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For 60+ years we started to walk out of the woods 1/2 to 1 hour before sunset .Never had to trip over down tree limbs,rocks and what ever, Did the deer a favor an did not hit them with a bad shot and have the bleed for hours before they died.Did not give the Yotes and Bobcats a free meal.Been a hunter all of the time Not a Sniper with a Night Vision Scope. 

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I like the idea of leaving a half hour prior to.

I have the sunrise/set as apart of an app. So I was aware of the sunset time... However I was operating under the misinformation of "staying till dark "....

Now I'll have to cross reference the rest of the "advice" my buddy gave me against the regs...

Started suspecting a little foul play when he was hounding me to buy my 2nd doe tag off me. ( needed a reprint as the kids misplaced my first set of tags). Shredded them since then.

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And you well know that they will come up right after legal hours... :-) Then I put away my bow and This is where I track them, see where they coming from, then come back next day 30 min earlier and move up a bit. 4 or 5 days of doing this and voila you have your tracked deer within legal hours, lots of work but it works. I'm working on an 8 pointer on the state land right now, need couple more days but this darn work gets in a way :-)

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I like the idea of leaving a half hour prior to.

I have the sunrise/set as apart of an app. So I was aware of the sunset time... However I was operating under the misinformation of "staying till dark "....

Now I'll have to cross reference the rest of the "advice" my buddy gave me against the regs...

Started suspecting a little foul play when he was hounding me to buy my 2nd doe tag off me. ( needed a reprint as the kids misplaced my first set of tags). Shredded them since then.

When I first started hunting I had a person who told me the same thing "so long as you can still see your sights , take it". I wish NY operated on the half hour before to half hour rule, I would have been able to take the deer I saw today at 5.02.
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I'll admit ...I Have Not Read Entire 2 pages...that said here are my thoughts..


1) I never leave the house or camp with out going to the weather stations on line and typing in our address or zip code...that brings up not only wind directions and temps but the exact sunrise and sun set for our area.


2) I then set timer on phone to vibrate for both times...and put phone in pocket closest to skin so I can feel it.....I also wear a watch with back light.


3) I go in way before light and I usually leave way after dark....reason, well not to spook deer around the time I'm able to shoot, changing patterns.

If I spook them way before or after I can legally shoot, then I have had them come in when it's lighter out and they can see better as to what was in their area.


4) also just sitting in the stand with bow on ground un-nocked or gun unloaded isn't legal hunting ...so until a projectile leaves either it's legal to sit and see what might be in the area after the legal time is up.   I have made a lot of decisions over the years based on that..and taken some nice deer the next day...

Edited by growalot
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1. Most states have long done away with the sunrise sunset rule. 30 minutes prior and after is acceptable.

2. I have stands in the pines where I can't even make it sunset and others near fields where I have close runs that are fine after sunset. Throw in a full moon or fresh snow and all the variables change.


Everyone in hear can act all high, mighty and moral like their sh!t doesn't stink, but there is no harm in sticking a deer 15min after legal light if you have a good safe shot.


flame away

Edited by Belo
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Everyone in hear can act all high, mighty and moral like their sh!t doesn't stink, but there is no harm in sticking a deer 15min after legal light if you have a good safe shot.

flame away

Poacher! I hope you get your license revoked for many years! No harm, but still illegal.

I could have a shot an 8pt buck easily with my xbow the other day at 530am. It was standing 30 yards from where we parked the car. But then I would always look at the antlers on the wall, knowing I cheated

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Belo I don't think anyone said their crap doesnt stink...and trying to be legal in our activities doesn't make that so either.....


I have close runs that are fine after sunset. Throw in a full moon or fresh snow and all the variables change.



Now how far are you(general use of you) willing to go with that variable? Because I have guys that hunt next to me that think it's OK to shoot when the moon is high and 30 mins into total dark...I have more than once hit the dirt when coming home on my own property because they decided...... with a good scope snow and moon shooting at a deer was OK and very close to where I was walking home I doubt they could see behind their target very far...mind you to be out there with flash lights wondering around trying to find a blood trail and not....


Heres the thing rules are put in place BECAUSE as the old saying goes " Give them and inch and they will take a mile" rings true with way too many ppl.

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Here's what I do, I go out to the stand 1hr to ½ hr before shooting time. I don't knock a arrow or load my gun till shooting time. On opening day of gun season I listen to see when I hear the first shot. I stop hunting at sunset and I am out of the stand in 5 or 10min. But there are times when I will stay in the stand longer. Like the time I had lowered my bow and 2 bucks came by chasing a doe I sat up in the stand and watched them chase the doe around.

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Not really relevant to this but Pennsylvania is 30 min BEFORE and 30 min AFTER sunrise/sunset.


Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it............................................. :)


So who's pipe is smoking that?....If it was to be mine note I said...


I have guys that hunt next to me that think it's OK to shoot when the moon is high and 30 mins into total dark.




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We all look at our watch to see what time the first shot goes off in the season, and I always hear one somewhere between 6:15 to 6:30.  Sunrise this year is 6:42/set is 4:38.  I won't shoot before 6:30 and I start packing at 4:30, out by 4:50.  I hate to see a nice one at 4:30 cause I know it'll be a tough seeing and tough tracking and have passed, but a buck of a lifetime might just change that.  Our guys on their quads don't leave the woods till dark, cause a lot of deer are moving and they don't want to spook them getting out of their stands.  I do that with bow hunting.  Just want to see what comes out, and I can't see the pins well in low low light, rifle would be a little different.  I think the 1/2 hr before and after would be appropriate, but I'd only go a few before and after at the most. Like grow said, give an inch take a mile, and I have to live with my decisions, but also have to look our other members in the face and explain to them what happened.  Not worth the stuttering and b/s.

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1. Most states have long done away with the sunrise sunset rule. 30 minutes prior and after is acceptable.

2. I have stands in the pines where I can't even make it sunset and others near fields where I have close runs that are fine after sunset. Throw in a full moon or fresh snow and all the variables change.


Everyone in hear can act all high, mighty and moral like their sh!t doesn't stink, but there is no harm in sticking a deer 15min after legal light if you have a good safe shot.


flame away

Yup im with ya and will continue untill Ny gets their heads out of...Well lets just leave it at im with ya!

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