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Prince Harry has reportedly sold his prized handmade rifles worth more than $60,000 after he quit hunting out of respect for his actress wife Meghan Markle.


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Prince Harry has reportedly sold his prized handmade rifles worth more than $60,000 after he quit hunting out of respect for his actress wife Meghan Markle.

Harry, 35, has unloaded the two weapons — from a British gunmaker Purdey — by selling them to another hunter in a private deal, according to The Sun.

The former royal, who learned to hunt as a child, has not joined his colleagues at recent game shooting events and is believed to have quit hunting altogether due to Markle’s opposition to the practice.

Harry sold the guns five months ago, a friend of the anonymous buyer told the paper.


Not sure where to post this maybe under comedy but that guy is going to need a good divorce lawyer I predict .

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Queen recently announced that her annual address will contain language that will ask to ban any importing of hunting trophies into UK from anywhere in the world. Typically topics contained are driven by the Prime Minister, and his girl friend is big on the anti hunting scene.

But so is Trumps daughter, and shes driven his stance against imports too, even though the one son is big into SCI.Although there has been a quiet shift in the past year in some cases; much is on the no go list with ridiculous reasoning by USFWS.

Eric Clapton has also cashed in much of his collection, and that ran into the millions comfortably.

60k for two Purdeys, not all that much in English bespoke gun world. A Holland and Holland royal double rifle starts at 100K and nortn of 250 is easy to see.

It's all about flavor of the day.

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Hunting in Europe and Britain have been getting flushed down the toilet for years, between the animal rights groups and anti gun laws banning everything only the people of position and wealth can still hunt the average Joe can only read about hunting.

I have acquaintances in the hunting dog world over there and all hunting with dogs in England and Wales was banned in 2005, they can still hunt Rats and Rabbits which are considered vermin they get to use sticks and clubs as owning a firearm is almost impossible.

Kind of reminds me of what has been going on in California, Thanks to the Animal Rights groups and Democrat rule Hunting with Dogs has been banned on many species, restrictive gun and ammunition regulation, huge drop off in hunting participation because of it. 



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2 hours ago, cbyzerman said:

What a bitch... He is a prince and that is the best you could muster up... I know plumbers with better looking wifes......

was thinking the same thing plus she is older then him and was married before . That guy has some real issues . 

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No wonder they wanted to leave the royal family, I couldn't imagine being born into a situation where everything you do is plastered everywhere and left for the judgement of the masses. 

I doubt my wife will ever buy me a gun, and will continue to roll her eyes when I say I got another one, but she at least lets me have them. 

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