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So what's on the agenda now that hunting is over


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Stalking some bows on ebay as I'm pretty sure I'm going to try my hand at bow hunting next season.

The rifle season is too short and rifle regions too far for me to be able to put a good amount of time in.

In the immediate future, pick up the belly slab from the butcher and prep a porchetta for Christmas eve dinner.

Other than that, business as usual. Work, gym, try to be a good father and husband. 

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8 minutes ago, uberyan said:

Stalking some bows on ebay as I'm pretty sure I'm going to try my hand at bow hunting next season.

The rifle season is too short and rifle regions too far for me to be able to put a good amount of time in.

In the immediate future, pick up the belly slab from the butcher and prep a porchetta for Christmas eve dinner.

Other than that, business as usual. Work, gym, try to be a good father and husband. 

You could find a better deal in the classified section on AT

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12 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

You could find a better deal in the classified section on AT

I've poked around there a few times. Seems most of the things that get posted for sale are above the price/quality range I'm looking for.

I put down a fair bit of coin since late summer when I bought my rifle setup and all my hunting gear so I'm trying to keep the bow stuff as budget as possible.

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8 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

Hitting the streams with my son to hopefully get him his first trib fish.  He has patiently waited through hunting season and is now raring to go!


And finally back to my typical weight training routine.

yea i've been into it hard... lol.... dusted off half a dozen 45 lb plates earlier in the year to check my deer scale calibration.  most they've moved since summer.  bar is still laying on the basement floor mat.  i think the treadmill sees use.  all the clothes on it seem to be staying leaner than i.  couple more hoodies and it might blow out a shock though and need repairs.  effort's coming but no promises.  someone should start a fitness activity thread similar to the first shots bow thread.

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1 hour ago, dbHunterNY said:

yea i've been into it hard... lol.... dusted off half a dozen 45 lb plates earlier in the year to check my deer scale calibration.  most they've moved since summer.  bar is still laying on the basement floor mat.  i think the treadmill sees use.  all the clothes on it seem to be staying leaner than i.  couple more hoodies and it might blow out a shock though and need repairs.  effort's coming but no promises.  someone should start a fitness activity thread similar to the first shots bow thread.

I started with atlas stones yesterday and my wife laughs at me since I am walking like an old man now as sore as I am.  I keep telling her, the pain just means its working.

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One of my oldest, bestus friends has 3 beagles....I plan to be listening to them  run a lot the next couple of months..

Also, weather permitting, December/January can be a great time for vertical jigging lakers in Keuka..

Along with that, another of my buddies has a 5 acre pond that yields JUMBO bluegills through the ice, when we have good ice.

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Starting to spend more time with the wife and interacting with friends, during hunting season she's pretty much a hunting widow as I spend as much time in the woods as I can when I'm not working.

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Mine has the same problem. Taking kids outta school Wednesday to spend the day together as I work weekends

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One more day left to the deer season! My plan is to be out there in the morning. One last try for the season.


After that, small game hunting, glassing for turkeys, knocking on some doors to hopefully get a field or two of private land to hunt said turkey on. Waiting patiently for 'the holidays' to be over. Getting things ready for the last minute New Years Eve party the g/f decided to have.

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3d archery winter league....Sit a few times on the lease for coyotes and in a friends backyard. My wife and I will also be spending a few weekends teaching/exposing our 2.5 year old to skiing. He is pumped and loves being outside every waking minute and hates when I leave for hunting in the morning, so he will be excited he gets to go with us skiing.

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I'm going ice fishing Wednesday and coyote hunting Thursday. Next week we are going to be rabbit hunting and ice fishing and going for a snowmobile ride. I stay busy all year but winter is my favorite non deer season. Between having fun, keeping the driveways clean and cutting wood I'm always busy and winter flys by.

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16 hours ago, moog5050 said:

I started with atlas stones yesterday and my wife laughs at me since I am walking like an old man now as sore as I am.  I keep telling her, the pain just means its working.

definitely do not have the build for strongman endeavors.  that stuff is way better than any machine linear motion weight lifting equipment i learned as long as you use a belt and do things right so you don't pull or tear something.  office job has killed me and don't live on the farm anymore to do as much though.  when i was more into weight training my dad thought it was a joke and i just ended up with more work on the farm. lost two pant sizes and gained 25 lbs when i thought i was already in shape.  about killed me though.  mornings i felt like a 100 year old man until started putting my body to work for an hour or so to loosen back up.
hay ground was always the primary focus on the farm.  dad always used to say wear and tear on equipment was not good.  hay bale elevators and chutes to get hay into the barn took too long to setup.  rock picking equipment for hundreds of acres of hay ground to be replanted was too expensive to rent.  his justification for such nonsense was he had two boys for a reason.

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I've got a basement that looks like a hoarder lives here. Fixing that is right at the top of the list once we get the holidays behind us. The problem is that most of it is still-working equipment that I paid a lot of dollars for, and most of it still gets used occasionally.

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This time of year after deer season is my time to be home sleep in and be with the family. I golf most weekend mornings from late April until October 1st when I switch over to hunting. 

I have a lot of things that I want to do around the house but none of them are anything that are time sensitive so if i get them done great and if not oh well i'll get to it eventually. 

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