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Opening Day Weather


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looks like it's going to be pretty crappy the first two days, at least in my zone....guess I'll give it a go anyway since I'm off work.....anybody gonna sit it out if it rains?

Yeah, I'm a fair weather turkey hunter. I actually enjoy the second half of the season better than the first. Just seems as though I have had more luck in that time. 

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I love hunting the rain, Ive killed many birds in the rain, even in straight up downpours.. ill sit for awhile during the rain. We have several fields they tend to hang out in and around during rains. so i concentrate on them. 


Im guessing being in an open field they can hear a little better, plus the worms and such are coming up through the soil id imagine.. 

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With so many calls that are made from wood, as well as call surfaces, rain is their worst enemy. Not a fan of rainy weather myself. Rather wait for better weather and also weekdays.

Season starts on Sunday, many are obviously off, not a good situation to be in to work a bird alone?

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The field I've been watching over will be surrounded by neighbors. I could never get permission to hunt there anyhow.

Now that I know where they're roosting, and with a little luck, them gobblers will never make it to the field.

One more move of the blind tomorrow, and I have a olive drab tarp to stash up there in case starts coming down too hard I can drape it over the top to stay dry.

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Rain or shine I'll be out there. Haven't decided where I want to hunt yet....hit the state land birds opening morning and leave my resident gobbler behind the house alone until Monday morning. Or just get after the one behind the house because I can't stand to listen to him gobble at me one more time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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A turkey opener on the weekend with light winds and a little rain. I'll be out with full rain gear, set up near an area where a few toms roost. The birds will be headed to the fields and it should be fun. The rain will get the leaves nice and quite, which will help if one needs to relocate and make a move on a bird.

 Good luck and be safe everyone.

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Well, good luck to all of you. I am not a turkey hunter anymore. This time of year I have more on my plate to do than I'll ever be able to accomplish as it is. But for all of you that are into hunting the turkey-birds, I want to wish you all luck. And by the way the military gave out wonderful things called ponchos that have to be available at some surplus military store somewhere. They will keep you adequately dry-ish. Even in a downpour you should be able to keep things manageable. Go git them critters!

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I have 2 ground blinds facing fields, Rain or shine, they are warm, comfortable, and dry to hunt out of, When the mosquitoes come out, I hang a thermacell in the blind to get rid of them. Both of my blinds are extra large blinds which hold 2 adults comfortably, and I usually hunt with my adult son out of them. Only problem during the rain is that the "pitter patter" of the rain hitting the roof of the blind makes me fall asleep in the blind, and I have to concentrate on staying awake!

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