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Nasty picts!


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These are scenes that all anti-hunters should be made to see. They seem to think that if it wasn't for hunter's bullets, all deer would die peacefully in their sleep of old age. It sure would be nice if they got to see the reality of how they likely will really die.

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  On 2/20/2019 at 11:13 PM, moog5050 said:

Got to eat but that is a tough way to go.  Poor buck.   I would guess he was injured before the attack as I would be surprised if yotes could take down a healthy mature buck but who knows.  


Most likely the rigors of rut left him in a condition of inadequate endurance for a chase. Coyotes are relentless and very good at what they do. The tag-team tactics make the buck's size and armament irrelevant. I have seen a lot of evidence that the myth of predators only taking the young and the weak is another animal rights story that only sounds nice but has very little basis in fact.

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I think it was on here, at least 5 years ago, somebody posted a video off a trail camera, of 2 coyotes doing something similar to buck down in Texas.  They'd already hamstrung him, and took turns worrying him as a team, eventually dropped the poor bastard.


Don't like coyotes.  Found too many farm animal corpses to do anything but loathe them.

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when a deer gets shot from a hunter its prob one of the easiest way a deer dies. Figure either sickness, starvation, injury, freezing or if its weak - eaten by predators.  Not thinking many die of old age or easily.  Thats def tough to see cause that had to be slow and painful.   I saw three yotes one time chasing a doe - at 125 yards and when i had a bow.  I watched them chase her alonmg the edge of a field then into the woods.  Im sure they operate like wolves - run them ragged and keep biting at them as a pack , eventually its too much. 

Edited by Robhuntandfish
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I usually get at least 1 pic every summer of coyotes killing deer.. This is close to where an average sized adult doe used to bed inside a bug cluster of mature honeysuckle on a daily basis.. She'd let you walk right up on her, then take off after you passed. Never saw her again after this string of pics..  Not sure if they gang'd up on her or she was protecting her fawn. I have several videos in the last 2 seasons where you can hear and see coyotes chasing a doe and her fawns back and forth through the woods.. day and night.. Kinda neat but a little chitty..


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I remember going to my great uncle's with my gramps  I might have been 8 or 10.  Heavey snow storm  had fallen previously.  Snow was 3 or 4 feet.  Gramps stomed on the breaks and started muttering. Jumped out of truck  snatched shotgun from back seat . I  followed the direction of the barrel  in time to see 4 dogs dragging a deer down in deep snow about 50 yards from the road .  Gramps cut loose hitting 3 dogs  drt. 4th one may have been hit . He then reloaded and finished the deer whose innards were hanging out his rear. He cussed the irresponsible  dog owners  for letting dogs go feral.  Still makes hair on the back of my neck stand on end to think about  dyeing  that way.

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  On 2/21/2019 at 1:12 PM, LET EM GROW said:

I usually get at least 1 pic every summer of coyotes killing deer.. This is close to where an average sized adult doe used to bed inside a bug cluster of mature honeysuckle on a daily basis.. She'd let you walk right up on her, then take off after you passed. Never saw her again after this string of pics..  Not sure if they gang'd up on her or she was protecting her fawn. I have several videos in the last 2 seasons where you can hear and see coyotes chasing a doe and her fawns back and forth through the woods.. day and night.. Kinda neat but a little chitty..



I got a Leg!   I got a Wing!   lol

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  • "Death by violence, death by cold, death by starvation- these are the normal endings of the stately and beautiful creatures of the wilderness. The sentimentalists who prattle about the peaceful life of nature do not realize it's utter mercilessness."  - Theodore Roosevelt  
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