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I am very passionate about the kids here are just a few pics of some cool hunts. Some were neighbors, girl with cap was a girl who’s mom approached me just to take her, friends kids, my kids, etc. The girl shooting the pistol was extremely against firearms. She says now it’s her favorite thing. The little boy with bow is from the city. His first time shooting anything. Our future7 points
6 points
“West coast tech needs to figure out if they are censoring hate speech or speech they hate!” - Elon Musk.6 points
Finally got it all finished. Just waiting on a new set of rings for the scope. These Savage rifles are very easy to work on and a barrel swap actually takes less time than my AR. I can’t wait to send some rounds down range to see how it shoots.6 points
It is tough to get behind the eight ball when it comes to ammo supply if you are a hand loader. It is not to late to get into hand loading your own ammo. I am an avid shooter and other than rimfire ammo I can count on my fingers the number of boxes of factory centerfire ammo I have purchased in the last 50 years. 99.9% of the ammo I shoot and hunt with has been put up by me and to be honest I believe it to be the equal and in many cases better than the factory stuff. You will never be short if you are a smart shopper and scrounger, you will have good savings to boot. It can come down to even forming your own cases and casting bullets if need be. It can all be done if one gets serious and learns to do it. I have posted here before it does not cost a lot of money to get started, do not be afraid to buy good used equipment and equipment from multiple manufacturers as most reloading equipment is interchangeable and made to work together. Al5 points
may have just wanted some ammo on hand to bolster a sale on a pistol they have. I can't think of a better sales pitch currently than to be able to say, "her, buy this gun and we actually have a box of ammo that will fit it"5 points
This is why we are a divided nation even when it is proven that you are wrong you are not able to change your partisan position. Why do you compare the protest to the storming of the capital and not the riots of the past summer. A protest is a protest and a riot is a riot and neither cause should be excluded from the ability to protest. But rioters should be condemn in either case and I am willing to do it in both cases as you seem to be only able to do the capital storming which is wrong and will cause your arguments not to gain any traction.5 points
Here’s a pic from a couple weeks ago. My buddy, his uncle and son and a neighbor kid he invited along. Kids first hunt he was estactic.5 points
So that was my Daughter this year opening day. This other photo is a friends son I mentored back in 2011. He was 14 and shot this button buck on his second sit ever. He hunted with me for the next 7 years then moved out west. He hunts Elk, deer and such. The cycle continues. Get them involved and let it play out.5 points
4 points
I think it's funny that you think that a President is polarizing for actually putting his countries welfare ahead of other countries. That's a Presidents job, not bowing to 3rd world dictators and terrorist organizations. Imagine what could've been accomplished if Congress was doing their job for their constituents, instead of focusing on impeaching the President and allowing and even condoning the burning of American cities down to make him look bad ? Who was suffering during those times ? Not them. For eight years all we heard was that this is the best we can do, so get used to it. Then Trump comes into office and in less than 4 months, he made what we were told couldn't get better, much better and is attacked for it relentlessly. Dems want to keep their voter base stupid, so they will believe everything they say and after reading some of the replies here, their succeeding well beyond their expectations. And where were your leaders during the 125 riots of 2020 ? Defunding the Police, Letting Prisoners out of Jail for their safety, Taking a knee in solidarity or showing off their freezers full of Ice cream ? Yeah, that's not polarizing at all.4 points
4 points
3 points
The thing is none of us have a magic ball to tell us the future. If I knew I had enough I wouldn’t be buying, until I know what the future will hold I’ll keep buying. If that makes me a hoarder than I guess I’ll take it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
I’m glad you know how much ammo I need. I don’t need to buy any ammo as I have stocked up for years and prepared for this. I shoot multiple times a week, I hope I don’t have to change that! I should be good for at least 10 years. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Its we as sportsman who are creating this . We all just need to sit back some . I know it stinks to say it . If you need a 1000 rounds of 9mm to shoot the guy trying to break in your house you need more practice. If you think your going to the range and blowing off 500rds of 9mm then going to store to replace its not happening. Hoping things settle down by spring but I have my doubts3 points
Supply and demand. Panic buying of guns and ammo has the shelves bare. My nephew got two used .22's for his kid for Xmas, but couldn't find any .22 ammo. I helped him out so they could shoot.3 points
Nope, wrong again. No democratic leader condoned violence or rioting, certainly not the way Trump did.3 points
2 points
2 points
But You discredited your argument when you posted a link in support of your claim that Trump- and , at least 1 member of his family- planned the riot , then gleefully watched after setting it it motion , which was clearly not true due to the fact that the film was shot BEFORE THE SPEECH. Not good... And I will mention it again,storming the capitol and protesting police violence are two very different things.- Bowman Mike You've said this before in previous posts and it is a false and inaccurate comparison. Didn't an ANTIFA/BLM mob threaten the white house last summer , such that the President had to be moved to the White House Bunker? And that was ok? If thats not an act of sedition , an insurrection, I dont know what is!! Also, protesting police violence is fine , but NOT when you loot and burn, attack, injure and even kill, innocent people ; and destroy millions of dollars of public AND private property.2 points
Here is the latest NY prices... Rats 722 3.20 R Fox 21 6.99 Skunk 1 6.00 Beaver 123 10.20 Caster 16lb 76.39 Coon 28 3.32 Coyote 45 20.13 Fisher 74 22.84 G Fox 8 13.16 Marten 3 22.83 Mink 29 6.53 Otter 9 15.942 points
2 points
That’s my point, you said I don’t need a 1000 rounds to kill a bad guy. I don’t need a lot of things but if I want to have ammo while it’s still available I’ll damn sure buy it and have been. Hell, yesterday I bought 5000 rounds of buckshot. I haven’t shot 5 rounds of buckshot in the last 10 years other than at work. But it was available at pre crazy prices and one day it might not be so I bought it. I also added some 5.56 to the order, more than I like paying but same principle. I probably have a lifetime supply of it but things could change so I would rather have it. Thanks for the invite but I don’t shoot at public ranges. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Ditto, I try to shoot 100 rounds of 9mm ball a month , so 1000 won’t last me a year . I feel somewhat comfortable with the three years worth I currently have .2 points
I have bought 2 or 3 boxes at a time over the last 30 years of my life . I too have plenty for all guns and hand guns . That is exactly why I am not buying during the current price hike . But we as sportsman are . I dont know how much you , Tom , Dick or Harry need . My point is if you have enough don't buy more . That's whats driving the cost up.. You live in Saratoga Co if I recall or there abouts. I'm in latham neither of which are high crime . Heck one day maybe we can go shooting at the gun club.2 points
You're probably right, but you don't know for sure what the LGS paid for them. A post above mentions a store asking a customer if he had any for sale. It's possible that he paid $100 which would allow for a 25% gross margin, which is probably standard. I'll give an LGS the benefit of the doubt until I find out otherwise.2 points
Very good points. I think many parents miss out on having their kids become hunters because they lack patience, or are so into their own hunting that they don't want to sacrifice any of their own hunting time. I also think taking them only on deer hunts is not always the best way to keep them interested in hunting. Unless you hunt some prime spots where you will see deer at every sit deer hunting can be boring and often uncomfortable for kids due to cold and bad weather. Taking them out for something like squirrels where the action can typically be much better will keep them way more interested.2 points
Same with us. Youngest daughter is an avid deer archery and gun hunter, oldest daughter wants nothing to do with it. Everyone was here for Thanksgiving and amid all the deer hunting talk, oldest asked if we were sure she wasn’t adopted, lol.2 points
That is when I would refuse to ever give him any business ever again. He's price gouging at this point so fuckem #ThankYouForLessOverzealousModding #WeDemandUnlimitedLikes #WeDemandADislikeButton2 points
Homemade pork smoked sausage for our “boil” tonight. Really close to the smoked sausage we used to get from Deitrichs in PA - wife and I used to always stop on the trip home from West Virginia. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Some perspective. I’m one a bunch of gun boards . On one , a guy in Oregon lives in county of 100 k , the one “ outdoor store “ got 60k rounds in one morning , limit two boxes per person, sold out by the end of the day . Go to Buds online and put your slugs on back order , in a few months you’ll get them .2 points
Here was their chance and Democrats voted procedural action to not have to condemn the riots. Please give it a read and explain why they would not vote on it. And as the saying goes if you don’t condemn racism you condone racism it is the same with riots and I condemn both. You should not find the 6th anymore shocking than the riots of all summer don’t let your partisan emotions cloud your judgement. https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/hres1023/BILLS-116hres1023ih.pdf2 points
Where have you been all summer as Democrats condoned and encouraged this behavior. Again we as a nation are divided and a lot of people are okay when it is their side but act shocked when it comes from the other side. The riots where not okay all summer and storming the capital was not okay on the 6th. I am okay with both groups of protesters just not the bad actors in either group and I am not okay with only one group of bad actors being held accountable.2 points
2 points
This is what the forum feels like that. Anyone remember these from early 90’s? 25 cent machines and you got a helmet with face mask and stickers for each side. The Steelers helmet even had only 1 side. I got a ton of duplicates before I was able to collect every team. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro2 points
They are NOT private companies . They are public companies as they are listed and traded on the stock market as such . You have to admit that it was total bias to the left at all media companies. Things need to change. We CANNOT have our country run by Google, Twitter, Facebook , Apple , and Amazon. This monopoly needs to be blown up . Even the national news stations , ABC , CBS , and NBC were totally off their rocker when reporting the news. I would actually watch an event live , and then when it was reported by the big news anchors , Stephanopoulos , Muir , etc , I would sit back and scratch my head wondering what they were talking about . What they were reporting didn't even resemble what actually happened . I guess honest reporting of the actual news like Walter Cronkite is long gone.2 points
2 points
Haven't gotten out much the past couple of months but knocked some dust off the centerpin this morning, slow morning really, 1 steelie and 1 brown. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk2 points
It’s funny how kids can be, started both my boys the same way and age. Oldest loves to hunt . youngest could care less about it. Youngest loves venison though, never turns it down.2 points
2 points
Folks are buying for many reasons and no one can say what reason is acceptable or not. Even the person profiteering may be trying to financially survive having lost their income with COVID shutdown. Can anyone with 100% certainty say Cuomo (or Biden/Beto) won't ban out-of-state online ammo sales? I'm confident this law could be passed in this state and enforced by the AG. How about a tax on ammo equal to the selling cost? Think it's not possible? Until shooters believe things will not change for the worse I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.1 point
Beaver prices are terrible,driving up the castor price ,due to not many people trapping them .1 point
Around here , I’ve never got one tick one me hunting, shed hunting , working on the land . Never had a deer with ticks either . Worth checking them I guess, I’ve never really thought about ticks on my hunting land .1 point
Not true. I can pull up severa lexamples in which they did and again, Trump did not condone violence or rioting, though, -and as I;ve stated before- he was very irresponsible IMHO.1 point
Agreed I was concerned too tried to find the scope with a green reticle... couldn’t but I’m happy with the red Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Ridiculously good! Thanks for the info. Ended up cooking up 50 wings. Mild, garlic parm, charBQ and hot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Ok I got started on some venison sausage. I cubed up my last deer and froze it in 3-4 lb pkgs. Bought a 9lb pork butt and boned it out, froze it in 2-3 lb pkgs. I figured it would be a good mix of venison to pork? I ground up 2 pkgs of venison and 2 of pork mixing it as I ground it. The meat was still pretty frozen but I wanted it real cold. Worked great, and looks like a good mix. I made half into pepper sticks with cheddar cheese. And the rest breakfast sausage. I used some for a breakfast pizza, some bulk, and fried up the rest as patties for quick breakfast Sammies. Got the sticks in my smoker with a roast for pastrami. I love trying this stuff. Can't wait for the Academy "Sausage Fest"!!1 point
Best part about this spot is I’m 100yds from a bar with great burgers and a young lady serving cold beers with front bumps that will make a fella drool! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point