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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/19 in all areas

  1. 15 years old today Not sure how long ago I posted about this pup’s failing health (eyesight, hearing, balance is shot) but we’ve been blessed to have him for so long. Lately he has been having some accidents in the house and is up quite a bit throughout the night but today is a day to celebrate!!! I will try to dig up some old pics later. Soft serve vanilla ice cream cone is on the menu for him today- his all time favorite treat that he gingerly eats off the cone like a child. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    14 points
  2. And my daughters bright idea to recreate the above...15 years is a LONG TIME AGO!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  4. Took the girls to dockside in NT Loaded nachos and super stinger sammich. Daughter made a new friend. River a golden doodle pup was on a docked boat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  5. Got turnips in and blind set up, made wooden frame inside it as them damn poles collapse far to often. Especially with early snow. one plot left to work up and plant and I'm done for year...phew
    5 points
  6. 94 acre lease in Chautauqua Co. 50 acres in Wyoming county that a friend owns and doesn't hunt, we are the only ones with access. Chautauqua is a new property for us this year and it is looking promising. We pulled the card on only one of the 5 cameras yesterday, lots of fawns and does and 5 decent bucks. This is one of them, I'm getting excited!!!
    5 points
  7. Wtf? I’ll be there in 10min Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  8. Shot in an AsA qualifier at Evans today.....was a last minute decision so I shot as a walk on since I am not available next weekend to shoot in the championships. Not a bad round of 291. I am guessing since 12 rings are in play you need to shoot North of 330 in Hunter class to end up near the top. This was target 30 at 3o yards.....ended up with a 10 and missed the 12 ring by millimeters. Felt good to get a round in today. Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  9. Up at the cabin this weekend, had chicken, moose, nice breakfasts, and a GREAT GREAT time with my dad.
    4 points
  10. Duck with wild rice. Wow Sent from my ASUS_A002A using Tapatalk
    4 points
  11. When the wind let's me on the lake....
    3 points
  12. I don't think its too much if he is self motivated Dave. And he is just that good that it may pay for the next level. I give him huge credit for being so driven. A quality that seems to be lacking in some youth.
    3 points
  13. Might be a good thing Apexer for many reasons. Most of all, she will have plenty of real play time in competition. I never understood kids that, for example, played varsity as a sophomore only to sit the bench. Different story if you are starting. Be a star at JV with lots of play time and move up the next year where you can shine again. Hope she is taking it well.
    3 points
  14. Well, she didn't make the "select" team. They want her on what they call the competitive team. My daughter was crushed but as the kids reached out to each other my daughter was realizing that nobody she spoke too so far that was on the team last year made the team this year. So now I am wondering if this is going to be an every other year even with this team. The girls make it when they are on the "older" side of the division and play down when they are younger. So far not one girl my daughter has spoken too that had to move up into the U16 age bracket has made the team. The coach called me, with all the "how great your daughter is at soccer" "I think being on this team for a developmental year will be the right thing for her" etc. These girls tied for first place in EDP which is the best teams in the East Coast region and all these girls contributed to that success. Kinda stinks that they just throw them on a lower team for a year until they are older.
    3 points
  15. On the cape this week. No pic but after a day at the beach stopped at the fish market on way back to house. Cooked up some shrimp, scallops, cod, crab cake, stuffed quahog and some beach bread. It was good..
    3 points
  16. Good Lord, I cant believe 40 years has gone by already. I met Doreen way back in 1976. One of our earliest dates was fishing on the Oak Orchard River in a rented aluminum boat. I think I turned her into an outdoors girl. Two daughters, four grandchildren (and counting). 40 years ago we said “I do”, and we still do!
    2 points
  17. I've never seen the show, but sounds like from this thread the folks are in cold weather area? Sub Arctic maybe? Anyway; cold and hot environments can be actually easier to preserve meat and can have one thing in common.....dry environments ( think about how low the humidity gets in really cold weather even here in NY). Actually there is a good example of Alton Brown (food network) making jerky not with warm, but laying his strips on a box fan. Yes salt speeds up the process, and by drying fast reduces potential bacteria, but if conditions are right is not necessary to produce dried meat even without salt or salt type preservatives like sodium nitrates or nitrites. This is 2 mens work overnight on the start of drying about 2 TONS (4000 lbs) of meat off one animal in 80* nights and 105* days; maybe about one quarter that they processed over the next 3 days. BUT area hasn't seen rain in 7 months and extremely low humidity levels. Next to no insect life present. No salt required.....reconstituted in water like a stew in the end and stored in burlap sacks in the rafters. Most pieces about the size of a thumb, 2-4 feet long and draped over wire.
    2 points
  18. I keep thinking what an awesome left tackle he will be, but you are right, baseball may be the better focus of the two.
    2 points
  19. Gramps - If your grandson is 6-5” and 220lbs at 15 years old, barely anyone will “catch up” to him in size. If he’s throwing a legit 87mph, he needs to go full force for baseball. D1 should be a backup plan. There’s no reason why with the right training and showcase recognition, that he will not improve his throwing speed/mechanics over the next 2 full years. Therefore, he will be drafted and then can decide D1 or take the $ and start in the minors. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  20. Awesome .when I was.little I would bring home spotted salamanders all the time . My dad would let them go when I fell asleep . Just like anything I brought home lol . My mom hated me. She likes to tell the stories of putting my clothes away and never knowing what she would find lol . I would bring home worms , rabbits , frogs, turtles , snakes ,fawns,raccoons,kittens ,fish, tadpoles, even had a puppy in my closet for 3 days before they found it . Lol
    2 points
  21. Pemmican... doesn't sound too good, but I can see how it would stay preserved and keep them alive
    2 points
  22. If he is smart he will build a smoker and jerk it. That should preserve it fine, especially since cold temps are coming. I would jerk it and then rehydrate during cooking like in a soup.
    2 points
  23. Won the U15 NYC Cup yesterday with her new team. We couldn't be happier! That's her second row on the left end.
    2 points
  24. if they're really good and have potential it's no secret. as long as they know they don't have to be and that at this stage in the game there's always going to be someone bigger, fast, better, etc they'll be alright. there's just little true guidance and over sight at the level they're at. it's easy to be told unrealistic dreams and be encouraged to push too hard. i have multiple cousins that were star athletes. best in their divisions in HS and multiple offers from colleges. no one stood a chance to go all the way. most though enjoyed the ride while it lasted and got free schooling out of it. stayed humble the whole time too which was important.
    2 points
  25. Found these eggs under a rock. Cut one open there was puss and a drop of blood in it any ideas? I also found my first ADK shed it’s a little ratty but still my first one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. I do like some of the folks on Mountain Men.
    2 points
  27. She started every game last year at U14 She was crushed (lots of tears) at first but as the girls reached out to eachother and it became clear that it wasn't just her she seems to be feeling better about it. When I first broke the news to her I told her, real life isn't everyone deserves a trophy and neither of these teams are everyone deserves a trophy teams. She has 3 choices and only she can decide what she is going to do. I told her, You can quit, and I hope I am not raising a quitter, you can play, hang out with your friends, not care what team you are and just enjoy playing, or you can work your ass off, prove the coaches wrong, and show them they are wrong for not having you on the team. My guess though is not matter what she chooses, (other than quitting) she will be on the select team when she is on the old side of the division and developmental team when she is on the young age of the division.
    2 points
  28. But what benefit are you gonna see from lowering when your constantly pounding through the massive potholes? You’ll need a chiropractor and a dentist after riding around my area in a slammed truck.
    2 points
  29. I don’t want to spoil it on anyone...so I’m just gonna say that if a certain someone who shot that big something can preserve it, he’s golden and has no excuse not to win. Just my 2 cents....
    2 points
  30. 10:1 on the 2.3 ecoboost ,not sure what kind of boost numbers are stock ,I would guess high teens? My 2.0 eco boost has 9:1 and makes 20 pounds of boost stock. Very impressive numbers for such small displacement engines . Biz's truck is rated at 270 hp, 310 torque on 87 octane .
    2 points
  31. Even with a good chunk of land behind my house, I may be spending a bunch of time this fall on a new 5 acre piece I’m currently trying to buy. It’s landlocked, dirt cheap and only 1/2 mile from my house. Went and scouted it last night. Deer sign all over the place! Now I just have to wait and hear back from the county land bank....
    2 points
  32. We always bring home some cod and local scallops. Unfortunately though the cod out here isn't local anymore - overfished. However they fly in a plane every day from Iceland to distribute to the fish markets. Way fresher than can get at home. Beach bread is a loaf of French bread sliced lengthwise, spread with garlic butter, mozz and cheddar cheese - basically cheesey garlic bread.
    2 points
  33. i got this pic of a doe the other day working a licking branch over a scrape that gets hit every year.
    2 points
  34. Enjoying my go to.
    2 points
  35. Haven't been at the range lately ,just been in the basement every night going over fundamentals of shot release and pin float ,muscle memory etc. League starts in August so I want to be ready to go from week 1.
    2 points
  36. Sloop Wow is this ever good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  37. The last if the moose, little piece of chicken, and some chopped cabbage salad....don’t judge me...
    2 points
  38. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Picked up a Caldwell field pod this morning at a garage sale for 35.00. Looks like it was barely used and was kinda what I was looking at for coyote hunting. Also felt this would be good for my boys once they get into shooting/hunting. Anybody have one?? Likes or dislikes are appreciated. Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  41. Got to camp 8pm Thursday night. Mowed hay till 11pn. Spent 36 hours on tractors between then and 9 last night. Gavin wanted a campfire to make pringle smores. ( his new invention he said) they didn't work out too well. Lol. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk
    2 points
  42. Nope. List of Garmin devices compatible with Birdseye
    2 points
  43. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
  46. Love this sammich. Jamaican jerk chicken , grilled pineapple and banana mayo. Peanut butter pie on pretzel crust for dessert. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  47. I do mean to hang it and it would be the best option IMO. since they aren't really at freezing temps yet, I'd take the approach to get the large quarters and chunks into a smoke bath asap. That should keep the bacteria at bay long enough to slice and jerk the meat. That will really reduce the weight as well
    1 point
  48. Great show and appears to be the "real deal" and they have to work very hard to battle elements, find food sources and then battle being alone. They get frequent health checks but other than that they appear to be truly alone in remote places. This and "Last Alaskans" are the only reason I ever watch TV.....
    1 point
  49. Finally put together my first AR . I Stuck with the Stock Polished trigger. Its smooth, and crisp. Ill upgrade down the road if necessary. Topped it with the leupold optic I had in the gun cabinet for now until the Night vision shows up. I can at least see what pills this gun like until then. Hope to shoot it in the next couple weeks, Been a busy summer I'm excited, Never cared to have one, but It just makes sense for chasing chesters IMO. I wanna put another one together now lol
    1 point
  50. Meatloaf and mashed potato sangwedges!
    1 point
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