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Big Bear


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Large bear taken in Sterling forest.  I heard the DEC said he had to have it out the next day so the hunter gave it to the DEC, this is here say...  

Not sure if the hunter wants to be identified so I cut his face out.  Supposedly just under 800lbs!!!  Waiting for more pics.  


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I'm sure that those in the know when it comes to bear hunting have their ways, but I have always wondered just how you get a huge bag of several hundred pounds of jello with no handles, out of the woods. I wouldn't even know where to start.

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  On 11/21/2017 at 6:00 PM, NFA-ADK said:

Large bear taken in Sterling forest.  I heard the DEC said he had to have it out the next day so the hunter gave it to the DEC, this is here say...  

Not sure if the hunter wants to be identified so I cut his face out.  Supposedly just under 800lbs!!!  Waiting for more pics.  



Someone should tell that guy that long john bottoms go under your hunting pants.

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One has to skin and quarter bears if help is lacking or if way off the beaten track. Then the packframe comes into use. If you hunt bears religiously you need a good skinning knife,small pack saw, para cord, game bags for quarters, headlamp and a sturdy pack frame.

I guess a strong back come into play also. 

Dragging bears is like dragging a garbage bag of jello as they roll and become wedged easily. I've even tried carrying them on poles (they swing) and ice fishing sleds (that bear is too big).

Very hard to tell from a picture, but I would think that's about a 500 pound bear.

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  On 11/21/2017 at 8:21 PM, Doc said:

I'm sure that those in the know when it comes to bear hunting have their ways, but I have always wondered just how you get a huge bag of several hundred pounds of jello with no handles, out of the woods. I wouldn't even know where to start.


I would just bring the butcher, extra bags and HELP!

Estimate was just under 700lbs sorry!  I though 800 was a bit high.    

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  On 11/21/2017 at 9:18 PM, NFA-ADK said:

I would just bring the butcher, extra bags and HELP!

Estimate was just under 700lbs sorry!  I though 800 was a bit high.    


Seriously! I would consider butchering it right there on the spot and packing out the hide and bags of meat using a pack frame and many trips.

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Ranger told me a long time ago not to shoot a big bear in the deep back woods.  He said between the claws and fur you will have an extra 50 lbs of twigs and brush that just seem to catch the hair and claws.  He said it's like dragging a pile of jello.  But he said if its around the camp site wack em, we don't want them in the camp sites!   Bruce L.  Great guy, awesome stories.  

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  On 11/21/2017 at 6:37 PM, rob-c said:
I would have done everything I could have to get that bear out. 


I shot a nice 9 point that died in the worst spot possible. Down a ravine in the dark Mississippi woods and then it started to rain.


To the point where I was almost crying and contemplating how I could even muster more strength to get it up the hill. But I had to get him out. I shot him and I owed it to him.


I was sore and tired but when you pull that trigger you have to be prepared to do the hard work. And I then understood why all the hunters had quads!



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  On 11/21/2017 at 8:21 PM, Doc said:
I'm sure that those in the know when it comes to bear hunting have their ways, but I have always wondered just how you get a huge bag of several hundred pounds of jello with no handles, out of the woods. I wouldn't even know where to start.

Skin and quarter!

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  On 11/22/2017 at 12:24 AM, Fletch said:

I’m questioning 800 pounds and the legality of not getting it out in consumable shape. Wanton waste with deer is illegal is bear different. And the guy should lose his license.

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Believe it or not NY does not have a wanton waste law. 

I read up on it a couple years ago after a hunting celeb got busted for it in Canada and was surprised to see we don’t have a law here. 

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