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LIVE From The Woods 2021 Stories And Pictures Let's Have Em!


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  On 10/22/2021 at 10:28 AM, Wildcat said:

… and let me guess…. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday cameras were blowing up?   It amazes me sometime how much variation there is….  First 3 days of this week I was averaging 25 pics a day on one of my cameras..   now I have not got a single deer pic since 8:30 Wednesday evening..  


Pretty much! From the 13th-18th, my cams were blowing up, with deer activity, but specifically several big mature bucks moving (all at night). The 3 days after, were DEAD, practically zero deer activity. Last night, was a little better, but not much. I haven't had a big buck on cam since the 18th. Can't even say with the full moon, deer are up and feeding at mid-day, because the cams aren't showing squat for activity. Pretty typical for what I see while hunting the first couple days before and after a full moon. I was hoping the cloud cover and 20 degree temp drop would over-ride the effects of the full moon, but it certainly doesn't look like it... 

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Rain stopped at my planned departure time but has started again right before sunrise.  My umbrella is up with my orange hat on top and I am in position and ready.   The wind is perfect nw at about 10 mph.

phone in pocket till buck on ground and squirrels don’t break twigs (lessons from one year minus a day ago).

Edited by wolc123
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So I had a pretty rough hunt last night…. Got in the stand around 4, I hunt land locked public land behind my brother in laws house. A new neighbor of his wants to get into bow hunting and i have been mentoring him and letting him use some of my stands. At 4:40 he texts and says I’m gunna hunt…. Kind of late to be walking in but what ever…. I send him to a stand close to the house for a easy slip in….. well he gets lost and at 4:52 he comes crashing by the stand I’m in….. I got his attention and sent him on his way. At this point I’m a little annoyed because I have clearly marked trails to each stand that I’ve asked repeatedly he doesn’t deviate from…

Any way at 6:00 I see movement to my right. I then see it’s coming toward me and see the flash of bone through the trees… he makes his way along the brush line in front of me, keeping the brush between him and I. He finally presents me with a shot I should have never taken. He was standing behind the log pictured which is at 35 yards… I ranged him at 40 and decided if I shoot i gotta aim on the low side… this way if I miss I hit the log and don’t wound him… we’ll that’s exactly what happened. He didn’t spook but just kind of trotted off.

As for the new Hunter I have calmed down and just need to understand he is new and I will have to do my best to keep giving advise.

Good news is the log was pretty rotten and no damage to arrow or broadhead.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  On 10/22/2021 at 12:01 PM, Chef said:

So I had a pretty rough hunt last night…. Got in the stand around 4, I hunt land locked public land behind my brother in laws house. Anne’s neighbor of his wants to get into bow hunting and i have been mentoring him and letting him use some of just stands. At 4:40 he texts and says I’m gunna hunt…. Kind of late to be walking in but what ever…. I send him to a stand close to the house for a easy slip in….. well he gets lost and at 4:52 he comes crashing by the stand I’m in….. I got his attention and sent him on his way. At this point I’m a little annoyed because I have clearly marked trails to each stand that I’ve asked repeatedly he doesn’t deviate from…

Any way at 6:00 I see movement to my right. I then see it’s coming toward me and see the flash of bone through the trees… he makes his way along the brush line in front of me, keeping the brush between him and I. He finalized presents me with a shot I should have never taken. He was standing behind the log pictured which is at 35 yards… I ranged him at 40 and decided if I shoot i gotta aim on the low side… this way if I miss I hit the log and don’t sound him… we’ll that’s exactly what happened. He didn’t spook bad just kind of trotted off.

As for the new Hunter I have calmed down and just need to understand he is new and I will have to do my best to keep giving advise.

Good news is the log was pretty rotten and no damage to arrow or broadhead.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I find that if I decide to shoot and say man that's close to that tree I hit the tree 90 percent of the time. I think you actually focus on what you don't want to hit so you hit it!!. Like psyching yourself out before you even go for the shot.

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  On 10/22/2021 at 12:01 PM, Chef said:

well he gets lost and at 4:52 he comes crashing by the stand I’m in….. I got his attention and sent him on his way. At this point I’m a little annoyed because I have clearly marked trails to each stand that I’ve asked repeatedly he doesn’t deviate from…


you left the part out where you thought about leaving and i demanded that you stay put!

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I had no intentions of hunting this morning, but my favorite target buck in 3N (wide freaky 7pt) walked right through my best spot under 20 yards at 813am. this morning (pics in my journal). I wish I could blame @crappyice for making me sit home with big moon. But again, I had no intentions of hunting. Point is, things are happening!

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Joe now has that shooter buck running and grunting after a doe !

Update , he now 9:36 had a monster step out of the goldenrod, but went away from him 

Edited by Nomad
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I have two really nice bucks in front of me…….and close!!


Too bad I’m under the weather and not able to hunt.  Stuffed bucks are all I can hang my hat on for a bit.  

Oh and you guys keep my spirits up with your hunt reports.   

Edited by Lawdwaz
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Haven't seen my resident does at my place in over a week.  Took advantage of the rain to walk out and check 3 cams.  One with pics of said does on the 12th, one dead Tasco cam with no pics, and 2 nighttime coyote pics on the plot. The very last pic was a shooter (for me) at 10:49pm two nights ago.  Maybe there's hope?

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