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How many do not take the chance?At 700 million who would not?Lucky/if you won the entire jackpot what would you do?Would you stay in or on the land/home that you now own or would you just pack up and leave.I like where I live and would invest in more land near to my place and also help improve the town.

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$700m, means like around $500m for lump sum so around $250m or so after taxes. If won alone, it's still not enough to own a sports franchise so I'm not sure what I would do. But obviously your set for life and so are all your friends and family.

At work there were 50 of us who all threw in $20 to play, so we got $1000 worth of tickets. If we win, it would only be like $5M each assuming we were only winner. If I got $5M id probably retire at like 40.

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Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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I'd  hunt and fish everywhere in the world that I want to as long as I am physically able to do it and I'd take along a few of my good buddies like my old pal Fungus Face, Lawdwaz and Miranda Lambert.

Edited by Pygmy
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I would have a nice new fishing boat!  Hunting camp and house on the water would be nice!  Just to think of the possibilities is fun.  Better chance of getting hit by lighting, TWICE!  Im in, why not.  I will be happy to split it with several people and only get a few million.  :cheese: I figure about 8 would be ok for me, ahh to dream.   ​

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I would have a nice new fishing boat!  Hunting camp and house on the water would be nice!  Just to think of the possibilities is fun.  Better chance of getting hit by lighting, TWICE!  Im in, why not.  I will be happy to split it with several people and only get a few million.  :cheese: I figure about 8 would be ok for me, ahh to dream.   ​

This was my Idea as well.Comming from a family of 9 Brothers and 6 Sisters We didn't ask for much and we and always were never without what a meal.I really would only keep enough to live in comfort and give the rest to the children and the wildlife foundation.

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Start land hunting...small semi private lake.. lots of good habitat acreage...redo sons home pay off daughters...set up accounts to pay property taxes for the rest of everyone's life...travel/ hunt with family....River's education account would be more than complete. Hire a person to say "No thank you" and just plain "No" ...help charity that really makes a difference.Invest but even more carefully than before the money. Set the kids up...but not so they WOULD stop having some job...enough they could have more choice in the job they have.make sure FIL is taken care of. Bulldoze this house.

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If I won, I buy you all the biggest dam piece of hunting grounds available in this state, FR.  Then establish an ideal habitat for different species. You would all be invited as long as you can get along with each other. Think that could work?


I think I'll just wait to get struck by lightning instead.

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In order, pay off house, cars, loans, and credit cards, then fully fund my kids' college funds, buy the RV that the wife and I have wanted for years, build of our house and my shop for the business, give a boatload to the NRA, invest a large portion of it, and take a 6-month vacation coming home just in time for bow season.

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$700m, means like around $500m for lump sum so around $250m or so after taxes. If won alone, it's still not enough to own a sports franchise so I'm not sure what I would do. But obviously your set for life and so are all your friends and family.

At work there were 50 of us who all threw in $20 to play, so we got $1000 worth of tickets. If we win, it would only be like $5M each assuming we were only winner. If I got $5M id probably retire at like 40.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You could probably pick up the Titans pretty cheap

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