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Back tags/do you save them ?


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I used to keep all my old filled "paper tags" in a photo album on the same page as pictures of the deer that wore them.

Now that I don't develop many pictures any longer due to digital image storage, and the crappy new "rubber tags", those new ones aren't as collectable to me any more, so I find them laying in paper piles everywhere around the house.


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Back in the late eighty's and 90's when I was at at college (note the rules were different then) I would leave my previous tags with my dad so he could pick up my new license as a buyer's agent.  That way when I got home from college late on a Friday, I would be good to grab my gear and go hunt with him Sat. morning at first light.


Still have most of my old tags around - keeps track of how many season's I hunted.  There is a about 6 years that I didn't hunt since my first real hunt at around age 11.  Moved away after college and had no place to hunt (or safely store a firearm) for a few years.

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Honestly, if you save them and put them into an album like Biz-R-O described above, maybe it makes some sense, but otherwise I really think collecting them is kind of silly even though I collected a good many myself.  For my old backtags, along with my winning smile, I might be able to get .02 cents at auction.  LOL




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I have a string full of carcass tags,the old paper ones .

I have a ton of the old paper license ,the ones with the stamps you had to sign across, often I signed on each side not across ,to persevere the stamps .yes a roll of the dice.

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When I saw this thread I was glad to see I wasn't the only whack job that kept too much crap............ :)


When I moved into my current home in late '91 I started to hang onto most but not all spring gobbler tags I filled.  Some birds were cleaned at camp and tags probably tossed but if I killed a bird that was dressed at home I saved the leg carcass tag and put it on a hunk of wire and it hung by my work bench.  27 tags, most all are from NY but a few from PA too (no fall birds, I've only killed one here in NY)...........




As far as deer, it appears I started to keep them around 2004 or so and once again, they ain't all there.  I counted 31 that were hanging in the shed.............




I do have some of my old back tags, dating back to my first year of hunting 1975.  Good memories!



Edited by Lawdwaz
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