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The 2015 Season is Creeping Up Fast, What is your game plan?


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The 2015 Season is Creeping Up Fast!


What have you been doing to prepare?


What is your game plan for 2015?


I'll be honest. I started a new job this year, actually the first "new" job in 15 years.  So unfortunately I have not had the the time off to spend the time I wanted to in the woods the past 6 months.  Next year, when I have PTO I will. On a positive note, I do have time off in October, paid time off, which I will be spending in the woods... 


In short, this  year, I'll be sitting in a few different stands, especially the stand I took a beautiful 8 during rifle. The first buck I have took in a long time. I'm heading to my property in 2 weeks to plant two small 2 acre plots with clover and wheat.



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Hey a few days in the woods hunting is better then not hunting at all. You have to look at it that way to keep from going crazy. It is sneaking up really fast.


My main plan went out the window. Bow broke and a loss of local public land put me in a different direction. Bought a rifle. So I will probably only be hunting private land in a buck only WMU this year. I may still apply for a DMP for an area in the SZ, but the summer is pretty booked up now and trying to get time to get out there and scout really isn't in the cards and I hate hunting blind. ESPECIALLY on public land with a bunch of other hunters in there.


Preparation: So far only picked up a few tarps and some cloth to put over a couple of the natural blinds I built last year. Will be up there in two weeks to get that set up and get a bunch of fire wood stocked for a late October deer hunting/camping trip. Going to walk the areas deer were in last and see if the are still moving in the same areas and walk other areas to see what's going on. Hoping to get a ladder stand and get that set up over looking a small swamp that is about 100 yds from a bedding area. I also want to try and get permission to hunt two other areas that border by buddies parents property. 


Plan: Get that permission, scout as much as I can, make sure my sitting spots are ready, and the weekend just before opening day get out and make sure the rifle is still on. I really don't want to shoot a spike, but, if he's a decent size he will find a new home in my freezer. I also want to do a lot more still hunting ( that's what I was taught it was called, walk a few feet, stop and look for a while, repeat ) this season.

Edited by ....rob
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  On 7/25/2015 at 6:18 AM, burmjohn said:

The 2015 Season is Creeping Up Fast!


What have you been doing to prepare?


What is your game plan for 2015?


I'll be honest. I started a new job this year, actually the first "new" job in 15 years.  So unfortunately I have not had the the time off to spend the time I wanted to in the woods the past 6 months.  Next year, when I have PTO I will. On a positive note, I do have time off in October, paid time off, which I will be spending in the woods... 


In short, this  year, I'll be sitting in a few different stands, especially the stand I took a beautiful 8 during rifle. The first buck I have took in a long time. I'm heading to my property in 2 weeks to plant two small 2 acre plots with clover and wheat.

You better check with the DEC handbook "In New York, it is illegal to feed deer and moose by putting out any material that attracts them to feed"  

This is right off DEC site, this is do to  Chronic Wasting Disease

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Just got the bow out today for sighting in. I don't generally do much shooting till late August.

Bow seemed to be shooting true after some tuning.My peep had moved quite a bit.Got a slight arm injury to heal up too before I can send more than 25 arrows down range in one session.


Lots of scouting has occurred and 3 of my ladder stands are in new spots. Camera activity is indicating that these moves are going to pay off. There appears to be a few new Bucks around too which is great.


Got a new patch of woods near the house to hunt this year. I have had permission for a few seasons but have not yet seriously scouted or hunted it till now. It is a short car drive, which put me off as I have been spoiled by having property right by the house.


I have a new stand that will go up there later this week. Lots of good sized rubs in this new spot however. My understanding is that this is not a very heavily hunted patch of woods either so I am excited to see what comes of it. Can't wait to pull my camera card this week and see what's around. It will be nice to hunt some new woods. Very pretty spot. I will be hanging a stand right by some very thick sapling growth that has large tracks heading into a swampy area. It feels very different to my own property.

Edited by Papist
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  On 7/25/2015 at 5:35 PM, LoneHunter said:

You better check with the DEC handbook "In New York, it is illegal to feed deer and moose by putting out any material that attracts them to feed"  

This is right off DEC site, this is do to  Chronic Wasting Disease

Hmmmm.. You must be NEW around here....Welcome aboard...

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Right now nothing. Did my chainsaw work and moved some ladderstands in the spring .

I have a couple hang ons to put up in the usual trees ( steps in place) and one or two new sites left to prep and hang when it cools down a bit.

I do want to get my one daughter up in a ladderstand soon for some practice climbing up using the harness and so on , just getting comfortable up there ( ground blind Hunter prior).

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Well I plan on shooting my bow a lot more, making a couple treestands and ladders and hunting some LI public land. I'm hoping to shoot a decent buck and fawn this year with my bow and hopefully a deer with my rifle.  


So far I have all the wood I need to make the stands and I've taken the bow out a couple times for a check over to make sure everything is safe. I plan on scouting some public land in mid August. 

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  On 7/25/2015 at 5:35 PM, LoneHunter said:

You better check with the DEC handbook "In New York, it is illegal to feed deer and moose by putting out any material that attracts them to feed"

This is right off DEC site, this is do to Chronic Wasting Disease

Food plots don't fall under that rule.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

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No ...you didn't bite that hook did you? ;)


Guess what? No plans Other than dang! trying to get that new blind base and blind done, shooting a few weeks...and keeping trails clean. As far as hunting...it will be get up and go depending on wind direction, speed and weather. Bad weather enclosed tower or ground blinds good open stands or brush blinds...biggest plan...buy lots of butane for the Therma -cell. Well I'm thinking more late morning mid day hunts will be on my plate...Cams are good for that.

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Going to have my 11 and 13 year old grandson's much more involved with my hunting this year. Especially the 11 year old, Zac. He is head over heels about hunting and anything to do with outdoors. He tells me that his idea of going green is wearing camo! Though he is too young to hunt deer,I want to shoot one with him with me this year. The three of us has been shooting bow and rifle and making natural ground blinds in our woods out back. Also a very generous member here, (phade), gave the boys a trail cam that they are excited about. We're hoping to go out tonight to see what they have on there.

I have had over 40 hunting seasons. Killed many deer and a few nice ones. This year I'm giving back. To my grandsons, and any new hunter that could use a helping hand.

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  On 7/25/2015 at 10:14 PM, grampy said:

Going to have my 11 and 13 year old grandson's much more involved with my hunting this year. Especially the 11 year old, Zac. He is head over heels about hunting and anything to do with outdoors. He tells me that his idea of going green is wearing camo! Though he is too young to hunt deer,I want to shoot one with him with me this year. The three of us has been shooting bow and rifle and making natural ground blinds in our woods out back. Also a very generous member here, (phade), gave the boys a trail cam that they are excited about. We're hoping to go out tonight to see what they have on there.

I have had over 40 hunting seasons. Killed many deer and a few nice ones. This year I'm giving back. To my grandsons, and any new hunter that could use a helping hand.

That's awesome.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

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I am looking forward to the fall.  The deer population looks to be above optimum up at my in-laws camp in the Northern zone based on antlerless deer sightings by them this spring/summer and the visible browse line all around the lake.   I am planning on getting up there for a 4-day weekend in October to hunt 2 days with the x-bow and 2 with the ML.    My father in law has not hunted deer in more than 40 years.  I don't know if it is because he can get a free license now, or the nice 8-point I took at his new camp last year, but he is exited about hunting up there this fall. 


It was a horrible year for growing corn at our farm in the Southern zone due to record rain thru June.  I tried to get in 3 acres but have less than an acre that looks much good.   I don't expect that to even make it to opening day of x-bow.    A family of coyotes has moved in along side of a couple of acres of soybean I got in and they are doing a good job of keeping the browse pressure down on that.   Mature soybeans just don't seem to have much drawing power compared to corn or acorns once hunting season starts however so I don't hold out much hope for them.     


It finally dried up enough today so that plowing conditions were nearly perfect and I was able to turn a few acres for a wheat/soybean/clover mix and turnip plots to be planted in the next couple weeks.   Hopefully I can repeat that over at my folks farm about 20 miles away (assuming I can get grandpa's old John Deere M to fire up which hasn't run in a couple years now).   The deer population is still way above optimum at both of our Southern zone farms, so I am hoping I can fill some antlerless tags this year.  I struck out on those last year but fortunately a friend gave us a nice buck and I was able to fill my own bow and gun buck tags, plus a button-buck road kill, so we still are eating good.   I have forgotten what does taste like, and hopefully we can do something about that this fall.     



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Have to get my a$$ on the tread mill more and put together a couple new ladder stands I bought after last season. I got a good idea where to put them, since I have been thinking about it since the last day of ML season. Got to break out the bow, and sight in a new muzzle loader round Im trying. A ton of other stuff.

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