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Out Of Gas Scam


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:angry: :angry:


I kid you not, 5 times (same fat ass lady twice) in the past couple months I have had women ask me for a "few bucks" becasue they were out of gas.  One even had a gas can............Each time I have told them to pound salt EXCEPT today. 


I had just left the new cabela's and was celebrating a huge score (more on that later) by hitting Mighty Taco.  As I walked back to my truck all fat dumb and happy this young girl pulls up near me and is crying.  She says she lost her wallet at Galleria Mall, told the mall security and they couldn't do anything for her.  Her husband wasn't answering his cell phone and she was plumb out of luck AND gas.  The tears were streaming down her face and the baby in the car seat (facing rear) was getting cranky.....although I didn't see the baby's face I assumed it was genuine!


No money, no wallet, no fuel and she lived in Dunkirk.  WTF...........I told her "look it, I've seen this scam quite a bit lately and it is getting old.  I'll give you my business card and I'll snap a picture of your license plate.  My BIL is a LEO and he will run your plate and I will hunt your ass down if you don't return my money"  She continued to pour on the tears and said "they would absolutely pay me back".


Ok, I reach into my wallet and damn.........only a ten, some twenties and a fifty.  I was figuring I had a five spot but nope.  "OK, here's a $10.  DO THE RIGHT THING GIRL."


Well, what do you think?


Will I ever see the $10 again?  Was I a victim of the scam or was she really in need?  Crack whore?




Oh yea, the Cabela's deal was a smoker........I like their Insulator Trail Jacket but at $129.99 it's not love. :biggrin:   I saw it in the store the other day and noted the price then last night I checked it online...........$49.99 That IS love!!  I went back this afternoon and took it to the cashier (the place was jammed) she scanned it and said 129.99 plus tax.  I said "hang on Sally, lets check the internet price"  She did.  Then she said "when I'm on break I'm going over and grabbing two; one for my son and one for my hubby!"  Smokin' deal!  Black or puke green are the choices.  I grabbed the black.



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I hear you on the gas scan I'm sick of it also can't make it2 weeks with out some ones trying that crap. That jacket sounds like a smoking deal I was in csbelas earlier but only a quick stop for some bite hangers so I could hang a set up today I'm gonna have to go online when I get home and check that out.

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I never get the bit about folks "driving" around to get gas money . You are burning gas trying to get gas money ? WTF !





I know...........I feel stupid for succumbing to the darn thing.  I did watch her as the area is very busy so I could blend in for a couple minutes and watch her.....she DID go and get gas (at least I assume she did as she pulled up to the pump, went in and looked to be pumping......)  at Jim's Truck stop and then went west on Walden, then took the on ramp for the 90 west which is the direction she should go to head to Dunkirk.


Stupid......................... :crazy:

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I hear you on the gas scan I'm sick of it also can't make it2 weeks with out some ones trying that crap. That jacket sounds like a smoking deal I was in csbelas earlier but only a quick stop for some bite hangers so I could hang a set up today I'm gonna have to go online when I get home and check that out.


The jacket is sweet; super warm and super light weight.  I wouldn't go bustin' brush with it or you'll shred the thing!  But....it is warm as toast, light and easy on the wallet.  And hooded................ B)


EDIT TO ADD:  I think they run a bit small, YMMV.

Edited by Lawdwaz
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in the city [new york] they 're getting more brazen and clever going home i gave a dollar to two kids saying canarsie [brooklyn]football i seen the look on their face i was just took shame when real organiations try to raize money. the gas can trick is old hat

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I would have given her gas before I gave her money and I probably wouldn't have even done that sadly enough. My job has really ruined me, I have no sympathy.

Same here. I have seen too many scammers. The water works don't even phase me. Unfortunately there are so many scammers that you can't trust anyone. Right now I am waiting for a new debit card.  The bank froze mine, the other day, because 5 minutes after I used it to make a purchase near my house, someone tried to make a purchase on it 5hrs. away in Brooklyn??. I know its not a street level scam but they're just everywhere.

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I too have been down this road with my own brother.He wil call me up and ask for money gas smokes or what ever else he think's he can get out of me.I hve argued with him to many times.i am so done with people thinking it is ok to take and they could get off their lazy asses and get a job.I would feel better helping strangers than family

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I was that lady (in the man version)last weekend...we were camping 1 hour from home. Nasty thunderstorm shows up out of the blue- wife takes the three kids and drives them home at 11:30pm- I stay to pack up site and head home the next day. She takes her car and kids leaving me my car with no gas and my wallet in HER car...rolled in to a station on fumes and counted $8.00 of quarters from my cup holder and seat cushions...just enough!

Would you give me money too??? No baby in back and only a few tears!

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When do you expect to receive money?


You mean how long before I have a friend Google (code word) the license plate number?  I don't know, a couple weeks??


Then if I can get a good address I'll drop a note in the mail or call a favor in from a forum member here to drop in and get the blades.............$$$$$$$$$.


Wait, I've always wanted to see Dunkirk in September.  Maybe I'll make the trip...................... :banghead:

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