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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/22 in all areas

  1. I've been waiting for last night for 8 years. Last night I took my son out for a PM sit in 8A. This was his first time tagging along on a hunt with me. Temps in the low 70's and a light SSE wind. We were settled in by about 4p. I hiked him in to the 2 story box blind i built last year. The canopy is still way too thick for the upper deck to be useful, so we sat in the bottom area. Around 4:30 we saw a nice buck walk (headed North) from the woods, across a small unplanted section, into the corn. About 20 minutes later we saw a smaller buck behind us in the woods walking South. Hard horns on both. By 6:30 he was starting to get antsy and was ready to go. Being a school night, I decided it was probably time to still hunt back to the truck. The walk is about a mile and would take about 45 minutes. So we pack up and follow the tree line along the bottom of the field and then turn North. I'm not sure what we'll see because of we're walking out with the wind more or less at our backs. Well we didn't make it very far when we spot a group deer about 200 yards North of us feeding along the corridor between the corn and the trees. I took the binos out and counted 7 deer. It was 4 bucks, 2 doe and a fawn. The bucks were all 8 pts or better and one of them was by far the biggest deer I've ever seen alive! It had a big old pot belly, the fur was a bit more gray than the others, and the antlers were dark. My son was super excited. We slowly stalked up to see how close we could get. Ultimately we got to within about 40 yards of the does and the bucks were only 75 yards away. Man I wished it was regular season! My son really wanted me to shoot the doe. I passed though. This was at about 7:30 or so. If I shot, had to trail it, then clean it and drag it out.. I wouldn't have made it to the truck until closer to 9.. then would get home closer to 10.. too late for a school night, so we let them walk. Eventually they all fed out of the area, they didn't spook or blow or anything. It was a perfect first hunt for him. He learned lots of valuable lessons about noise, movement, playing the wind, patience, and that a hunt doesn't need to end with a dead deer to be a success. He can't wait to go back out with me. All in all it couldn't have gone much better.
    15 points
  2. Most deer here seemed to shed between the 5th and 6th sept..
    9 points
  3. I prefer this quote. Shoot what your happy with and dont complain if someone gets something bigger.
    7 points
  4. It speaks volumes, if your intentions are to truly let deer grow, and build age class on your properties. Instead of targeting one buck, I build a "hit list". and I also tell myself each year, Tag soup is a good thing.. your doing your part at building age class. If you shoot that buck at the end of season, but passed him early on, your doing it out of spite, and certainly not for meat(some situations change I get it). But in terms of managing or herd building, Put "x" amount of does on your list, and certain bucks of the age class your targeting.. And i can not stand when the words come out, "Well, Its not my biggest.." Hunting has become a competition for some.. Do you , and let others be, providing they are doing so lawfully. It used to bother me when neighbors shot young bucks, then i realized, I, yes I was the problem.. Life is short, Everyone's life is different.. be safe, be legal to your best ability and have fun.
    6 points
  5. It all depends on how you read it.
    6 points
  6. More picts. Paid for it today will get it tomorrow or Wednesday. Such an easy set up to drive.
    4 points
  7. Yep, I got people upset at me because I used the appropriate term Fudds . That’s why I almost wish they’d stop selling hunting ammo , just so perhaps They’d begin to understand they’re after all guns and all gun owners .
    4 points
  8. I can remember many discussions on here about AR15 laws and bans, and quite a few members saying they didn’t care because it didn’t affect them. Many of us said it was only a matter of time before it did. We were basically called crazy. Who’s crazy now?
    4 points
  9. Rack of democrats Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    3 points
  10. I’m all over the place , no one saying could possibly cover what i shoot or when , sometimes I don’t even know till the moment it feels right.
    3 points
  11. Representing Steuben County here. It's been a tough year on trailcam this summer. That being said, my goal for the season is a 3.5 yr old buck, same as always. I don't get to caught up on score when it comes to my deer hunting, just a realistic buck for the area that I'm hunting. Maybe someday I will join one of Let Em Grow's leases and then I can up my standards a little!
    3 points
  12. hard to tell at times with average versus great mounts unless the two are side by side. call me ignorant but i just look for a red barn wall with circular wear marks behind it. then i know it's a quality mount.
    3 points
  13. I'm pretty sure an outfitter in Kansas isn't talking about a 4 point. I'm sure it's if you see 150 don't wait for a 160. Only in NY would it be if you see a 4 point don't wait for an 8 lol.
    3 points
  14. Perfect hunt for my son's first time out. I'll post details when I get a free minutes. Edit: don't get too excited, no dead deer.
    3 points
  15. Well for the rest of us who don’t own all the guns we want, don’t reload and don’t live close to the PA boarder these new laws are unconstitutional, un-American and a huge pain in the ass. I want to be able to walk into a store near me and buy a firearm and ammo any time I damn well please. And why shouldn’t I?!
    3 points
  16. Success within the first hour of the season. She’s hanging out in the deer fridge now.
    3 points
  17. Got my first ever Canadian Geese this afternoon. Used a shotgun, size 6 load(I know). It was the only steel shot I could find..... First took one shot to the head at 10yrds, second took 2 shots at 30 yrds. I was able to spot them walking in, the stalked them for the shot.
    2 points
  18. have always disagreed with that quote. I think it's misused in the NE. Where it's not misused it short gun seasons like wisconsin or if you're on a trip for a week at an outfitter or out west. But in NY We have from 10/1 till 12/19ish to kill a couple bucks. If I see a nice 2.5 year old the morning of 10/1 he's getting a pass. He may likely not get a pass during gun if I still have 2 buck tags and he might get a pass again if I'm still buckless in December. I am usually able to put a doe or 2 in the freezer and I'll take what bucks I want, and when I want and not feel bad about what I passed or didn't. Hunting for me is an in the moment kind of thing and not a work procedure I plan to follow all season.
    2 points
  19. trapping is a hobby that's been headed out to pasture and certainly no way to make a portion of a living anymore. coons, fisher, fox, coyote, etc. vast majority of furbearers will prey on turkeys. also qdm seems to be practiced more on a wide scale (by myself included). The best deer habitat isn't the best turkey habitat. thick cover a deer can just see over is a gauntlet for turkeys to go through without getting lurking predators around that they can no longer see coming.
    2 points
  20. This 4 hour time change is killing me ! Animal run down , brown bear, black bear , caribou, moose, dall sheep eagles . We also made the 30% club three times actually, only 30% of visitors see Mt Denali due to cloud cover . Now to get ready for bow season !
    2 points
  21. Punctuation matters! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  22. exit wounds look like this! I use the Whitetail specials.
    2 points
  23. Son in NC bringing up a case of shotgun shells steel 4s 2s and 2 boxes of 1s for duck season. I load all my rifle and handgun ammo
    2 points
  24. Even in NY, it depends where one is. There are 8pts in some areas of Stueben Cty that I know ppl pass but would be considered giants in other areas of NY. So shoot what makes you happy.
    2 points
  25. I guess the weird thing to me is that there is even a trial… just disappear them and call it a day Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Rundown of trip . We did a week land and a week cruise, do the land portion first, if you go . The land part is more non stop while the cruise has a couple days at sea to just chill and rest up . Alaska is a native word for you tip every person in the state ….it got a bit much frankly. Our guides for an ATV excursion were a bio chemical engineer and a LA tv producer ( Americas got talent and several hgtv shows ) they should be tipping me ! Outside of Denali the excursions were repetitive, choose wisely. these trips appeal to old people many grossly overweight , I was hip checked so much I thought I was traveling with the Boston Bruins . we took the Alaskan rail system the complete length almost 500 miles , it’s great ! Glass cars comfortable seats very good food, but the last leg from Anchorage to Seward was the best part . im not a group traveler guy , we had six of us , and group dynamics takes play, I simply went along even though I’m not a do things all day EVERYDAY, guy or a “ cruiser “. One day we walked almost 8 miles around Vancouver not very relaxing, then we had to get up at 3am to catch our 6am flight home . The great bear debacle ! Mrs and I were in a bar in Skagway ,a worker told us on our Haines stop to go to a certain lake , the bears are out now feeding on salmon, gave us a drivers #. We get there in the evening , our friend who kinda took over the trip, calls him, hears its $40 per person and says no ! The other couple doesn’t want to get wet ! It’s Alaska in august and you’re wearing gore Tex in a van … I was fu%£ ing pissed . Our other excursions were $150-$200 each she bitches about $40. Then they said well we might not even see bears. To which I replied the locals I just talked to said it’s certain that we would . Cool trip , I liked the land part best, our guide was fantastic! He stopped doing this ten years ago and is a Pham rep in Chicago, but they’re so short staffed he did a few tours on his vacation. He handles everything, you never touch your luggage either it’s all picked up outside your door and delivered to your next room . It’s hard to imagine a more knowledgeable guide , he was born and lived most of his life in AK . It ran smooth and by the numbers . I never researched the possible AK trips, but I think I’d do more land based, Denali and the railroad for sure, Anchorage was the best city by far although Juneau was very very good but more a tourist city , but still fun and worth a day but it’s only reachable by boat or air … im tired and need a shower…
    2 points
  28. Back home. May shoot the bow tomorrow for the first time since last year . Couple last pictures, black tail for Biz and an Alaskan Turkey for Bill .
    2 points
  29. I see little difference in baiting vs plots. To put it in salmon terms, snagging is illegal, but drifting a line through their mouth and setting the hook is legal, both are snagging. Feeding deer in a pile or a patch is the same difference to me. To each their own, I really don't care either way. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. There's WAY more too it than most people realize. I don't do my own tanning now, but would if I ever tried to make a career out of it. Another thing that most hunters don't realize either is that there's a HUGE difference in a crappy deer head on the wall and a true quality deer mount.
    2 points
  31. I appreciate that everybody wants to believe in a magic pill and that there's some cabal out there hiding it. But this study's main author, Flavio Cadegiani, an endocrinologist at the biotech company Applied Biology in Brazil, is already under investigation for several other trials where he's seen unbelievable results, not just with ivermectin but with n experimental prostate cancer drug named proxalutamide and others - in short, his reporting is shoddy and he inappropriately censors data. He has an agenda. Most reputable journals won't touch his stuff. The only reason he's even still above water is that Bolisano is quick to jump on this stuff - and there's profit and prestige for those who tow the Brazilian president's line. This is an internet fairy tale. Ivermectin has long been recognized to have modest anti-viral properties of unknown origin, much like hundreds of other drugs. Anti-androgens are an interesting class of drugs as well. But this is the modern day equivalent of peddling snake-oil. It does nobody any good to make outlandish claims, as it casts a shadow over the real work that's being quietly done through rigor and reproducibility. I don't have an agenda, and I have nothing to gain by taking a stance on this. But I do evaluate clinical trial data professionally, so have expertise. And like most scientists, I am a natural born skeptic - a trait I apply to my own research even more stringently. With over a hundred papers published in my career, I have no retractions, no revisions, and my work has never been questioned for content or methodology (interpretation is always arguable lol).
    2 points
  32. Well I switched gears after stoping in today at the Massy dealer. They have the E and M series. I was going to buy the 1835 E. The 1835 M is bigger in all aspects. Also has a power shuttle. I asked them for a quote on the M and it was 3k more. A no brainer for me. So I take delivery in a week or so. I took some picts before I left. Thanks for all the input into the decision.
    2 points
  33. https://youtu.be/kbhUmjTbmDY I was very fortunate to spend the morning with Wildlife Encounters Taxidermy in the Hudson Valley of NY. McKensie Turner did a fine job explaining the ins and outs of mounting my wife’s 2021 buck. I hope you enjoy the video! I never knew how much work went into taxidermy!
    1 point
  34. that was smart. we send in both left and right center incisors in case the root on one of them gets damaged. we're sending them into Matson Lab though.
    1 point
  35. I rented a stump grinder last year for a day for $125. I ground down ~100 stumps. I thought it would trash my shoulders, but it was simple and quick! MUCH easier than I thought it would be and I wasn’t sore at all! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Have a few smaller buck hanging on still but i guess 90% are shed already
    1 point
  37. I like your spirit, but this could all too easily backfire and do irrepairable damage. I've been saying for years that, while the firearms are protected, the ammo isn't. If the lib's have their way, our guns will be reduced to expensive clubs.
    1 point
  38. The problem can be diagnosed through the process of elimination. The full length sizing-decapping die is where to start. But first just for the heck of it take one of your unsized empty cases and see how one of your bullets fits inside the neck. The fit should not be sloppy as you described. So if the fit is tight that points to a problem with the full length sizing die. Unscrew the decapping stem and remove it from the die and run a case through the die which will bring the case to factory specs and then check to see how a bullet fits in the case neck, if sized properly it will be a tight fit. If the bullet slides into the case neck easily the die is not sizing properly. If the case neck it tight that means the expander button on the decapping stem is where the problem is and it is opening the case mouth too much. The only other thing that would cause that problem though very remote is a batch of bullets that are slightly undersized. The expander button and bullets can easily be checked with a micrometer or Vernier caliper. Al
    1 point
  39. We did the land/sea cruise our first time, and went back a couple of years later and rented a van and did a big loop all land, all preplanned and organized. Did a couple of sea sightseeing trips too. Both trips were fantastic. Next time though is a fishing and/or hunting excursion. My wife can chill out in Homer while I am doing other things.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Forum baiting, but you're already doin it!
    1 point
  42. Lookin out my back door: I started the 50 yard walk to my blind in just a t-shirt, but there was a little nip in the air, so I went back for a light jacket. In the blind, I found a heavy dew on my padded bar stool and used my jacket sleeves to dry before sitting down. I just popped the top on the Evercalm stick. 19 minutes till “go time”.
    1 point
  43. Just a couple of dudes having gin and tonics on the beach, nothing to see here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  44. Today I learned that shoots100 is not only an expert on climate change, but also well educated and an expert in virology and in the medical field. Dude you must have companies beating down your door with fists full of cash with a resume like that.
    1 point
  45. I hope there's a Glock 20 stuffed under that NF outerwear.........just saying.
    1 point
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