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A huge Thank You to Billdogge for gifting me the Scorpyd 165 crossbow he had for sale here! Thanks to Chef for not buying it!! I now have two crossbows once owned by Bill. Bill is a great guy and friend, that I don't see often enough. We will definitely get a hunt together this fall. The quality of people I've met from this forum, is absolutely amazing. Due to my bad shoulders, not looking too good at this time, for shooting my bow this fall. Though today, I did barely get a shot off in my basement range! My hope is the bill supporting 55 and older full inclusion will pass this year? If it does, this is what I will carry into the deer woods in October. I can't imagine sitting out bow season, if I'm still breathing. I really like the balance of this crossbow! Can't wait to shoot it! I now have three crossbows. I will complete the circle Bill started. And pass along his kindness and generosity, by giving my Barnett Raptor to my Goddaughter. Hopefully she will tag out with her compound bow first though? Thanks again Bill.11 points
9 points
When does starting to pick up a little bit, but I'm shielding it some with the bushes. It's pretty out8 points
Well here is an update on how Gunner is progressing. He is now 8.5 weeks old and weighs 17.5 lbs. We went snow goose hunting yesterday and my son made a retrieving dummy out of the snow goose wings from a snow goose he shot. Gunner immediately was fetching the wings when they were tossed. Gunner shows great promise and we are looking forward to the Fall hunting season. There is nothing more enjoying than hunting with a good dog. valoroutdoors.com7 points
A nice gift of Oneida Lake walleye tonight. Had our friend's family and my daughter and my grandson too. Great night, i love it when people are over for dinner and drinks. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk7 points
6 points
I picked up a new gun yesterday, special ordered from Savage in Left Hand. I have a RH which will be passed along to a family member. Looking for suggestions on the scope. Thinking of going red dot on it. I've got a bunch of points saved up at Cabela's and BPS. Any input? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk5 points
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4 points
My car is covered in decals. If someone is following a little close, I flip the rear wiper to let them know that I see them4 points
I am officially done ice fishing for the year. It has been a good season for ice after a couple years of hit and miss ice and a shorter season. But dang, the weekends sure seemed to be bad weatherwise. It was either super cold or really windy, or both most of the time. My buddy and I went out one Saturday morning when it was calm and 6 degrees, and we were saying how great it was to finally get a nice morning to fish on a Saturday. So, it was 90% of the time spent in my shanty with a heater instead of being out in the fresh air. I had a great year for panfish with lots of perch, crappies and bluegills, and a couple evenings with a bunch of big pumpkinseeds. I actually caught probably a third of my fish on jiggin raps, z vibers, and z viber micros. When it was low light early in the morning, or close to dark at night, the crappie and perch really came after them. Of course I caught most on tungsten and spikes. I also tried out beavertail baits that I cut a little smaller, and they also produced pretty well on the tungsten.4 points
My 3 CuddeLink cameras each take 4 "D" cell batteries . I found that Duracell batteries work well in the cameras . At home I found the best deal for those batteries was at BJ's Wholesale for $20 / dozen . I used a $2 off coupon and got them for $18 . When we got to Ft Meyers , we stopped at BJ's . I bought the same batteries for $14 . What the heck ! I have plenty of batteries for next season for the CuddeLink cameras .3 points
Just be careful out there in these snow storms please. The big tandem dumps with wings on the side are tough to see out of the sides at intersections, please be cautious around these trucks. It’s the trucks responsibility obviously to maneuver safely, but just please be careful, and remind newer drivers you care for as well. Especially late in the season I am seeing a lot of accidents with these trucks, and they are ugly. The front plows are face height while in pick up trucks…decapitation(spelling?) is very easy. I had a very close call earlier with a tandem, some guys are just letting their guard down. I am not trying to be the safety police this week, just pure coincidence, so please bare with me.3 points
Biden and his cohorts have until Nov 3rd to destroy the world and by the looks of it, they might just succeed. After the Destruction, we can "Build Back Better" !3 points
Made a crock of soup. Smoked sausage, cannelli beans, onions, celery, carrots, diced tomatoes, chicken stock, spinach. And a loaf of sausage bread with breakfast venison apple sausage and cheddar. Good day to stay inside and cook. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk3 points
Maybe a bumper sticker that says "I'm Anti-Bumper Sticker" is in order?3 points
First thing when I went to,pick up our Outback from the dealer , I asked that the dealer license plate frame and dealer sticker be removed . A few days later I de- badged most of the rear , that is I took off all the lettering , Subaru, AWD all that crap . I did leave Outback , but that may go . There were 7 freaking things back there ! I like a clean look . On the rear windows of my cars are my union sticker and an American Flag , both are not visible to the driver from the inside . Outback does have side flags , black, understated .3 points
Isn't it beautiful! We have rain last night so it's sticking to everything. It was a little rough on the puppies foot and his stomach. They did really good and they hated to leave3 points
Andrew would snap your rods in half and smash the radio if you fished like that. I would just make you put the pole down and hold the net. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk3 points
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3 points
5 more today, making 30 on the season so far. One real nice one and matched one up from a couple weeks ago...3 points
Hi all. Been a hectic year with a new relationship, big changes at work and trying to get a wood workshop up and running. Never enough hours in the day. Keep an eye out over the next month for info on a new format for our banquet. Shooting for late May. Much more informal and firearms focused. It'll be outdoors and under a pavilion becasue we are trying to alleviate any COVID concerns and be less likely to have to cancel if there is another variant. I did commit to 150 bags of Soybeans and am taking names of those that want them. Probably half are already spoken for. $20 a bag and will be local pick up in Rochester on a weekend. Stay tuned for details.2 points
2 points
When it rains go shopping ! Gun shop , they had sales reps there, free food, stickers, gun oil . Told a guy we were from out of state and checking out the shop, he went and got us 6 patches . Oh and a free drawing for a Ruger PC 9 ! lots of ammo, prices same if not more then home . Picked up some mags for someone down here …..2 points
In the past I went with letting it drop until it hits the ground and stopping. I like it a little looser most of the time... Oh yea. I have on occasion loosened up my fishing buddies reels when they weren't paying attention..;). One of my favorite ones I did was on a catfishing trip.. I was sitting in the back seat next to my friends freshly spooled new reel. He was bragging on the way there about how well his new toy was going to cast "all the way across the river" On the rd there I unspooled 10 ' of line ,cut it and reeled it back in. We get there and like usual race around getting ourselves baited up . Dam! He was right ,he threw his bait and sinker all the way across the river.;)2 points
Saw this on another site earlier today. I've always thought one would be pretty stupid to put some of those crazy bumper stickers on their car. As always, your mileage may vary.......... "Bumper stickers say things about you that are better left unsaid"2 points
Cheesy grits with some Biz Buck snack sticks @Biz-R-OWorld Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Power fishing = bait caster... Jigs, top water, spinnerbait, larger crankbaits, Texas/Carolina rig. Finesse fishing = spinning... Worms, grubs, craws, smaller crankbaits, drop shot.2 points
Some of the cryptos think it is going to validate them if regulated and will keep the wild fluctuating down. But the more I see it feels like the US is eventually headed to the digital dollar. Which will make other crypto obsolete. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk2 points
I pulled this from Quora the other day and fount it quite interesting. This coming from the "Great Scoiety" ultra Prog LBJ- what a hypocrite!!!2 points
Don’t insult me with that BMW crap, we ride in style and sophistication…on Vespa Motorscooters. Honestly though, a Subaru owner would never own a Harley, they value having reliable modes of transportation.2 points
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I have a deer and a bass sticker on the back window of my truck. Along with a small Bass Pro sticker. Guess that says I like hunting and fishing, and where I shop sometimes? In these times, I wouldn't put a political sticker on my old truck. Surely someone would key some rust off the old girl.....lol2 points
From where I'm sitting, those are harmless and shouldn't get your car keyed or ran off the road. LOL2 points
Good thing my daughter is not a member! All she does is beg for a puppy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
Biden is the president today, not Trump. But if you want to talk about draft dodgers to include Trump, please let us not forget Bill Clinton. Clinton was the president in 1994 who convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes. Obama never served. He was too busy being a community organizer and friends with the domestic terrorist Bill Ayres. The rest is history. Well Biden's actions speaks volumes for his all talk, no action with Putin. Like I already said, Biden is a draft dodging coward. Sounds like Biden does not want to upset Putin. Please, Biden's sanctions and what he sent in assistance is a couple weeks late. Biden is a spineless draft dodging coward who forgot how Russia (then the USSR) provided assistance to North Korea and North Vietnam to assist in he killing and injuring of Americans and her allies, but why should Biden care, he never served. Its payback time for Russia! Sounds like a "bromance" to me. What a pathetic statement. The laugh is you tutoring others on how they "cherry pick". Your free to "cherry pick" that, but Steve I honestly do not care what you think or say. Quite frankly there are many others on this forum who would agree with me. No response necessary. I am not wasting my time to "cherry pick" your "laugh of the week" response.2 points
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2 points
Yesterday I got an email for this years directors meeting for a fishing club I belong to. It got me to thinking of camp, which we havnt seen in 2 years because of covid. I'm still not sure if things will open up enough to allow us to go this year.. It's an old late 1800/early 1900s loggers camp on a fairly remote lake . It takes roughly 1.5 -2 hrs on a sxs or wheeler to access it. This is after driving 3 hrs on the roughest dirt rd from hell..lol. Averaging about 15-20mph... When our club was started it was accessed by float plane only. I included a few pictures from 1 of our last trips up. Notice the lack of fish pictures. Ha.ha ha. I've caught 1 trout in 8 years. Don't tell the bass or crappie, but apparently I am terrible at lake trout fishing. After building nice things most days it's fun to slam out a rustic structure with chainsaws and cordless drills in an afternoon..;) From trees to covered porch in 4hrs.2 points
Do you have a map of these accidents marked/mapped out? I would like to buy some land at its epicenter2 points
2 points
I love how when some point out any positive that Trump accomplished they turn to he's idolized, blindly adored or romanticized by that support. Hardly the case, he was NOT the ideal example of a leader but did have his strengths in many area. I believe because he wasn't a "politician" he rattled Washington and the democratic party deeply. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing. However, I feel that many that voted for Biden, even crossing party lines, had the intent to vote against Trump because they found him distasteful as a person. Well look what that got us, I cringe when Biden speaks and confuses "Iranian" and "Ukrainian" and the next day I believe stated that Putin invaded Russia... or when Harris described in elementary school language how Russia invaded the Ukraine. Harris is equally embarrassing as Trump ever was and together they are more dangerous than Trump. We heard for four years how Trump was going to lead us into WW3, crash the economy, be an embarrassment on the world stage. Yet, none of that came true during his tenure in office.....2 points
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They're getting fitted for their purple shirts for tomorrow's girl power rally.1 point
The more I hear out of the mouths of Biden supporters, the more I realize just how stupid they are. They're not smart at all, but they think they are, and that is what makes them dangerous.1 point