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How many deer have you collided with?


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Was driving to meet a friend for fishing yesterday in Orleans County and had the unfortunate run in with a fairly large doe that dented in my passenger side fender and busted the side view mirror and few other dents. I just bought my 2008 Honda Civic 3 weeks ago and to say the least I'm not very happy, there wasn't a scratch on the car. The deer had a not so good fate, as it rolled off to the brush on the side of the road. Maybe it will be dinner for some coyotes. Now its the deductible I have to come up with and find a body shop. That was deer number 3 for me that seem to like running into me in my driving career. How many times have you had deer run into your car or truck?




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I've hit (or they hit ME) three. 


The first resulted in no damage.  The second was about $1200 in damage and no deductible because it went under comp?  The third happened last year on opening day of deer season :angry:  after sitting for 10.5 hours in a stand.  I was on the way back to my uncles cabin and drilled a fawn with the front end of my Tacoma.  she/he flew into the ditch, got up and hauled azz off into the woods.  Cracked the front plastic bumper and I haven't done anything about it yet.........


You couldn't count the near misses though.............................................. B)  

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Cars or body?...2 with vehical...no damage,wheel wells....4 with body...2 fawns have bounced off my legs...one doe ran into me turning me around  and a buck jumped a hedge row and landed on me....That one cost me 3 days of hunting..


Oh one goose flew through my wind sheild ...another with it bounced over roof...sent me to hospital and did over 3 thou. in damages to the van...

Edited by growalot
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I have hit two in the past two years. The first, I hit with my cousin's car. She wasn't too happy, it raised the hood and smashed some stuff up pretty good. The second, I hit with my dodge. Just crossed its head into the steel bumper. Nearly missed her! The ass end swung around and slammed into the side though so I had a good size dent there.

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Oh one goose flew through my wind sheild ...another with it bounced over roof...sent me to hospital and did over 3 thou. in damages to the van...





Wow, that could have easily punched your ticket to heaven.

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Went many years without hitting one and then hit 3 in about a year and a half.


One with a Toyota Tercel... A few hundred dollars damage..Deer ran off.


Another with a Ford Explorer..Cleaned off the driver's side mirror. Deer ran off.


Third with the same Explorer...Deer was still alive but immobile.. I was on my way gobbler hunting pre dawn so I had Mr 12 Gauge to remedy the problem.  Had to replace a grill..


I once had a rabbit bounce up in the air high enough to wipe out the grill on a Ford F100.


Hit a cow with a Volkswagon Beetle once.. Cow ran off and I had to replace the front quarter on the VW.


I've also hit 2 hawks and 3 owls...No damage from the birds of prey.


One owl was carrying a muskrat..Could that be considered a DOUBLE ?...

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I.seen a guy.in a s10 pick.up hit 4 deer at the same time a little over a year ago what a mess I.ran.over to.make sure he was ok we tossed the deer to.the side and he got into.his mangled truck and dive away

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I was almost always driving my 40 miles to work in the dark, so I became pretty good at spotting deer before any collision could occur. However there was one morning when way up the road, I watched the headlights of an on-coming car blink as the guy nailed a deer. As I approached, I could see a deer flopping in front of his headlights. So I pulled over to see if I could be of assistance. Before I could get out, the deer got to it's feet, ran way out in a hay-lot in a big circle and came right at me. Bam! ..... right in the side of my passenger side door. The poor old Datsun took a hell of a hit and the deer bounced off and ran away. The car wasn't too bad off, but looking at the site on the way home in the daylight, I did notice a nice outline of the car in rust on the shoulder where I was parked. 


I had one other occasion where I stopped along the road to look at a nice buck in a group of five. Eventually they all scattered, but the buck ran right at my Honda CRX. He nailed me in the side of my passenger side front fender. He backed up and then jumped over the windshield and went on his way.


So I don't hit deer, they come after me.


I did hit a pig once and killed it........lol.

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Early 90's, traveling on Centerville rd., Allegany county at night, during rut. Darn doe runs out to "greet" me and my SUV, runs parallel with me for a few seconds, then runs into the right rear of vehicle. Lucky that was the course the doe took, as opposed to a head on collision. Only encounter, to date...wanna keep it that way.

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Zero....knock on wood. Waaaaay too many close calls though. I drive about an hour thru hills of 20A and Rte 77 to hunt deer and turkey. Had to stop 4x one morning this year on way to pursuit thunder chickens. Once I stood on the brakes. 2 years ago on deer opener I almost hit a monster bucks on the way there and on the way home. Nice shooter bucks. Keeping the hi beams on and head on a swivel has helped I guess. Hope my luck doesn't run out !

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Went many years without hitting one and then hit 3 in about a year and a half.


One with a Toyota Tercel... A few hundred dollars damage..Deer ran off.


Another with a Ford Explorer..Cleaned off the driver's side mirror. Deer ran off.


Third with the same Explorer...Deer was still alive but immobile.. I was on my way gobbler hunting pre dawn so I had Mr 12 Gauge to remedy the problem.  Had to replace a grill..


I once had a rabbit bounce up in the air high enough to wipe out the grill on a Ford F100.


Hit a cow with a Volkswagon Beetle once.. Cow ran off and I had to replace the front quarter on the VW.


I've also hit 2 hawks and 3 owls...No damage from the birds of prey.


One owl was carrying a muskrat..Could that be considered a DOUBLE ?...

Laughed at the cow/Volkswagon Beetle  Glad you prevailed in that one

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While driving along a country road in pennsy just over the border from hancock myself and a friend hit a pig , we stopped and looked around but being night didn't see anything we were on the way to a party at a friends house.As we pull into the driveway there was the police waiting for us the officer asked if we hit a pig and I said yes but it seemed to be ok. As he wrote us a ticket I asked how did he know that we hit it so fast and he said the pig squealed...

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