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Finally got to meet Wooly . And tribute to my brother.


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And pick up a wonderful piece I had to have of his amazing chainsaw carving skills. Another part of a tribute to my brother Lee . My brother had a bad brain bleed causing him to be connected to life support . He was out west fly fishing Montana, Wyoming as he had for 30 years. I as the POA had to make a decision. Recovery wasn’t going to happen where he could tie flies and fish like he was destined to do. I made the choice in my heart as I know he’d want granted. ( tears as I type this ) . He passed on October 29th ( 1 week after his birthday) . 3 days later I decided I’d strap my climber stand on and head out . Strapped up in a tree by 3 pm. Within minutes I hear a barred owl who who who are you who are youuuuuuuu.  It’s daylight out and never heard any owl chime out with the sun at full glare. Minutes later a 4 point buck comes right into me. I’ve already passed slightly better bucks this year and have only shot one doe with my bow thus far. He quarters slightly away giving any bow Hunter the ideal shot you want to take. 11 yards too. Without hesitation I draw back doing what I’ve practiced so many times before . Lee sent me this buck. Arrow hit its mark and buck went a short distance and could see him crash. Buck quickly expired. Every turkey season since I have heard so many owls and have always enjoyed them sounding off. But after Lee sent me that buck I now cherish the owl even more. I look at it is lee is communicating to me through them. Lee fishing Hebgen lake catching gulpers in pic. Big trout on tiny dry flies.  They simply inhale them. Miss you big brother.   




Edited by turkeyfeathers
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Many Native Americans believe the owl to be a spirit bird. Spirits of those passed on, ride the owls wings to this world.

A wooly carving is an honor to have. Meeting him is a higher honor. I have both.

I have no doubt, having Lee for a big brother was quite an honor too. 


Edited by grampy
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Great tribute Jay.  Your brother sounds like a guy I would have loved to spend a day fishing with.  

I always said when I pass I hope I find myself walking a trout stream and my Dad sitting along it sitting on a boulder with a creel of trout tails sticking out of it waiting for me. 

Sounds like he was a great guy and another good person in your family.  

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