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11 DAYS!!!!!!


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I'm sure you all already know this but c'mon?!  11 DAYS!!!  I already can't sleep.  I did more 'off-season' prep this year than ever before.  Not much for , but trying to improve and prepare better and better each year.  I've had cameras out since spring turkey season and let them soak since 8/1, gonna pull cards only when I hunt near a camera.  Hung 2 lone wolf alpha hang-ons in August, cleared a walking path through a creek for quiet and hopefully less scent entry and raked a path from the top of a drainage above the creek entry to my stand and a path to the other stand, got a new safety harness, been shooting my bow since May, I'd say at least 2,500 arrows this summer, paper tuned the bow.  There is junk corn planted in the field this year and found some good beds while scouting this summer that look to be used every year with well worn rubs and this and that and 11 FREAAAKING DAYYYSS!!!!  Good luck to everyone and WEAR YOUR SAFETY HARNESS IF YOU'RE IN A STAND!

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I'm sure you all already know this but c'mon?!  11 DAYS!!!  I already can't sleep.  I did more 'off-season' prep this year than ever before.  Not much for , but trying to improve and prepare better and better each year.  I've had cameras out since spring turkey season and let them soak since 8/1, gonna pull cards only when I hunt near a camera.  Hung 2 lone wolf alpha hang-ons in August, cleared a walking path through a creek for quiet and hopefully less scent entry and raked a path from the top of a drainage above the creek entry to my stand and a path to the other stand, got a new safety harness, been shooting my bow since May, I'd say at least 2,500 arrows this summer, paper tuned the bow.  There is junk corn planted in the field this year and found some good beds while scouting this summer that look to be used every year with well worn rubs and this and that and 11 FREAAAKING DAYYYSS!!!!  Good luck to everyone and WEAR YOUR SAFETY HARNESS IF YOU'RE IN A STAND!

2,500 arrows and zero appearances at the Academy? Wow!

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Only real prep is shooting my bow.  Might actually go back in the trees this year, lol.  Hunt public land so no prep needed, no camera's needed, no planting needed.  Only need is to get back into the woods!  Happy it's finally here, no sleep issues, after doing this for so many years.  Looking to try some more aggressive calling this year and possibly a new camera to video the hunt.  Excited for the season!   GETSOME baby!  

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im def ready!  Next weekend have to brush in the top of my blind right by parking spot at lease.  This year i am doing less early season hunting than ever before.  I usually take at least one day a week off thru season but only taking the 1st and then none til the 24th.  However i plan on hunting more evenings after work at close spots on the lease (groundblind) and a couple of stands.   Sneak in til dark.  But once the 24th hits have a bunch of time off thru bow.  Have to hunt some pms so I dont pace holes in the floor at work not hunting for a full week.  

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I guess I should clean my clothes this weekend and permithrin them.

Only thing I've yet to do is this year I'm bailing on the climber + backpack thing I always do. Sick of carting it all in, but I do need some room for my coffee, etc. so going to pick up a couple of the sub $10 bags they sell at walmart and look into lashing them onto my viper SD. This will be cheaper than buying the official summit climber bags.

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I'm looking forward to the opener and just getting back out there again, but I have no intentions of shooting a buck much before the rut, unless it's a hell of a nice one! I would be sick if I didn't have a buck tag for the rut!! The rut is just so exciting to hunt, knowing anything can happen at any time! It's worth risking tag soup to me.

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