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2015 Rut Report

Canis Latrans

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We did this last year, and I want to do it again. In this thread I'm asking people to post the rut related activity in their area in a clear and concise format. In the later phases it's important to describe the activity you actually saw, because it avoids confusion of people using terms such as seeking, chasing and peak rut differently. Over time, these threads will gather enough information specific to this state to help predict future ruts.


The below example is what I'm seeing and the format to be used. Lets help ourselves and each other better understand the rut and save it here for next year. If you are someone who has always thought about keeping a journal, but never actually write stuff down, you may be surprised at how much what you write here can help you next year. 


Area: Capital Region, around 4J
Phase: October Lull


Description: Limited movement just after sunrise and just before sunset. A few bucks are seen in pairs and begin feeding about 1/2 hour after sunset. A few rubs and scrapes have opened up in the last week. cameras show the scrapes are visited at night. 


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7A no sign of even a slight pre yet. Have seen yearling bucks coupled up. Little to none on scrapes. All deer focusing on the massive quantities of available grub and there is so much movement is minimal. I say about 10 days here and things will get interesting.

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Area: Binghamton Area, 7S
Phase: October Lull


Description: a couple trail cam photos in the past week of a couple yearling bucks in food plot the first hour of daylight, the rest of the pics are all at night. Smaller bucks doing a little light sparring at night. Almost zero sightings while hunting. Not many rubs this year, annual scrapes opened up but not well maintained.


Planning on letting my stands simmer this week since its going to be warmer again, hoping by the weekend or early next week to start seeing at least smaller bucks out in the daylight.

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woods are lit up with rubs and scrapes but all buck activity is in the dark, dont think with weather being warm for the next 2 days will help change that but im trying to remain optimistic for next weekends hunt.  Trying to decide weather to take off 2 days before halloween weekend or two days after

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9F; Pre - rut (Oct. Lull)

Younger bucks continue to scent check and harass doe groups with doe having none of it. Have yet to see any mature deer during daylight hrs. Scrapes started appearing this past week and fresh rubs as well. My trail cams are seeing a lot of activity (day/night) these past 2 days but only doe, fawns, and young bucks.

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woods are lit up with rubs and scrapes but all buck activity is in the dark, dont think with weather being warm for the next 2 days will help change that but im trying to remain optimistic for next weekends hunt.  Trying to decide weather to take off 2 days before halloween weekend or two days after


I would definitely take off 2 days after. I'm planning my vacation around November 5th

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