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A longer deer season? Why not?


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From today's Canandiagua Daily Messenger



—Len Lisenbee is the Daily Messenger’s Outdoors Columnist. Contact him at [email protected].


A longer deer season? Why not?

The stories of great deer hunts and trophy deer being harvested are still rolling in. Apparently 2014 has been an excellent year for harvesting big mature bucks. There are several dozen reports of hunters taking these trophy deer from every part of our local area and that trend appears to extend statewide with emphasis on the Catskill region.

Some big game hunters are asking the question of why New York does not implement a longer deer season for gun hunters?

That is a great question because of the numerous problems facing the DEC with a (still) increasing deer herd. So here are some basic facts.

Does season length determine the size and scope of the deer harvest? Not at all.

Examples of different season lengths that have been used for decades around the country indicate that it does not. Pennsylvania has a two week regular deer season, and they routinely experience the same relative deer take year after year. And yet South Carolina hunters enjoy almost three months of gun hunting for deer.

Georgia is similar to South Carolina, with a 12 deer limit per season.

The hard and fast rules of scientific wildlife management cannot be denied. It is a given that 75 percent or more of all the deer harvested during any regular gun season will be taken during the first week of hunting. That fact is true regardless of overall season length.

More importantly, adding more hunting days to a season will not substantially increase the overall
take unless the number of antlerless permits is also increased. The buck take is generally limited to 20 percent or less of the overall buck population, regardless of season length. But the antlerless take is adjustable, based on the number of permits issued.

New York still has a deer overpopulation problem in many areas. Since the key to controlling the overall population relies on controlling the number of does, it stands to reason that adding days or weeks to the deer season will only increase hunter opportunity, and only for those hunters who still possess unfilled antlerless deer tags. Good management will still rely on the state issuing the correct number of those tags.


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What a joke that would be...Not knocking anyones hunting..Well yes maybe one guy..but as many have said on here that they did not get a deer. In an over populated state!! Yet some of us took 6.. So they could have a year around season and still would do much to lower the herd because some just wont get the job done and others will be tagged out in no time and out of the game. 


Tell good hunters they can go into a place and take as many as they want,,,Then the numbers will drop. Like thats going to happen!!!

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YAY! Longer seasons! 2 and 1/2 months isn't enough for the NY hunters to argue! Lets piss each other off even more!

Over-population? Sure! Lets get permits for the dumb-asses to shoot up the cities! That way the "gas-pumping slobs", poachers, and all the other dumb asses can fill tags!!!!!!



I'm all for it! Where do I sign up?

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I don't think they should make gun season longer??? I think they should move the season around??? Making gun season start a week early than it does, and the whole season end a week earlier ... personally I think more deer would be harvested ,if that's what they are looking for ??? I think the problem lies in some WMUs have different populations , and they differ within themselves,, just miles apart.. The urban deer are becoming a issue I don't know how this factors in the DECs numbers but must mess them up somehow ..

Just my 2 cents really not worth 1 cent ...

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I would like to see the crossbow allowed throughout the early archery season, not just the last week like they did this year. Gun season can stay the same, but a couple more weeks on the end of late ML, to extend a ways into January would be good. Working full time, it would be nice to a few of those vacation days around Christmas and New years to fill a few tags with the smoke-pole or crossbow. I filled both of my buck tags this season, but had no antlerless deer within range throughout our X-bow, regular gun, and ML seasons. I don't think I would have had to much trouble filling them 3 antlerless tags with a couple weeks added to the start and finish.

It seems to me that the 10% or so of the hunters who take 90% or so of the deer each year, are those who hunt all three seasons (early archery, gun, and late ML). Give us a little more time and I guarantee we will fill more tags, especially on antlerless deer.

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Longer season..?? Are you KIDDING me ??

This last one damn near killed me...

All that time driving around at night with a spotlight holding an AR-15 out the window....

I'm glad it's over so I can get some SLEEP !!

I prefer a Ma-Deuce mounted in the bed of a pick-up. Anchors 'em on the spot!

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YAY! Longer seasons! 2 and 1/2 months isn't enough for the NY hunters to argue! Lets piss each other off even more!

Over-population? Sure! Lets get permits for the dumb-asses to shoot up the cities! That way the "gas-pumping slobs", poachers, and all the other dumb asses can fill tags!!!!!!



I'm all for it! Where do I sign up?



:popcorn3:  :popcorn2:

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Bucks are dropping horns by middle of dec, a longer season won't help, but a week of gun then close for 2 weeks then reopen would.


This is one of the most contradictory comments I have ever read. That JD got you? Maybe some other mash? Drink up on that bourbon.

That's B/S! 


How the hell does this make sense?


Bucks are dropping horns by middle of dec, a longer season won't help, but a week of gun then close for 2 weeks then reopen would.


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It could be that we are once again over-generalizing. We are assuming that all of the state needs herd cutting. We get those old blinders on and judge everything from what we see in our own narrow local perspective and experience.


Herd size for the entire state means nothing. All it means is that it is too high in some areas and too low in other areas. You need a local population control that is geared to local conditions. So what are you going to do, establish a different season length for each WMU? It is so discouraging to hear every response to every issue as one of these one-size-fits-all solutions. You do not establish balanced herds with statewide regs. Antlerless permits are the only way to address local-ish herd size needs. That's the system that was designed to be flexible by area, habitat and local conditions.

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It's only my opinion or "Understanding" that bucks don't shed until late winter, not mid December which is the beginning of winter. Not to say that there isn't the odd occasion this could happen.

I'm ok with the season as it is.  Not fond of hunting the warmer days of early October (I still do) but that is only my preference.


I would support something like pushing the muzzleloader season off until after the new year. 

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Not going to happen. Many of the landowners that allow the snowmobile trail system through their properties will not allow access until hunting seasons are closed. Snowmobiler industry and associations are large and powerful and will fight extending hunting seasons. Southern zone is 2 1/2 months now - that is enough.

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Not going to happen. Many of the landowners that allow the snowmobile trail system through their properties will not allow access until hunting seasons are closed. Snowmobiler industry and associations are large and powerful and will fight extending hunting seasons. .

That's what they do in Vermont; where snowmobiling is BIG.

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hey wing nut i live in hyde park i have had bucks in my yard every year shed the same week every year and i have picts of this big 7 that has lost them right on time this year and yes some hold them longer i have seen them the first week in april but the mature bucks that rut hard loose them here the second or third week in dec every year

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This is one of the most contradictory comments I have ever read. That JD got you? Maybe some other mash? Drink up on that bourbon.

That's B/S! 


How the hell does this make sense?



Do you hunt late muzzleloader? G-man has a good point because the 2 weeks off lets the deer return to a less pressured pattern, like you start to see in ML season. This weekend I saw deer feeding in fields well before sunset. That is about 2 weeks since the end of regular season and less than a week since the end of ML in my area.

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I don't think a state wide regulation is the answer. In WMU's where the population still needs further reduction, they could implement a special season to address any population issues. The shedding of antlers is always a concern. Would hate to see one that made it through get tagged on an antlerless. If population is the driving force in the discussion it needs to be localized and target does.

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I would like to see a late December "primitive weapons" season. Similar the PA's flintlock season also allowing exposed hammer/nipple fixed breech percussion rifles or muskets.


Loose powder, patched roundball or full bore sized lead conicals. Iron sights.



I would go for that. Give me an excuse to buy another rifle as well.

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I don't think a state wide regulation is the answer. In WMU's where the population still needs further reduction, they could implement a special season to address any population issues. The shedding of antlers is always a concern. Would hate to see one that made it through get tagged on an antlerless. If population is the driving force in the discussion it needs to be localized and target does.


Don't they do this in LI?

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