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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/18 in Posts

  1. A spike decided to make a donation to my freezer 15 mins after legal. First take with a recurve. #recurveontheground. Will post story on archery harvest thread once I get on train. No time for Ansell Adams photo, had to field dress and head to office. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
    32 points
  2. still hunting chased a doe by, 25yd shot. 110lb 4pt, nice easy carry. Couldn’t be happier! #ONTHEGROUND” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    23 points
  3. Ahhh man, I want to cry ... drew back my bow on my #1, big 10pt ... 30 yds and couldnt get a clear shot off before he took off after a doe...Man, that's the 1st time I've laid eyes on him this year ... he's put on some good mass and some height from last year! Cams only had him in velvet...now he's out of velvet ... thick, tall, tanish colored rack. He came in grunting behind 3 doe.
    18 points
  4. Took my son out for the afternoon we seen 2 had a buck bedded 25 yards from us in the thick stuff for almost 2 hrs never presented a shot. We had an 8 pt on trail cam only a few min before we got in the stand.
    17 points
  5. Out for an early morning sit prior to work in 3G. Situated at a pinch point in a rock wall overlooking hardwood flats. West wind and about 50 degrees. Hunting from the ground pinched between two trees growing next to a rock wall. About 10 mins after legal, heard rustling to the east and figured squirrel. Then saw movement, nice bodied young deer. Spike with slight fork on one side. Unfortunately, dead in the wrong spot with the wind. He made his way to the pinch point and pauses. Licks his nose heavy and worked the wind. I knew he would wind me. Looking dead at me but no clue I was there. He continues to work the wind and then smells me. Tail up and turns, slow run off back where he came from. Stops and looks over his shoulder, then walks 90 degrees parallel to me. Slowly moving, nosing through the leaves and munching on mast. I wait for him to step behind a tree and draw. He moves forward, completely broadside and I bleat to stop him. About 10+ yards away. Relax, let the arrow go, hear the arrow hit him and pass through. He kicks and runs about 50 yards, then slow walk off along a ridgeline. Watch him walk off and mark the point of visual loss. Uggh, I am thinking miss, liver or non-fatal hit. Gave it 30 minutes before I looked for arrow. Found the arrow embedded in a rotted blow down. Heavy dark blood. Uggh, liver shot. On the fence on what to do. Let him sit and search later or push him. I go back to point of impact. No hair visible, track is clear but no blood. Uggh again. Decide to leave him be but walk along a ridge that I can glass back where I lost him. Sit down on the ridge and hit the binos. Spot white belly. Dead deer. Go back to the point of impact and trace his trail. Not a spot of blood visible. Spike is stone dead when I get there. Very little blood outside his body or in bed. Body cavity was filled with blood when I field dressed him. Liver was shredded. In hindsight three mistakes. I'd love to tell you the deer turned on the shot and that's why I hit back, but I'd be lying. First, mistake was target panic, I aimed for deer and not a spot. Second, I pulled the shot and had poor follow through. Third, I didn't follow the arrow and confirm point of impact. I am fortunate and grateful for having taken and found the deer quickly. It was my first recurve kill and I have plenty to learn. Deer is hanging, cavity packed with ice and ready for skinning quartering tonight. Not a p&y but a trophy to me and will provide good food for the family. Many thanks to Moog for giving me advice on getting started with the recurve. I probably will bring out the crossbow to fill doe tags, but bring the recurve back out for regular season. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
    13 points
  6. My son and I both had deer on the ground 200 yards apart, 10 minutes after getting to our stands on Sunday morning. It was the most amazing thing, we arrived lated, bumped 3 on the way in and didnt even have time to really get settled when the action began and texts started flying! I shot a doe and he arrowed this this big 8 at 22 yards, nose to the ground hot on the trail of the few we bumped only a few minutes before. I swear it is the fattest heaviest buck I have ever seen, taxidermist is keeping the jaw to age it. His first words were “oh man thats an old deer!” My son said he was shaking so bad, like never before and thought for sure he would blow it, but pulled it together! I couldnt be more happy for him! For size reference, he is 6’2” 220... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    12 points
  7. You didn’t notice the big buck turd I left for you too?
    9 points
  8. Live from the living room Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  9. Your smile in the first pic holding him is the most important measurement there is
    8 points
  10. Hey guys... I am curious as to what you think my deer would score? I did not put a tape measure to him and to be honest I’m not really sure I would know how to without looking at internet videos. Honestly, his score doesn’t really matter as he’s the biggest deer I’ve ever taken and I’m more than happy with. Just more of a curiosity thing!! Thanks! Hope the pictures help.
    7 points
  11. I met Moog. He's nothing but a thief. Don't let him get too close to you or stuff ends up missing..... And he litters. I witnessed him throw lead in the woods. Unreal. You people think he's sooooo great. I know the real Moog ! Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
    7 points
  12. Chased a doe 15 minutes later and walked 18 yards by my stand looking for her ! Dunzo
    7 points
  13. Opening day Nov 3rd 8:05 am. 50 yard shot w/ Barnett whitetail pro STR; rage broadhead and headhunter 22" arrow. Dropped in his tracks. Young 7 pointer but my first attempt at crossbow hunting.
    7 points
  14. I got my first crossbow buck yesterday morning. A basket rack 8 point around 8 am. I was on the ground sitting in a blow down watching a squirrel when the squirrel took of running down the hill. I looked over my left shoulder and seen horns coming through thick beech brows. I picked an open spot 30 yards and when he stepped in he stopped downwind and stared right at me. It was a quarting toward me shot. I took the shot and he took off running in a circling direction and out of sight. I waited for my buddy before tracking. We found him dead about 100 yards from the shot. I was disappointed to find the mechanical part of my hybrid broadhead didn't open but the placement of the arrow got if done. The broadhead was a bloodsport, and the crossbow is a Barnett doa rated at 385 fps.
    6 points
  15. so good news . i took the bring a case of beer and venison hot dogs. stopped by his house. introduced my self. we talked for two hours. he has been hunting that hill since he was 14. he is 61 and has squated on the land as far as hubting. absent land owner. he just claimed it as his own. been running everyone out for years. so long story short he understand we bought it. gave me the keys to the chain locks he put on the access ways. going to take out his stands. still does not explain why he was an asshole but left in extreamly good terms. told me where he hunted. showed me 3 140 inch bucks he has shot there. also gave me his cell phone if i need help tracking
    6 points
  16. First buck from our own land not the big one i saw Saturday but it means more than antlers to me
    6 points
  17. Skipper doe. Bad shot, deflected off a branch and hit way high. Spined her, and put another through her. Would have liked that to go a little more cleanly, but she's hanging and the 2018 rust is shaken off.
    6 points
  18. Got it done today in 8H after a slower than normal season. He came right toward my treestand from upwind. Turned sharply at 15 yards and gave me a perfect quartering away shot. Double lung with a rage... he ran about 75 yards and I watched him drop.
    6 points
  19. Just sat 5 hours without a phone. Wow was that brutal. Lol
    5 points
  20. Thanks Moog. I owe the you a lot for your advice getting started. I wouldn't have been able to seal the deal without your help. Just need to learn how you grow bigger bucks than what I see around me. Thanks for all your help. Much appreciated. Doing it from the ground was a big thrill, though I know that isn't your cup of tea. Heart is still racing 4 hours later. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
    5 points
  21. I used to do that a lot, but now he won't stick his neck out..<<sigh>>...
    5 points
  22. She needs to push herself away from the dinner table! That's really odd! Thyroid issue, it's not her fault... Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  23. Back out for afternoon sit. Saw a new scrape on my way out this am. Freshened up field edge scrape with tinks. Gonna sit overlooking field 35 yards from scrape. Put some tinks behind my ears, I'll keep my back to the tree. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  24. Gotta say....that moog is a "dang" good guy! Not many here, that he hasn't helped with advice or encouragement. Well.....except for Biz........grin.
    4 points
  25. Good sized lone doe about 50 yards out, lots of tacos just walked out of my life
    4 points
  26. Sweet...what gas station? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  27. No chance #fromtheground (beat ya too it biz)? Wife just granted me permission to hunt tomory until 10am...that's 11am last week time woooooooodogggieeeeeee. Thursday I'm setting a big double ladder/blind combo on my lease for my dad by myself gonna be workout straight up a north face.
    4 points
  28. This doe was pushed into this big tuft of tall grass/bamboo by a six point as I was getting undressed at the truck. I calmly got my bow from the backseat, went around the back and got my release from my pack, walked around the front of the truck and got ti around 20 yards. She was hard quartering away so I shot just in front of her hip and got about 18" of penetration. She went a ways and the blood trail was terrible, her intestines plugged the hole. Sodfather came out and helped me track and it was a tough one between very little blood and the woods being soaked. Also the yellow maple leaves with the bright red splotches were a MENACE. I was glad he could make it and owe him big time. Shes a big girl, pic straight on doesnt show it. I have way too much stuff in the way of my scale but I'd bet shes 120+
    4 points
  29. Since I’m likely the only meteorologist on this forum, I’m gonna do this thread with updates every day or two. We probably won’t know for certain until next Wed or Thu (11/14-11/15) because of the active pattern we are in.
    3 points
  30. Taking a break from walking around up on the mtn in 4L. Missed the morning hunt; wife’s got a cold, so I’m helping her get the boy up and ready. The boy was a ton of fun this morning, so that time flew. Woods still not showing any sign of opening up. No scrapes, No fresh rubs. The leaves on the doe travel routes are laying flat, nothing’s kicked up, and no hoof depressions. This oak flat on top of this ridge is dead. No beds, no sign of browsing. The freshest sign seems to be in the pines, along the creek, but this west wind makes it tough to hunt that. Got to think of a place to set up soon, but it’s real fine sitting here... I'm all thumbs when using Tapatalk
    3 points
  31. A great investment is lighted knocks. Lumenok or similar. Much easier to find the bolt. Well worth the price.
    3 points
  32. Update - 11/7 for 11/17. Because we are 10 days out and in an active pattern, there is significant model uncertainty for next Saturday. The models begin to disagree starting next Tuesday, in fact, with a few models having 6-12” of snow for CNY, Capital Region, Catskills, and Adirondacks. Other models have this as an only rain event. So that will be something to watch! After that, most models are in agreement on some sort of trough/low pressure system moving over NY Friday and Saturday. Some models have this system with temps in the 20s/30s, other models have it in the 40s. All models have some type of precip (rain or snow), cloudy skies, and light to moderate W/NW winds. So overall, it does look active/wet for opening day, but there is so much model variability that when I look at the models tomorrow they could have clear skies and ridging/high pressure. Stay tuned.
    3 points
  33. I hate all day sits. My phones about to die I have chewed 2 cans of chew and ate my two sandwich’s and it’s only 11. This is why I like hunting big woods and hate civilization. This sucks I’m going still hunting till dark! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  34. I would sit right on that spot all day. I have seen that happen 3 times and it was like a parade all day long. The same smell that brought both of those bucks by you on her trail is still there. any other buck that crosses her path is going to hop on those train tracks and end up right where that 8 pointer was.
    3 points
  35. Moog - are you messing with me? Found another buck rub 10yds from my spot that wasn’t here on Sunday. The past 2 years all the rubs were in same spots. This year they are all right my spots, literally 10-15yds. But they missing the cameras and I'm not seeing them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  36. Same here Larry. Over the weekend and on monday, I saw a number of bucks. Every one of them were just cruising alone. By this weekend the chasing will be in full swing! The first hot doe's will also be ramping up buck activity big time! Saturday is the 10th, what I call the "magic day". Looks to be right on time this year!!
    3 points
  37. I'm happy to see this pic. Seems the last dozen or so posted pics in this thread were "archery" equipment with scopes on them
    3 points
  38. And a doe at about 120. Thought about the Biz lob in but realized I am just a crappy ny hunter.
    3 points
  39. Buy now. With Cuomo and both houses under Democrat control the Safe Act 2 will dwarf the first one. Only hope is that with the US Senate picking up Republican seats SCOTUS Nominations should be easier. So keep your fingers crossed that Ginsberg doesn't make it 2 years and we get an even bigger cushion.
    3 points
  40. Could hunt this morning as work at noon. Not raining but still quite windy. I’ll swotch out daughters turkey barrel to slug barrel and go to the range to dial it in instead. Tomorrow looks good anyhow
    3 points
  41. You ,may want to knock some holes in those stone walls, they seem to keep the deer out . Live from my bed .
    3 points
  42. Just a thinking if this was myself what would I do?Yup I would move my stand/blind nearer to the edge of my land and Hunt more your not breaking the law just using a Dumb ass neighbor to do it for ya.This world is full of A..holes last I knew.I have an agervating neighbor that lets his dogs out and they do their duty off in my yard then while cleaning up yard i get shovel and toss the poo on his drveway/walkway
    3 points
  43. Was a nice afternoon for a change. Was happy at this point just not to go home wet. Got a warning on cell of a front with hard rain and small hail possible just as I was getting out of stand. Even sat there without a jacket for a while. Didn't see a damn thing but it was relaxing and better than work. I'm off tomorrow to my spot in 6S. Hoping for some action. Tonites view on lease in 7F.
    3 points
  44. It would have been fantastic to do all that, then throw some mud on his truck.... Lol Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  45. Here we go! Now this is why I visit this forum lol classic
    3 points
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