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  1. Knocked down a doe at last light. 3 came in at 5;50 and were munching on winter rye sprouts. 1 baby and 2 Meat-ables. They fed at 35 for a bit, outside my comfort zone. Eventually 1 worked her way over so I drew but she turned I had ti let down. Then she was behind some cover and one more step she's mine. I draw...she freezes and turns away. I let down: the other one now sees me and is alert to something. My nearest target starts heading correctly again so I draw and need to lean a bit awkwardly for a clear shot that was more quartering to then I thought. Good entry- back exit. She wheels and hangs in the field for 10 minutes, hunched up and walks to the corner. Now it's dark but the baby comes back to feed...I hear heavy rustling now off the field. Climb down check arrow and find good blood but gut smell. Return to the barn and wait u til 10:30 to take a look. Find some good blood- not like gut at all so I track a bit and eventually see eyes. Backed out to return at 12:00. Find her in a new bed and kick her further but she's hurting. Wait another hour and take up trail. Find her in another bed and finish her off. I wish I recognized the quartering better-with the other one staring at me I think I rushed. Regardless, she's hanging and I'm shot! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    28 points
  2. I have learned to do stuff myself since buying this house. I have changed a few light fixtures, cut a tree down out back and I painted my house by myself. I replaced an exterior wall on my shed and I thought that was a big deal. I wanted to add a second set of steps to my little porch for a couple reasons. I couldn't get anyone to do it so I did it myself with the help from a brother in North Carolina and YouTube. I thought I could buy the stringers and just get the job done in a couple days, They didn't have them and they are not easy to make. I did mess up and my last step turned out to be higher than it should have been so I had to build a box. It's amazing that I build something like this!
    15 points
  3. I’m exhausted but what a day of hunting without actually shooting anything. Took a rookie bowhunter hunting in the morning and he made a great shot on a poor man’s spike. Then as soon as I finished taking care of his deer I get a text from a buddy that he hit a good buck. Helped him track and luckily he didn’t go far. It was a nice broken off 8 point. Got him all cut up and in coolers now I’m relaxing. No PM hunt tonight, back at it in the morning.
    14 points
  4. Live from Lowe’s. #48 of doe filled up fridge freezer pretty good. Ex got the stand up freezer. Should fit a couple in here
    13 points
  5. Well that was the best sit Ive had in years. Three bucks, one a real nice 8. They were 75 out or so but cruising. Later I watched the big one ease a doe down the powerline and into some cover. A while later he came back out an went away from me followed by a smaller 8. I was hoping theyd head towards my buddys son who I took out today but he didnt see them. He did see two four pointers. This was the only deer I was truly close to but what a show. Dont stay home in early November folks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    12 points
  6. Hunt ruined but have a great story. Saw a free set of boobs.
    10 points
  7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    10 points
  8. Can anyone help [mention=4978]NonTypical[/mention] get back on the forum? He can’t log in he told me via Instagram. Btw, he shot a monster! Forum buck counter = 12 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    10 points
  9. I’d rather shoot a spike then ever see those again.
    9 points
  10. 11/5/22 I was contacted last night by a guy who’s girlfriend had shot her first deer and it was a gutshot. He knew exactly what to do…..back out so you don’t push it. I let Luna take this morning’s track since she didn’t get to chew on a deer yesterday. It was 62 degrees when I left the house at 6:45 this morning. I can’t remember ever wearing a short sleeve shirt while tracking in November before. I expected this would be a slam dunk track, but it was not. The buck was all over the place which makes me think coyotes had been after it. We ended up in a swamp with Luna swimming down a beaver run as I was in mid thigh deep water following her. We didn’t see any fresh sign, so we went back about 300 yards to last blood for a restart. She brought us back the same way, but at one point she clearly was air scenting, but then continued with her nose to the ground. I told the boyfriend to mark our location on OnX because we may be coming back to look around, which did happen a little while later. We searched the thick swamp grass area while the hunter kept Luna there since she hadn’t shown any interest in going in there. We didn’t find the buck or any sign. We went for another restart and this time when we got to that area Luna began air scenting again and started pulling on the leash and pulled me into the swamp grass. She showed me a bloody bed not too far away which I examined and then called the hunting party over. I stood up and 5’ away I saw the buck laying there dead. It was very windy this morning and it was swirling in the swamp, which was definitely a factor. So happy for this young hunter. Nice 6 point for her first ever deer.
    9 points
  11. A new project I am just getting started on, acquired a pristine like new rifle that has had only 10 rounds put through it. Chambered in the little dynamo cartridge 256 Winchester Mag, made for a few short years during the mid sixties. Will update as things come along. Al
    7 points
  12. Had this good 8 put on quite a show chasing and grunting and harassing some of the gals. 3rd buck this morning the girls are doing there job
    7 points
  13. Spring peepers are deafening this is hysterical. Hopefully one gobbles soon otherwise I will run and gun until 9 then go fishing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    7 points
  14. Keep us abreast of the situation. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  15. You would have won first prize if you could have gotten a rack selfie . Many others have .
    6 points
  16. Oh. Almost forgot to tell you that the buck I got last week was standing in the exact spot as the doe I got exactly one week prior. Shot her on an observation sit. The “accidental doe” gave me clues for how to get my buck. First deer with a bow from a treestand. Normally I’m on the ground. Both were 12 yards directly down wind, right where I said they would never be. [emoji23] Being tagged out before November is … uncomfortable at the moment. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  17. Warm weather definitely suppressing movement in 8H/8F but tbh my hunts last couple days have been better than I expected. I’ve seen a handful of 2-3 year olds chasing does and more movement in general than I’d expect being so warm. Cameras have slowed significantly so haven’t been expecting much but they are missing a good amount of action…. the other night I was in a 2-3 acre thicket with 2 cell cams on either side and had 4 bucks in there with me but not a single picture. Doubt they are aware of the cams, seemed like using more random trails and just more chaotic movement right now. So long winded way of saying don’t rely too much on cams. That said, all my mature bucks have disappeared across multiple properties. It’s been close to a week since I’ve got a picture and had been getting each buck every 1 to 3 days. Not sure if they are locked down or maybe my cams just missing them…. but very strange as we’re talking about half dozen or so different properties all seeing the same thing. Hopefully incoming cold front gets the big boys moving again Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  18. Holy shit Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
    5 points
  19. Playing the game with the bucks today. This morning I was on the other side of the farm when this young guy shows up ten yards from my natural ground blind on the oak ridge. So this afternoon I move over to that spot and see a couple doe's with fawns in tow. While a little spike harasses them. Then I get a picture of this shooter from where I was this morning! I guess that's why we call it hunting! But good thing is, they are out and about, even in these warm temps. I may just stumble into one at some point? Who knows?
    5 points
  20. God it’s hot… not sure why I’m back out but I am. My buddy just sent me this from the driveway. It’s about 500 yards from my stand Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  21. 11/3/pm 62 Was down in my brush blind on state above the swamp. It was very warm and I was a bit warm when I got settled. I used more Evercalm than usual and even kicked up the dirt and rubbed some on my clothes for cover scent. At about 5pm I heard a deer walking towards me from behind in the thick brush. After a bit I saw deer, then rack, then big rack. He was coming directly at me. I had stood as soon as I heard the deer so I was standing, bow in hand and release clipped. My right should leaning into the big pine trunk that my blind is centered on. He is at 15 feet and still coming. He is a 9-10-11 point I know he had at least 5 on the one side and out past the ears and nice tall tines. He stops looking around then comes right by my right side at about 4 feet and stops on the opposite side of the pine. I can hear him breathing. He is right in my wind! My mind is melting at this point. He starts walking. I had turned my head to see where he was headed when he was behind the tree. So I see him walking away 7, 8 , 9 feet and I can see his right eye so I can't move. He finally turns his head and I ease around to face that way. He goes out about 10-12 yards and turns to the right and as he goes behind a tree I draw. He hits a lane and I stop him and put the pin right on the shoulder and hit right where I aimed. Stupid me was so rattled I put a gun aim on him not a bow. I got crap penetration. The arrow later showed 7-8 inches. He ran 30 yards down into the swamp and I watched him walk for anther 30 yards or so until I lost him. I knew with one hole, the arrow still in him and going into the swamp it was going to be a terrible trail. I pulled out and got ahold of a tracker for the next morn. I met the tracker Pauline and her helper Don and pups the next morn. He never bedded. We found the arrow, good blood for a couple hundred yards then poor. He left the swamp, crossed a road the dog figured that all out with no blood. Across the road we did finally hit a drop of blood and the dog trailed another couple hundred yards and we called it. We all felt the deer was not mortally wounded. I did stay and grid searched for 5 more miles just cause I needed to. The tracker was excellent and I would not have been able to advance the track near as far or well. Amazing how those dogs can get off track and circle around not even on the track and go back to last blood to restart! He was a great buck and I will get a cam out there and hope to catch a pic of him. I did everything right except aimed in the wrong stupid spot. rrrrrrr I have had a button sniff my leg one time but this is the closest I have ever been to a big buck. 4 feet pffft.
    4 points
  22. I was gunna say something dirty But I’ll refrain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  23. Which is why this site will die a slow painful death as it has been. Bumjohn stinks as a forum runner/owner
    4 points
  24. You won’t find many that enforce the stupid laws. Unless of course they use the illegal crossbow for other illegal activities and then they will just add the stupid law on the top of the other charges.
    4 points
  25. He found him! Saw his buck laying down with his head up right on the path he walks back home to. So he just stood there from a distance and watched him. Said the buck got up at least 10 times and would stumble a couple yards and lay back down for a while. He calls me to tell me this and I tell him I'll be there in half an hour. Said as soon as he hung up the phone the buck put his head down, kicked around a little and died. When i get down there I'm trying to walk as quietly as I can and he yells to me "it's ok, he's f'n dead" Straight up gut shot. Had to toss the tenderloins and ribs but everything else is perfectly fine. 120lb spike. So happy for him. He's been struggling these past few seasons Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
    4 points
  26. I’m thrilled that my preparation paid off. This happened exactly as I imagined it would. Trail cam pic was taken the day before I shot him. He’s a “dork deer.” See his overbite? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  27. Found this buried in my basement today. Not sure how old it is (gotta be at least 15 years old) but I decided to make a fake scrape in my back yard. It smelled good after all these years. It'll be interesting to see if it still works.
    3 points
  28. Best day of deer season IMO.
    3 points
  29. Very frustrating only hunting does during the rut…. Only bucks seen today… this decent 8 and spike. Had them both dead to rights if I wanted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  30. Just needs some grading and stone. Electric hooks up tomorrow. Some recent pictures. I have had that Rooster for 10 years. Its been in a box in my attic. It was from a photo shoot for Money Magazine. I ended up with a lot of cool stuff, now it has a home. I was up on the lift so I thought I would take some picts!
    3 points
  31. Son is gonna smoke his first buck in the morning. Feeling it. Spot is getting hot in the mornings with buck activity per trail cam.
    3 points
  32. Been a rough couple of weeks at the house thats for sure. Zapped all my energy. Good thing is it’s nothing serious. Talked to my daughter and we are in for tomorrow morning and evening hunts with her behind the crossbow. That will definitely help pick my spirits up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  33. Buckform! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    3 points
  34. One of the advantages of being a handloader is the ability to produce ammo no longer being made. I already have the Redding 3 die case forming set for 256 Win, have done case forming for several other cartridges so I am familiar with the process. Ran a few test cases and so far so good. The barrel on the Levermatic is 23 inches. Al
    3 points
  35. Funky spike came up behind me to 12 yards then milled around behind me. Was kinda watching over my shoulder off and on. Look back and see a bunch of antler and heck that ain't the spike. Nice 8 point was back always. Grunted and snort wheezed he looked and fed into a bedding area. Little guy was still 40 from me but the 8 didn't care. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  36. Just getting it all setup to shoot, scope bases and rings, sling stud installation and ammunition. 256 Winchester ammo has not been produced since the late nineties, any new old stock found is going for up to $5 a round. I will be rolling my own, just waiting for all the components to come in. Al
    3 points
  37. Just got my first call of the year Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
    3 points
  38. @moog5050 Obsession bow that he sold me is officially broken in. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
    3 points
  39. The main reason I went today, was because I could tote the xbow, sitting there hoping you can draw back your compound is not an enjoyable sit .
    2 points
  40. Isn’t today crossbow opener? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  41. My thoughts on this warm and windy morning hunt…. Its like going on a date with a super hot chick your really into but within a few minutes of the date your getting vibes she ain’t into you at all.
    2 points
  42. It's definitely not from an overabundance of acorns! The crop has been virtually non-existent here in the finger lakes region for the second year in a row.
    2 points
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