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8 points
Ruben's must be in the air Had great day yesterday. Spent the morning with the family while some Venison Pastrami was in the smoker. I grilled some Rubens for dinner7 points
Just wanted to show these off and brag about my stepfather some. Tom's newest hobby is a little leather craft. He's been showing me bits and pieces of his work the last couple times I've visited. I found the old knives in my cabinet. They were my grandfather's knives that I'd saved years ago. Neither had a sheath so I asked him to make me some. I stopped by today and he was proud as punch to give these to me. He even thought to dig through my camping gear stored at their place, find my hatchet and made a cover for that too. Tom will be 75 in a couple days. Don't know how he's made it the last 25 years being married to my mother but I he's a survivor! Thanks again Dad.5 points
While waiting for my two mounts to come back from this past season I decided to get some old fence post and make a base to hang them on instead of the wall5 points
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4 points
Time to update for 2021 turkey season scouting and beyond! Hope all your woods times, are good times! Will need a Mod to pin this.3 points
3 points
Typically it was used in a procedure called an “Addadicktome” back in the 40’s and 50’s. They command a very good price on the secondary market.3 points
Tonights Early Dinner before work. Found some beautiful imported pappardelle at Pellegrino in Albany. So I made Pappardelle Bolognese with venison sausage and fennel.3 points
Corned venison Ruben sandwiches, good god these turned out so good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Get our stock here, http://www.fingerlakesaquaculture.com/ Good guy. Nice fish. Get your minnows established first. We submerged some pallets about 3 feet deep with longer legs on the deep side to level them. Minnows reproduce on the bottoms. Ours is spring fed, supports rainbows.2 points
2 points
I don't think deer age gives a confidence index with results vs matson lab but if a deer has been eating off a corn pile all year or there's really mild winters like down south CA analysis sometimes doesn't work well. Cementum deposit rings are harder to make out. Doesn't seem to be that abnormal. It's a good idea to pull both sides if you see it has an abcess or compaction to make it favor a single side giving it uneven wear. Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk2 points
haha pulled some cameras yesterday. This sums up my squirrel hunting season pretty well2 points
Lot of inference to draw from a one second in time photo.....2 points
2 points
Alive and free? LOL! After the govt sics the military on it's own people, you will feel free? You will find your face under a jack boot forever. That is the mindset of people from NY, but not from people in most of the country like the south, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico and many other free states. The law won't help you either, because it's not going to hear any cases regarding gun rights. They will be gone. And they will be taken to make you comply with everything the left plans to force on you from there on, because there won't be crap you can do about it then. People who believe this fight will be an open field battle between the military and Americans are clueless. And I don't believe the govt thinks that will be the case either. That's not even close to the method that will be employed by Americans who refuse to be "RULED". Besides, not all of the military will follow unconstitutional orders from tyrants controlling the govt, and most veterans will not side with the military when the govt comes after them. This leftist government is about to start the most vicious uprising in the history of this land, and it's not about disarming everyone, it's about total control of disarmed citizens. Over in about an hour? It will never be over, until every man who wants to be free, or every tyrant is dead. Any war against gun owners in this land will have NO Rules of Engagement. Wish good luck to the gun owners who comply in the hope these tyrants will leave them alone to cry and moan in the future, because it won't.2 points
2 points
So its between 2.5 and 9.5? Seems hard to argue with that. Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk2 points
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Checked the two totes tanks yesterday around noon. The first had barely 15gal. Checked today around 3PM, and the first was full, and the second had 50gal and the sap was flowing fast. Temps were dropping fast, so I don't think the second tank will gain much. I'll collect in the morning, and start boiling as soon as the head tank is full. Figuring we'll have 450+gal of sap. Tomorrow isn't supposed to get much above freezing with the high winds. So probably not much sap flowing Tomorrow.2 points
My buddy makes a banging venison Ravi with ground meat. I have made venison brociole and really enjoy it. I also like venison sausage in tomato sauce-adds something Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
Was a beautiful night, saw a few rabbit eyes glowing but that was it. Found that my blind that made it all fall and winter blew away, so I sat there in the chair a lot more exposed than I would have like, still no return vocals so nots sure it mattered. Went back for a hike and prep work today and found it about 800 yards away hung up in a hedgerow, looks to be undamaged too.2 points
2 points
I thinks it's great idea too. The useless still spend the money and they make my earning power go up. Stoner at work complains he hasn't received a raise in 5 years. I asked for more money after 4 months, and I think I could have pushed for more. I'll take it right out of his wallet.2 points
Did a little hike and cooking today in the woods.2 points
If you just stand against a tree and dont move deer will walk past in bow range ,movement makes them skittish.2 points
Friuty and hoppy. All I can say about it, is that I miss Genny. That is hard to find out here on the West coast, where I am stuck all week. I thought this might taste like Ruby red kolsch, but no dice.1 point
I understand and my comments weren't personal or judging. I just like to gauge where people stand. I am sure we all have different tolerance levels. I am sure there would be some point where that it would be worth it for you. On the same coin but a different side though I also don't like to see those that have a far less tolerance level rerated either. Personally I think it will come to armed conflict in tis country. It might be far down the road but it has to come. There is no way we can maintain the "everything for free" culture. It isn't sustainable and when those that have come to expect and depend on the handouts lose them, I think it will the their side that draws the blood. That will not bare out well for them becasue of the amount of arms on the other side. I believe that is the real crux behind the lefts disdain for guns. It isn't about the gun violence.1 point
that's fair and I don't disagree. I just used the term for ease of use. You're right though in that it's misleading. On a side note, I do owe some of my 30 rd mags and cool ass knives that I've since lost to those shows. Wish I bought a boat that didn't sink instead...1 point
So 20 of my 50 options for GPRO just sold for 225% profit. Triple up and some more. Still got 30 options left to see what happens Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro1 point
looks like clint eastwood guy is tall1 point
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I showed it to a biologist friend and he said minimum 5.5 but it has unusual wear like it had been broken jaw at one time or something else was going on with it1 point
1 point
Believe me, I've been super frustrated as the state and counties all HAVE plans in place since post 9/11 for safe, and equitable distribution of medications in mass. These plans we designed with every possible detail taken into consideration and practiced numerous times since drafted by county health and emergency personnel assigned. The state and governor (king) wholly disregard these plans and created state run PODS (points of dispensing). This created people double booking appointments, people driving hours out of their county to secure vaccines, and people spending countless hours online securing appointments and those not "tech" friendly were left out... Burns my blood......1 point
Well now that it's almost " Ice Out " everywhere I keep looking for the guys whom post on Craigslist about getting rid of their Ice Fishing Gear .... it's about that time !1 point
Agreed I’m a sauce purist and I guess since you shared I will share my secret recipe. Start with olive oil very good olive oil and lots of chopped garlic. Sauté the garlic till it’s just starting to brown on the edges ever so slightly... throw in a few hand fulls of chopped parsley... stir fast for one minute... deglaze with two cups of white wine and reduce by half. Now for the important part. Use Pomi tomatoes... one box of purée and one box of chopped. Take a whole red bell pepper and poke holes all over it with a fork.. drop in the sauce. Slowly being the sauce to a strong simmer. Let it simmer for 10 min.... turn off add salt pepper and sugar to taste. With the bell pepper sugar should not be needed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
@Trial153 There you go, we were just talking about venison and sauce! Looks great!1 point
1 point
Nothing! Hunted 7pm-130am, 8 stops no yotes. Saw 2 fox and alot of deer. Wind was pretty brutal, might try one more time next week.1 point
I am already seeing a lot more turkeys around with the snow melted off the fields. Looks like a good start to the season, but it's going to be a long wait until May 1! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk1 point
Whatever CRAP is in any one of these bills now or coming up , I can see that the Supreme Court is going to be a very busy place at least for the next 2 years.1 point
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I'm not sure it's the right thing to do for everybody. I'm 65 and I have had the virus. Tired for a week with aches and pain in my joints with a mild fever of 100 degrees. Lost taste and smell for a month. Changed diet and took vitamins and zinc. Lost 15 pounds due to lack of appetite. Look and feel better now than I have in years. I know about 7 friends who've had the virus and feel them same as me. We all agree we've had flu symptoms in the past that were far worse. None of us is getting the vaccine. Rather let natural immunities build up and keep us healthy. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? I for one have never gotten a flu shot in my life. But I have always been very healthy, hardly ever getting sick. I'd rather take my chances with the flu then with something the government concocted to inject into people. Some of those flu shots killed people and a recent report from the NIH was just squashed because it said years of flu shots may be the reason for the increase is alzheimer cases today. I don't see this virus as a deadly threat like the plague. I see it as a virus that is far less deadly then most think it is. I'm concerned we don't know what the problems with the vaccine may prove to be.1 point
Put the plow together today. Seems pretty sturdy, def heavy. Those plastic wheels might not last but can get some better ones at TSC if need be. I think it should work for all we need. Looking forward to it.1 point