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Just seen a news blip saying their dropping the impeachment investigation. Part of me wants them to go after him full force, on the other hand, why cost the state millions of dollars. 

I'm sure this was part of the deal he brokered for himself.

Edited by mowin
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Just now, mowin said:

Just seen a news blip saying their dropping the impeachment investigation. Part of me wasn't them to go after him full force, on the other hand, why cost the state millions of dollars. 

I'm sure this was part of the deal he brokered for himself.

I saw that as well and also saw something that said the NYS Constitution does not allow impeachment for someone that no longer holds office. 

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1 hour ago, Jeremy K said:

What scary is the same uneducated voters who kept him office because the D next to his name will do the same thing with the candidate with the D next to their name .NY really needs a republican in office to straighten the mess out. 

Simply could not hurt at this point ! No matter what an individuals politics are !

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2 hours ago, GreeneHunter said:

Simply could not hurt at this point ! No matter what an individuals politics are !

Cuomo was so corrupt ,I just pray the next person to fill his seat has even 1 percent more morals then he had.

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What scary is the same uneducated voters who kept him office because the D next to his name will do the same thing with the candidate with the D next to their name .NY really needs a republican in office to straighten the mess out. 

I don’t care what’s beside their name! I’ve lost all hope for both party’s. I just want someone with some common sense that will quit wasting our tax money and quit making ineffective gun laws. I would gladly vote for a Democrat if they shared my views!

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16 hours ago, Jeremy K said:

Cuomo was so corrupt ,I just pray the next person to fill his seat has even 1 percent more morals then he had.

If its a crazy AOC leftist  person I think I'd rather have the typical corrupt Democrat thank you at least you can reason with them . The ones like AOC are just totally brainwashed its scary.   

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48 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

I don’t care what’s beside their name! I’ve lost all hope for both party’s. I just want someone with some common sense that will quit wasting our tax money and quit making ineffective gun laws. I would gladly vote for a Democrat if they shared my views!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It’s likely why will not so you should Republican !! 

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We need more than just putting in a Republican in place of a Democrat. We don't need any more Rockefellers or Pataki - type liberals. This state needs a real voter attitude change, and that will not be found within a political party. We need voters who take their vote seriously and start going by more than simple party affiliation. We need voters who are not impressed by, or motivated by Gimme-free-stuff attitudes. We need to start understanding that there is no such thing as a free lunch. We need to get attitudes that appreciate honesty and integrity. We need to stop shrugging our shoulders every time we hear about government corruption. The reforms needed in NYS will not come from dedication to certain political parties. The changes need to come from citizen attitudes and resolve and an understanding that we get the government we deserve.

Now, if someone can tell me how to make that all happen, I would appreciate hearing it. All I see from one generation to the next is an erosion of decency, family values, and commitment to honesty and character (individual and political). There has been to much shoulder shrugging and acceptance of the creeps that we New Yorkers keep electing. Behind the Cuomo's and the Spitzers and such is an ever growing majority of self-absorbed voters who look for more "free stuff" and promises of personal gain and who will accept anyone who promises that sort of thing.

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5 hours ago, Doc said:

We need more than just putting in a Republican in place of a Democrat. We don't need any more Rockefellers or Pataki - type liberals. This state needs a real voter attitude change, and that will not be found within a political party. We need voters who take their vote seriously and start going by more than simple party affiliation. We need voters who are not impressed by, or motivated by Gimme-free-stuff attitudes. We need to start understanding that there is no such thing as a free lunch. We need to get attitudes that appreciate honesty and integrity. We need to stop shrugging our shoulders every time we hear about government corruption. The reforms needed in NYS will not come from dedication to certain political parties. The changes need to come from citizen attitudes and resolve and an understanding that we get the government we deserve.

Now, if someone can tell me how to make that all happen, I would appreciate hearing it. All I see from one generation to the next is an erosion of decency, family values, and commitment to honesty and character (individual and political). There has been to much shoulder shrugging and acceptance of the creeps that we New Yorkers keep electing. Behind the Cuomo's and the Spitzers and such is an ever growing majority of self-absorbed voters who look for more "free stuff" and promises of personal gain and who will accept anyone who promises that sort of thing.

I ran out of likes, so I'm quoting this to say everyone should read this twice, because it is spot on.  We have an idiot electorate in NY state that is the reason the state is so corrupt.  This is what must be changed and we can only do it by educating these idiots.

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I ran out of likes, so I'm quoting this to say everyone should read this twice, because it is spot on.  We have an idiot electorate in NY state that is the reason the state is so corrupt.  This is what must be changed and we can only do it by educating these idiots.

Unfortunately they'll do what the left owned media tells them to do. 

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4 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

Unfortunately they'll do what the left owned media tells them to do. 

That is because too many people these days are incapable of, or just don't want to think for themselves. So easy now to just be led by the nose. Hard to get an unbiased view from ANY media source anymore. They're all selling views, not truth's. The truth, and actual facts are still out there, for all to see! You just need to look harder to find it....... Believe what your own eye's and ears tell you. Make your own decisions, based on what YOU believe. Not what someone else tells you!!

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23 minutes ago, grampy said:

That is because too many people these days are incapable of, or just don't want to think for themselves. So easy now to just be led by the nose. Hard to get an unbiased view from ANY media source anymore. They're all selling views, not truth's. The truth, and actual facts are still out there, for all to see! You just need to look harder to find it....... Believe what your own eye's and ears tell you. Make your own decisions, based on what YOU believe. Not what someone else tells you!!

The independent news outlets are stating to gain traction which is why dopey's administration works so hard to push cancelling people or removing their 1st amendment right. 

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