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LIVE from the woods 2016 Edition! - 7th Year, lets make this happen...


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Sounded  like a shooting gallery where im at  heard 6 shot one after the other then 3 one after the other then 4 again . This morning.

Just walked back out to parking lot  tropper was  there  ask him if he saw anyone bring out a deer he said no .

Getting to hot now almost 60 .

Started the morning at about 32 .

I was Surprised that i walked  over 1.25 miles straight back in this state land and saw nobody even  though the  lot was full over  15 cars i counted .  First time on opening  day i did not run into a hunter in the woods on public land in this area . Could it be  no body using  orange any more ?   





Edited by Deerstalker
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39 minutes ago, Napping in the woods said:

Sitting about 40 yards from the Neversink River, wishing trout season was still open because the deer didn't get memo that they should all be parading past my stand today.

Bumped 1 on the in, nothing since. Only 1 shot somewhat close.

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You in the Oakland Valley area? 

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Things are kind of slow at Daddy/Husband duty Park. Drove the wife to her medical conferences (these doctors must be anti's to schedule the conference on opening day), drove home, did laundry because this guy decided to climb into our bed last night and create a scrape, bathe and fed the boy and change windshield wipers on the car. Haven't seen a deer all day. Didn't even hear any gun shots either.

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Went & hunted the Canadice state land this morning. Trucks all over the place. Got in at 6:30, shots started ringing out by 6:40 (still dark). Counted 26 shots before 7:00. Things quieted down after 7:00 and by 9:00 there were no shots at all. Had one doe come through at 7:30 doing 80mph and three more to far away at 8:05. Nothing after that. Saw a nice big 8 point that was taken on the swamp side but other than that it was pretty dead.

 Taking a couple of days off to rest and get back in the mood. From the sounds of it there won't be much rest if we get the snow they say we are.

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Heard approximately 18 shots in the vicinity.  Apparently, all the cool guys are double-tapping does with a shotgun.  No one in our group took a shot, but one guy jumped a couple.  Then some yahoo opens up with target practice doing 10 rd mag dumps! :blink:

Debating whether or not to go back out and work on my tan..  


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Sounded like the hunters son and new neighbor were having a shooting match ,just down the hill...Hope that drove some over to our place across the street. Also that they are taking out the smaller ones:wink: , one buck = one less body shooting driving the road stinking things up with kerosene heaters..ect..ect... ...I'm good with that.

I checked cams..dead,took care of animals and mail. Then repaired the canvas barn door before it snows...Now I'm headed out to sit  in one of the blinds in the rain..temps dropping fast... good luck all

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The Good Lord blessed us again this morning.   BB is hanging in the garage.   The whole family is together now in "deer heaven" (our families food supply).   Momma is on the second freezer shelf, daddy on the third, and bambi will end up on the 4th when I process him next Wed.    

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