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First Day / Few Days for the Bow Season - What are you going to do?


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For the First Day / Few Days for the Bow Season what are your plans?

Are you going to take a shot at the first doe you see to get something going in the freezer or are you going to hold off for that buck you saw on the trail camera?

Every year I go through the same thing, more often then not I end up screwing myself over because I'm always thinking ahh there must be a buck hanging around these Does... This year first opportunity at a nice doe I'm letting it rip.

How about you?

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Always "the plan" for my SZ bow season, the 1st big, mature doe that comes within range goes down (hopefully). Typically try to wait until at least mid-Nov for a 2nd doe I try to donate annualy. After 1st doe the patience part of the season begins, numerous, long, boring sits waiting for that buck. Okay, like all good laid plans.... If I see a decent buck that gets my heart pounding & the adrenaline flowing, it's not getting a pass on any early season, pre-rut day. If it feels right at the time, do it and never look back 2nd guessing yourself! Have done it way too many times so I try not to set myself up for the old proverbial mind-game of sitting in the recliner during the winter with 20/20 hindsight looking back at the season and thinking woulda, coulda, shoulda..!

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I have eaten enough tags to realize that I sure don't want to let too many go by in bow season. When gun season rolls around, I become a lot more picky. Those of us that hunt heavily used state land without the benefits of agriculture in the area do understand how rare some of these opportunities can be. We understand that opportunities in such areas are not to be squandered ....lol.

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Dang, just looked up the weather for 1 st. week of October,  :heat:  Warm in the 60's. if we get that big doe for the freezer it will have to jet cut up and packaged right away. Or what we did in the past gut it and fill the cavity full of bags of ice.

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Freezer still has plenty enough venison for me in it to get me into summer again, so I wont be letting the air out of any early does this year.

I'll be a little more selective with any potential buck harvest during October as well. The best part of the season here will begin in early November and I'd hate to be sitting at home watching football while that show is going on. I'm really hoping to arrow a nice buck with the x-bow, so that will make passing the early season guys a little easier.

Didn't apply for any doe tags again this year so hoping for another two buck season when all is said and done in December. That's plenty of time to NOT have to rush things, and I get my monies worth out of my tags for the entire deer season.

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Not like the other does and fawns that move threw all of the property's in the area I have this one young ( around a year old ) doe hanging around on my property all day moving from one spot to another eating.I hope she draws the horny buck in when the breeding season starts.

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Hopefully filling an old tag or two  between 9/27 and the end of the month.  I am getting a lot of pics of nice does and a few decent bucks.  First one that walks in range will be camp meat for the fall.  If I get one or two, I will be much more selective the rest of the season.  That will be it for me until the 18th when muzzleloader season opens

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Going to let doe pass early season until the rut is done on private land, public land I will go for any doe on LI.  ADK buck only.  Looking forward to my first bow kill this year as doe are on the hit list for the first time.  Fawns still get a pass as I am a sucker for cute. 

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Depends on where I'm hunting, which will depend on wind. I have a few spots that I know will get "contaminated" by heavy hunting pressure quickly. Would happlily take a doe there. But also have a spot that I don't believe is getting much hunter attention, and I saw a huge buck there the other day with velvet hanging off. Wide as ears but really really tall. Quick glance looked like a 10 ptr. If I get the wind I'm going after him opening afternoon.

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