leave to go with my wife to a doctors appointment, so on my way out of the woods I examined where he had been when I first saw him, and I followed his tracks. That son of a gun came out of that thicket and walked sideways up the hill just below me and from where I last saw him, looking up hill you could see my chair clear as day. He must have either seen me move, scented me, or just knew something was not right, because all he did was stop walking at that tree, turned, and walked right back down the hill to where he had come from. If I had just once pointed my rifle back to where he was coming from on that side of the tree instead of focusing on where he was going but never went, I would have still had an open shot at him. This chapter ended with him wining, but I think considering he was not scared off there is more of this story to come.4 points
Just dropped a load off. The anticipated turn around will have it ready for pick up at the end of January! Worth the wait though. I ended up getting mild slim jim's, dill slim jim's, maple breakfast, blueberry maple breakfast, texas style hots, and smoked jalapeno cheddar sausages. My wife's going to freak when I show her the bill!3 points
My wife came home from work and saw it hanging in the garage...”I guess that’s going on the wall too!?” Ahhh yep. She is awesome! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Hope springs eternal. If only it was jackalope season.3 points
3 points
Heck.....with the season I'm having, I may as well walk mine out to ya!3 points
I think you may have a misunderstanding of what you are allowed to do with a buck based on the doctrine of "prima nochte". But you do have rights if you choose to exercise them!3 points
Just read something interesting in the regs that may allow me to take a third buck. A primitive weapon gives a hunter the right of prima nochte to the buck tag of any other hunter in the area. If I shoot a buck I can simply walk over and demand their tag. Decorum states that they bring it over to me but that seems to have been lost in history Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro3 points
Ha, I was looking for Bisquick to make those sausage and cheddar muffins and did not have any but I found a 3 year old box of those Red Lobsta mix above. It's only a couple years past the best used by date...what could go wrong!! Guess I will find out this weekend!3 points
My daughter ordered this book last night on Amazon After I mentioned it at the dinner table I guess I’m getting a new Christmas present thanks guys can’t wait3 points
Beautiful morning to be out... nice and overcast. Hunting out of my 3rd different ladder stand with the same results. Still haven’t seen a deer. Plenty of turkeys , ducks and squirrels though. The top left hand corner you can see a cubby that I’ve used in the past. Tomorrow’s forecast calls for a rainy day..... wish it would snow. Best of luck to those who are still hunting.3 points
Yeah but I don't think he was worried about getting it thru his belly button.3 points
I'm shooting a Rem M700 DBM Mountain Rifle that I bought in the early 1990s....It has always been very accurate and grouped around 1" off the bench at 100 yards with the two loads I have used in it, the first with a Nosler 140 BT and my current load with a Barnes 120 TSX... The only factory rounds it has ever seen was a box of Rem Green 140 that I bought for barrel break in and to get some brass.... All I can tell you about factory load availability is that before the current situation, I used to see plenty of 7-08 factory loads in the gunshops....It is a very popular round here in southwestern NY and central/northwestern PA.....Lots of folks here on the forum shoot it and like it...3 points
3 points
I disagree with the length being a problem. Majority of gun hunters are out of the woods after the first weekend and maybe thanksgiving weekend. Most of the deer shot during firarms season comes from opening weekend3 points
Hahaha, I have a office as well. I may try to do something in there in the future... I’ve discussed ventilation, insulation, Leather furniture and cigars lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
12/3: dad hunted dark to dark and saw nothing. I returned to 3S with bow to check cam. Hunted 245pm - dark. At 330pm i saw 5 does/fawns (see screenshot of video I took). I watched them for 10min and then 10min after that a young 6pt came through nose to the ground following their exact route. Then at 420pm right before sunset a red fox came in. It came in quick and was under me at under 10yds. I waited for it to get a little farther out to draw and not see me. I stood up out of my chair took 2 steps and drew. The fox stopped and I shot. I aimed center mass. I heard a “pop” and it trotted away slowly. I felt good on the shot, checked my arrow and not much blood on BH or shaft, but the fletching had blood so must be a pass through. It got dark quick but I was able to follow the trickles of blood through a bunch of blow downs. I thought each time it would be there. After 150yds I hit a swamp with deeper water. Figured that was a good spot to stop in the dark. I’ll go back tomorrow to pickup the blood. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro3 points
My Good Buddy Mort is arriving at 2:00..We'll be in my tower from 2:30 until dark... Season is getting short, and I don't have any meat, so I'm ready to drop the hammer on a decent doe or one of the smaller bucks I have been seeing on almost a daily basis.. Today would be a good day to do it, since I'll have Mort there to help me load one in the truck..3 points
Beautiful afternoon. Almost overdressed til the sun starts to fade I am sure. There is a 99.9999999% chance I won't see anything. But it is also 99.9999999% better than working.3 points
3 points
Very happy. Not my biggest, but probably biggest rack in 15 years. Decided I'd cruise the hillside this morning, wet leaves and very little wind. On my way down the first long stretch of logging road my bootlace broke. So about 15 seconds into retying it I hear something very in squirrel like. Look down towards the sound and there he was. Gun up, he's standing behind a tree. Steps out after a minute, off goes the gun, down he goes. Shot went in the left shoulder and out the right low run cage, diaphragm intact, not a morsel of meat ruined, heart was just obliterated. Happy! Took a couple hours to get the quad down close, and then hoist him out if there then back out again. Little dicey, some side slippage getting out. The hill drops 1000 feet in half a mile, and that stream bed is deep on top of that.3 points
I respect the fact that you admit to selfish elitism as your reason to oppose the crossbow. I am quite entertained by the compound shooters who claim to oppose it because they want to preserve a tradition, etc.2 points
a bit of a bust with regards to seeing anything last night. But my first sit in 9 days and it felt good to get out. Of the 3 properties I can hunt, we're seeing very little daylight movement on cams and even nocturnal movement is minimal. A lot of the big guys have gone MIA as well which means they're really hiding or they're dead. Man I hate gun season.2 points
A pile of Blaser barrels and a single stock takes up hardly any room. Just sayin'. First thing you do with a gun safe, remove those racks and buy gun socks.2 points