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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/19 in all areas

  1. I wanted to try a chainsaw critter popping out of both sides of a vertical log and figured a coon would be a good choice for that. Painting is my weakness so I usually avoid it at all costs, but it's time to add some new skills to my arsenal! I don't think he looks half bad for a mostly rattlecan job with a hint of dry brushing!
    17 points
  2. 50th wedding anniversary of the guy in the center . So about one year on the job I got to transfer to a busy house in the ghetto, with these guys . The guy in the center , decorated Vietnam vet ,and the funniest guy I ever met . Guy with the cane has been fighting a couple different cancers, now in chemo , about the most loved and respected guy on the job in decades . We fought tons of fires, saved a few folks lost a few . Tonight was a night of laughs and drinks ,and stories , but not of fires ,but of , remember when you backed up the rig into the Chiefs car ...... Its hard to explain,but we had so many close calls, trips to the hospital and just out right laughs and we don’t give a F.... times it was crazy . We were proud that no fire that we were first in at ever went to a second alarm , because we put the fuc@# out . Saved a few folks ,dragged many dead ones,out . A bond that few will ever know , and things that most are better off not seeing . one New Year’s Eve , three kids were killed in a fire , the M.E.was tied up on a homicide , the locals,were all drunk and upset with the bodies in the yard , so they loaded the kids up in the ambulance and brought them to our firehouse , were myself and another FF , set burned up bodies on our floor, until they could be picked up . My most memorable New Year ...... Anyways tonight was a night of nights ! Men bounding and laughing , and and dreaming of the days we were young and strong .
    11 points
  3. New knife build first folder I have done hand painted .
    10 points
  4. Last winter I had a Browning trail cam giving me trouble. I started to see moisture in the case when I'd pull the card for review and some slight rust on the battery ejection compartment button. I tried it out a couple times at work this spring and it would burn through batteries in a few days, something was miss firing fo sho. Time went by pretty quick and I just never got to calling Browning to see if they'd do anything for a 3 year old camera. Fast forward to late last week while recovering from a week off due to a little mishap while working and nothing to do but rest up. I called Browning ( Prometheus Group ) and told my tale of woe. The nice fellow on the phone (turns out he's from Wheatfield NY) said send it in. Due to the age of it it wouldn't be under warranty but if it could be repaired, they'd email me a quote. I put it in the mail on Tuesday and much to my surprise and glee, a brand new camera arrived via FedEx this morning. Thank you Browning!
    8 points
  5. Checked cams and got about 30 more bear pics.
    7 points
  6. Nope....Shakin Bacon, Miley Swine-usand Roaring Thunder we’re victorious tonight . Nor did they win at the break a bottle baseball throw or the basketball shot or the knock the cans off the table or even the ping pong ball in the goldfish .....But we had fun as usual Some shirts for your enjoyment....some seem appropriate for many on here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  7. First shot at 20.First group at 30.First group at 40.Pretty soon this Obsession Phoenix will be shooting almost as good as when Moog had it!! Since tweaking a few adjustments last week, this bow just keeps getting better. Smooth, quiet, super solid back wall, and an absolute joy to shoot! Shoulders are acting up a bit now, so hoping to tighten the groups a little more in the next month. But have come a long way since the first time I shot this bow. That was embarrassing, ask moog..... Decided on these arrows with the 350 spine for my hunting arrows. Next up will be putting on the Glory lighted nocks. Then the broadhead. Will practice with that until season starts. It's all is falling into place. With the end result hopefully another bow deer. That's going to be cool, considering I almost had to give up bow hunting.
    6 points
  8. I got a welcome bear here looking to head out east too!
    6 points
  9. LadyO was quite angry today. But, battled it out and took 3rd in a local tourney. PB steelhead hit the deck and we ended up with a 20# average. 17ish bites. Decent day considering the heavy NE. They are definitely staging and darkening up. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
    6 points
  10. Best hunt we ever had. Nephew and I killed 228 before we called it quits. Birds were still flying and coming into our set as we were picking up the dead and decoys. He made a couple shots today that I still cannot fathom.
    5 points
  11. Does my friends yard count as the “ woods “ ? I haven’t been to my spot in months .
    5 points
  12. That's too bad. To loose the love of hunting would be a difficult thing for me. I'm certainly not "driven" like I was 10-20 or thirty years ago but I enjoy my bow and gun hunting quite a bit. The rut for bow is the top of the heap but then when gun opens I love being able to use a centerfire rifle that I've hand loaded all the ammo for. I just enjoy the accuracy and nimbleness of my rifles. I'd happily take a 6pt with a rifle than a 10pt with a slug gun; UGGH. Then the late season rolls around; usually snow and colder temps make things more difficult and that's always a good time, in my opinion of course. All these things equate to deer that need to be processed. Something I enjoy at my pace, I don't want two or three hanging at the same time. Give me one, let me get it taken care of then GTFOMW, I'm back at it.
    5 points
  13. Homegrown tomatoes and mozzarella.
    5 points
  14. Just horsin' around. Nailed the exacta in the 1st.
    4 points
  15. Shit.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  16. Celebrating Dad's 70th. Play on Player!
    4 points
  17. This is the ultimate fire pit. Cousin has a party every yr. This fire pit is 13' across. Made from 1/4" culvert pipe.
    4 points
  18. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  19. Brother came up today and finally setup the targets in almost like a course. 7 total setups with ranges going out to 35 at most since non of the 5 that shoot on sundays go past that while hunting. Arm got tired towards the end that youll see in pictures. But in order Turkey-18yrds,pig 23,bag down hill 21,deer streestand 30yrds,deer out of chair 20,deer 1/4away 15yards. Will add one more tomorrow that will stretch from 10-35 yards.
    4 points
  20. 4 points
  21. Brush hogging all day. So an All-Day IPA. Found a sweet shed before the brush hog did.
    3 points
  22. My version of shramp scampi
    3 points
  23. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  24. Even with a 2.5” lift and 35” tires, mine has a pretty good ride. Not as smooth as the raptor was but more than adequate. I think the longer wheel base of the 4 door makes a difference. I have enjoyed mine immensely this summer. Not another vehicle I can think of that I can remove the top and doors, drive through the fields, tow my ATV and still use as a daily driver with the family.
    3 points
  25. KIng size...That's why I date Italian girls...
    3 points
  26. Beautiful night for a fire and beer . Fell asleep by it . Wife had to wake me up .
    3 points
  27. Happy birthday to your dad Unfamiliar beer to me
    3 points
  28. Working on the garage earlier today had a local ipa from right down the road. Now I'm in for the night cruising on stouts. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  29. Got another one waiting in the fridge. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  30. That looks fantastic my friend!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! I promise to give him a good home! We will be on the road, heading to ya in the morning! Will see ya in the afternoon some time! Really looking forward to finally meeting ya!
    3 points
  31. The hunt is slowly getting closer. Oct 14th is the day. Shot the muzzleloader today. This group is 10 shots off a pair of shooting sticks. 50 to 75 yards. Not as good as a scoped inline, but I'm happy seeing as it is a peeped hawken. 420gr conical over 80gr of 777 ffg. I would like a hotter load, but the groups start to open up if I increase the powder. You muzzleloader guys think 80 is enough? Shots on the hunt will avg between 50 and 75 yards. Heart and lungs only. No head shots.
    3 points
  32. 25# Steel was 14#---- which would have had me in some money for the LOC but buddy was not in it, and I'm not a cheater. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  33. I just pulled cards this morning. I'm getting a lot of activity both at night and during the day. Less coyotes on cam than in the past. All horns are still covered in velvet. I've got a few respectable studs smiling for the camera. For that lop sided one, shooter? Or let him go and hope he comes back next year with a better pair?
    3 points
  34. Yeah thanks...STILL WAITING!!!! I have been in regular contact with the taxi who assured me progress is being made and I trust him. At this point, why rush him? But this blank space is a constant reminder that he ain’t back yet! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  35. Switchin it up
    2 points
  36. I have a 4 ft 3 pt hitch mower with belt and pulleys that runs off the pto. If you could make a frankenstein mower using my body and your gearbox (instead of the belt and pulleys) . . . . At least I think that's what @G-Man was getting at. Not to thread hijack, but I bought a Bush Hog BH215 5' this week. Once I got the slip clutch properly adjusted, it worked OK. (Much more to the story, but I'll post in a new thread).
    2 points
  37. Well cell phone pics, from my buddies yard ,and there’s a town bow hunting program in the neighborhood. Bolt Action from your pic I’m shooting it for sure, looks like a split brow on the right and a drop tine on the left that goes between eye and his ear . One cool freaky rack !
    2 points
  38. Happy birthday to your father
    2 points
  39. Have a safe trip, and see ya when ya get here!
    2 points
  40. Last of the practice before we head out tomorrow afternoon. I know thats quite the artistic rendition of a deer... thank you lol
    2 points
  41. Having one tonight,crapyice bitch!!!!
    2 points
  42. Been a long work week....wife’s away for the night, got the kiddos in the living room watching a movie with popcorn while I unwind a little on the porch
    2 points
  43. Sams bf over. Going to watch It after Yankees game over. Alpine pasta bake with poppy seeds Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  44. Beer number 2 Chocolate Ryezome at a delicious 9% so glad I haven't eaten since noonish Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  45. First decent buck of the year. Only have had cam out for a week in this spot by ground blind. (This is a pic of a pic)
    2 points
  46. Been opening up some spots for hub blinds on the farm property. Opened these spots next to very thick cover, where we saw and got pic's of nice bucks last year. My grandson had a big buck halfway down this lane last year. Hope to have it happen again during youth weekend. Both of these spots are the view from here.... And here is where a hub blind is going. Huge buck see here a few times last year! Following woodline to the left. Perhaps my opening day of gun spot? It's a pinch point between two Very thick bedding areas. Prime rut spot!
    2 points
  47. Hoping they stick around!!!seem very comfortable in that spot and its 20 yards from my stand
    2 points
  48. I have been deer hunting close to 30 years.I didn't bow hunt for the 1st 10. I've always been able to get into the "zone" with a gun.. Settle my nerves and shaking , then everything goes into slow motion.. Close to 100% success rate after the shot. With a bow in my hands, I fall to pieces. I cant seem to find that spot.lol . I can shoot the heck out of a target, but put a deer in front of me, doe to 10points and I suck..So yes, I get the fever.
    2 points
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