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Hand Job.....


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I wish I didn't have to do it by hand but this chore dictated it.  A friend is under the weather and I wanted to help out when I could.  He's been ill for about 18 months and I know it pains him that his place isn't up to snuff like he'd like it.  My wife accompanied me  down to his place last weekend and did a pile of leaf racking and weed whacking.  I could see that one ditch in particular was teaming with last years wet muddy leaves and knew it needed attention, PDQ.  Well this past week they received 2.75" of rain and I felt I better get my butt in gear and see what I could do. 

I headed down Saturday morning and saw that the ditch had run over its banks and flooded down into the yard.  I had brought along all the rakes and tarps to get r done, I thought.  Turns out the leaves were incredibly matted down with mud, silt and water and very heavy.  I got them up on the bank then went and borrowed a pitch fork and wheelbarrow.  That filled up the better part of 3+ hours and just about killed me.........dumped the leaves and muck back in the woods for the critters to rummage through. (night crawlers up the grommet)

When I needed a break from that fun I climbed up onto the roof and broom cleaned it then cleaned the gutters, all of which were filled with pine needles.

Finished off the day with 30 minutes of additional weed whacking to help dry out areas that were too wet to mow a couple weeks before.

I love the work and finished product but more importantly I know it really makes my friend happy to see things getting done.

The main ditch before:


After the raking but before hauling away:


Further to the south of the same ditch:


The roof, after the fact:



And tonight (stock photo) after a long day bike riding and monkeying around with the wife, my reward:


I hope like heck you guys (and gals) had as great of a weekend as I did!


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You are the definition of the word friend Larry. No doubt you raised an ailing friends spirits. A whole lot of good time buddies out there. But a true friend is there when the Chips are down.

You do fine work sir. Have another one of those drinks on me! You certainly deserve it.

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