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  1. Didn't get to post yesterday was super busy and don't get service to update live at my normal hunting spot. I brought a new bow hunter out for his first time yesterday. He ended up nailing a small buck. Got in well before sun up, geared up a little smack talk and made a game plan. Well maybe a half hour after the sun came up he comes walking up the path to my stand ( which wasn't in our plan lol ) he tells me he got one. So we go recover his deer. Only went about 20 yards the rage crushed em. Drag em to the camp to gut and skin him. He was so excited to get his first deer. It was a great time. He sent me a text message that I hadn't got at the time that said " I think I got one ".. Second text. " I'm shakin " lol. All in all it was a great hunt I was seeing deer within 100 yards and was hopeful to fill a doe tag but him getting one was a better ending anyway. My turn now. Figured i'd share the first note worthy story of the year. Good luck everyone.
    15 points
  2. Well my Daughter had her little girl yesterday evening , she is a little one alright ... 4 pounds 15 ounces ! The Grandmothers are all desperately waiting to spoil her and I'm thinking " Hmmm Lifetime License " ! Am I being selfish ... LOL
    10 points
  3. A doe in the freezer is better than a tag in the wallet
    8 points
  4. Got these two squaring up on trail camera! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  5. My favorite is the one where the hunter stands 50 yards behind his buck posing for a picture to make those antlers look bigger. LOL
    5 points
  6. IMO, guys should just put their bows away for a couple of days and devote the time to the kids they are supposed to be mentoring. Its supposed to be about them, not you. Suppose you shoot a deer within sight of the kid, and they dont end up seeing any other deer, then what? Think about how bummed that kid would be, its youth weekend, they are looking forward to it and then the adult kills the deer, and they end up empty handed. Not a great way to get things started for them. Either mentor them or dont bother with it. Dont half ass it.
    4 points
  7. After opening day of firearms season, all the deer in my area turn into ghosts! They are there, but not there, if you know what I mean!
    4 points
  8. Had the great idea of mowing my trail in as far as possible it makes for real quiet walking. On way in this morn I bump 1 so I stop and wait a minute or two. It only runs maybe 40 yards or so off my left and back. So I ease on about 20 more steps and boom have one blow and jump less than ten feet off my right front! Man that will get your heart rate up! This one did not go far either so I just kept on to stand. I was using a little flashlight just aimed in front of my feet during this to. With the green filter. Guess I am sneaking in quiet enough as long as they are not on my direct trail! Oh and thanks for the pictures of Amish witch ghosts in my head as I am walking in the pitch dark!
    4 points
  9. Six posts on this site, and that's how you want to start treating forum members? It wouldn't have been my choice, but I'm interested to see how it works out for you.
    4 points
  10. I've never really gotten into the lighted nock crowd because I wasn't convinced they were all that necessary. Not to mention the first set I bought about 3 years ago made my arrows fly very funky and unpredictable. Well I bought a pack of nocturnals this year after guys saying good things about them, and they shot just as well as regular plastic nocks. Well I finally got to give them a try on a nice doe Saturday evening and I was very impressed. I was able to see the flight of the arrow the entire time, and the really cool part was watching it zip through her lungs and stick in the ground, clear as day. I'll be using them from hear on out for anyone who was skeptical of them like I once was.
    3 points
  11. Just got back from a sit on the new place...I walked the entire lower and upper road with a drag then went to the balsm cool part of the woods because of the heat...Wow and what a difference the temps were there to here...here I'm actually cold low 60's...anyways the chipmonks were deafening...there has to be thousands and thousands of them. The ground actually looked like it was moving...I finally found a fresh rub cluster and hung the drag in on of the limbs then went off the trail to sit on a log next to a tree and behind a good tree to hide...I could see both sides of the trail and the upper woods where I thought anything would come from...The monks settled down until my fanny fell asleep and I had to shift...the slightest movement would get them ALL chiming in ....It was a good hunt though nothing but another abandoned stand found just 10 yrds from where I sat down,,,flip down screw in steps were all but eaten by the tree and the hang on seat was long gone and the brackets engulfed in oak....I saw little scat, but major tracts and one scrap. Oh...and it was non stop raining acorns!
    3 points
  12. You have to know where to hunt in westchester Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  13. That's my fourth Buck passed up. A 2 year old with long spikes cruised by at 7am and hung about eating acorns for a while. Not the deer I'm looking for right now. Haven't had this many Bucks under my stand ever in one season. Definitely setting a new personal best this year. Surely it's only a matter of time before a big 10 walks by !? No evening sit for me with the warm weather. I will be trying a new spot on Saturday morning though. Stand has been set all summer but not hunted yet.
    3 points
  14. I think it's a good thing that mentors are not allowed to carry weapons during this youth hunt. The most interesting part of this thread for me is how so many hunters DON'T know the rules, nor do they bother to read up on them. I bet scores of mentors have taken kids out hunting during this youth hunt and carried weapons themselves. Of course most will never get caught since DEC officers are rarer than mountain lions.
    3 points
  15. Jerkman just verified he got his test text pics. JFB is going to grab the one remaining cam I have on the way. I have to travel this coming week for work, so if you want one, you'll have to be patient with me since I'll need to be home to get these cams set up. But, I'll keep you in the loop as people can attest to.
    3 points
  16. Nope.... Q: The youth deer hunt occurs during bowhunting season. Are adults allowed to continue bowhunting over Columbus Day weekend? A: Yes, licensed adult bowhunters may hunt deer or bear with a bow over Columbus Day weekend. However, adults may not bowhunt for deer or bear while mentoring a Junior Hunter who is participating in the youth deer hunt. We recommend that adult bowhunters put their bow away for the weekend and spend time afield mentoring a junior hunter during the youth deer hunt.
    3 points
  17. if it was me, I'd write that spot off and never go back.......
    3 points
  18. I arrowed this cool looking buck yesterday afternoon. I had 4 bucks within 15 yds of the stand but managed to get drawn back and put a Rage hypodernic in this guy. He was slightly quartering towards me but I had no choice and took the first shot presented as the 8-pt at the bottom of my tree was getting a bit restless. I ended up leaving him overnight and recovered my 13-pt this morning. He's not wide but has super mass and tons of character. What an awesome two days of hunting!!!
    2 points
  19. TP as the brush hog and baby wipes as the finish mower.
    2 points
  20. wow, that just brought me back about 35 years.......those guys have long passed, so no longer a concern.
    2 points
  21. I wrap by gutting knife in a red handkerchief and put it in my right front pocket of whatever pants I am wearing. Both items were my late Grandfathers. The knife has gutted deer since the 1940s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  22. Look, you wimps can keep your shots within 30 or 40 or even 100 yards, but I am thinking that I may just get lucky with my new shooting style.
    2 points
  23. They will never be satisfied until all citizens are un armed and helpless. Only the police and govt will have guns. I hope I dont live to see that day Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
    2 points
  24. Sheesh Biz, never would have thought you'd be so easily spooked. ;-] It's like nobody here has ever seen a bearded guy with a flower basket on his head before. I won't hold my breath for the party invites.
    2 points
  25. Yea that is a common problem with lighted nocks and a hard habit to break for some, I was guilty of doing it in the beginning also. I don't use them as much to see where my arrow hits the deer (if I can all the better) but to find my arrow after the shot, afternoon sits primarily. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. And who's the idiot sitting there observing for that study lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  27. Well I didn't kill a deer but I sure as heck seen one! 65 yrds out, minimum ten, nose up in the air and looked right me and walked. Hopefully he's not spooked, because 8 more days and he's in for it! Haven't had him on camera at all either which is weird but still awesome!
    2 points
  28. Starting at about mid September and at this point of the year, my practice sessions are one arrow. Odds are that is all we are going to get .
    2 points
  29. Victoria's Secret Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. That's the ghost of deer past Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  31. Like she mentioned, to divert their travel route onto/off of her property. Up here in apple country, technology is beginning to catch up with some of the ~150yo orchards. Newer varieties of cash crop apples are replacing older, lighter producing, aged trees. Very similar to a vineyard, on trellis. Huge initial investment for these apple farmers that have had the farms passed down for several generations. Pay-back is lower labor costs for harvesting and faster, less costly spray applications. Deer will destroy these new plantings over one winter. To protect their investment, most new trellised orchards are then fenced in around the perimeters with 10' high fencing. More to the point...You wouldn't believe how far the deer now travel to skirt around these fenced-in orchards to get to the older, traditional apple orchards. So..if you build it (a food source), they will come (around a fence)!!!
    2 points
  32. because i burp or talk sh!t?
    2 points
  33. Haven't been shooting my 375hh much, but have a hunt in mind and I stumbled across a box of Remington "Premier" with Swift A-frames on line. One of my favorite bullets and much cheaper than I could buy components. Figured I'd plink off the box sighting in and maybe hunt with open sights this fall.... How about 3 of 8 not going off? Good thing there wasn't a Cape Buffalo on the other end of the barrel. LOL I'm just going to pull the rest and use for components.....re sighted with some cheapo Prvi I had laying around for now and will go back to handloads. This fits; The most terrifying sound in nature is not the roar of a charging lion, nor the whistle of a descending bomb; rather it is a click when you expect a bang. Peter Capstick
    2 points
  34. He got the landrover after he sold me his truck
    2 points
  35. Reading my posts from last year today I was complaining about not seeing any deer so went to a different property and explored and found some real nice trails way back in the woods were the hardwoods and thick stuff clear for a while and there is a solid trail like a cow path in two different spots that intersect by were I hung my stand so I guess we will see tomorrow afternoon how it is there ... nothing like new spots !!!! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  36. Adult mentor must maintain physical control over the junior hunter at all times while hunting. This means the mentor and junior hunter must be close enough to talk without the aid of a radio and must be able to see each other....................however you interpret this.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. Sad day indeed. Hence the reason I leased the landrover. Truck was ruined. Yes wildcats, the tarp is for that very purpose. I should have used it. Was only moving the deer a short distance to gut, but learned my lesson. On the bright side, I almost felt manly for a bit, at least until I broke out my pink gutting gloves.
    2 points
  39. BTW, for the record, this guy got blood ALL over his carpeted tailgate this past weekend. Should have seen him weep.
    2 points
  40. You know, I really love that rule that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" and I love the condescending tone that usually goes along with. One of these days I would like to meet that mythical person who knows everything that's in those volumes and volumes of Environmental Conservation Laws. And that would include judges, J.P.s, and even the DEC law enforcement people (and at least those people all have the law books to refer to when they are looking for a "pinch" or conviction). Yes it is true that ignorance of the law is not a legal defense, but please do not try to come across with this holier-than-thou attitude pretending that you know all the conservation laws. Nobody really is buying it. Yes, you are likely breaking laws every season that you are unaware of, so don't be so damned ready to demand the violator's first born, as though it could never happen to you.
    2 points
  41. Not tryin to ruffle feathers, but if ny wants to get youngsters in the woods why don't they just drop the minimum age? I get it for bow they need to be strong enough to have a bow set powerful enough to take a deer. But why not drop gun age with adult supervision ofcourse?
    2 points
  42. Yes, its this weekend. Saturday through Monday, and the no buck thing doesnt apply for the youth hunters. Im sure youre gonna hear all kinds of fantasies about how every mentor out there will really be out for shooting a buck and saying the youth did it. lol. Haters gotta hate
    2 points
  43. Nope, have 4 rules, 1. no shooting anything standing on the lawn, 2. No complaining if someone shoots something bigger than you as we have no restrictions on size you have made a choice so live with it, 3. There is no frying of bologna or liver inside the cabin. ( long story but it s makes a big everlasting stink that penatrate everything) 4. You may hunt out of the hottub if yourage 65
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. Basic firearms rules and I only ask to try to better yourself on the next buck you take. If you come to my camp and never shot a deer you can shoot anything. We drive 6 hours to get to camp and hunting time is limited. I take this into consideration also.
    1 point
  46. Winchester 130 grain. Old been around, proven, accurate and still fairly cheap. Use them they shoot very well out of anything including my 270. I stick with one kind of ammo for a bunch of reasons and i've never in my life had any winchester round no matter the caliber misfire.
    1 point
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