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31 points
Opening morning of regular season got it done at 10:30 full on chasing a doe and heard him grunt his last grunt 300 yards from the new house on the state land here in 4F First year here First Buck First Day24 points
Muzzleloader go boom Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk18 points
17 points
I whiffed on a doe today. My first shot was excellent: just a perfect aim/squeeze/follow through. With no primer in the gun lol. She stood there while I fumbled one out and got it loaded but I was shaking so much I missed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro15 points
So I have been avoiding taking on a new hobby cause deer hunting and fishing already consume me. But next year a plan is in place to duck hunt. On the spot we hunt there are a couple of ponds and lots of swamp and lots of ducks and geese. After the first week of gun you can't find a deer on the place. So plan is if my hunting partner and I both have one deer in the freezer by then we are going to duck/goose hunt. Dec 4 opens the season in the area for ducks and also overlaps goose season for Dec 4,5. I actually already have some decoys and a duck shotgun but gonna try finding a spot near the ponds we can just tuck into and shoot at flyers going thru. Should be fun and a lot of laughs mostly I am guessing. But am tired of seeing no deer after first week of gun and just grinding it out for nothing. So new endeavor it is! And with the warmer late seasons we have had the ponds have stayed open. Hardest part is of course gonna be to actually hit one but have to read up on ducks and geese and all the rules and regs and bag limits and types of ducks. Cause right now as far as I know the big ones are geese and the little ones are ducks. Lol. So a mission begins for next year!8 points
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6 points
Got invited from good friend to hunt his property this evening. We saw 3 bucks and at least 10 does. I had my muzzleloader ready, but didn’t feel the need to shot . It was fun hanging out with him6 points
Camera doesn't do it justice but we have a great view of the Catskills from the cabin.5 points
This is my view everytime I go to the beach. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro5 points
5 points
This is my view from the front patio of my cabin, region 4F. Show some of yours.4 points
Perspective... ___________ Imagine you were born in 1900. When you're 14 World War I begins and ends at 18 years old with 22 million dead. Shortly after, a global pandemic Flu called 'Spanish' ", kills 50 million people. You come out alive and free You are 20 years old. Then, at 29, you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing Inflation, Unemployment, and Hunger. At 33, the nazis come to power. You turn 39 when World War II starts and ends at 45 During the Holocaust (Holocaust), 6 million Jews die. There will be over 60 million deaths in total. When you're 52, the Korean War begins. At age 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends at age 75 A boy born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and disasters. A boy born in 1995 and now 25 years old thinks it's the end of the world when his Amazon package takes over three days to arrive or when he doesn't get more than 15 likes for their photo posted on Facebook or Instagram. .... In 2020, many of us live comfortably, have access to different sources of home entertainment, and often have more than we need. None of this existed before.4 points
What a great night ! No wind , warm , corns all down , just need a bigger buck then gun to walk by .4 points
this isnt directly from my house but about 200 yards behind it. it was after the remnants of a souther tropical storm/hurricane came thru. The whole house was lit up orange so i walked down to the lake and took some pics.4 points
Friend of mine hit a small buck on the second to last day of gun season at last light. We found some hair and light blood and decided to backout until we had more light as we were getting close to the border between public land and private land. Next morning, he continued to follow blood while i looped around to see if he chased anything out of a thicket he was going into. Deer started piling out like mad, but nothing with any size would stop. This old girl was the last to come out and she slowed down just long enough to get a shot off. Wish I had a scale as she was probably the largest doe I've ever killed.4 points
Fell asleep on the couch watching MNF and woke up way too freaking early at 3:00. Tried to fall back asleep, but no dice. Then I remembered the Geminid meteor shower is supposed to be peaking tonight/this morning. So I’m sitting on the deck with coffee, watching the meteors. Came in to warm up and get a refill. I’m seeing a few. Quit counting at 15 in about 20-25 minutes. Something tells me I’m gonna need a nap later..4 points
Rob, I am putting together a winter skeet/trap league, every other Saturday at noon, Camillus Sportsmen’s Club, starts January 8th. If you want to brush up on wing shooting, the trap and skeet field is a good place to start! Even if you just want to come once in a while. We also have a Thursday night Trap league in the summer. Both are “fun” leagues, no commitments. I never did duck hunt this season, but we go to Cicero swamp in the early season and do ok there. Both mallards and woodies. We always hear a lot of shots coming from Oneida Lake though. We have not been on the lake duck hunting. We have also hunted Happy Valley WMA. There are several good ponds there, we have not even been on all of them. Your idea to sit on the edge hidden is what we do. We brush in a little three sided pop up blind or bring camo burlap and make do. Nothing fancy at all. We have canoed in so we can get onto the other side of the bigger pond too. We do set decoys and having ducks fly into your decoy is one of the coolest things in hunting. We have no dogs, so it is up to us (usually my buddy) to retrieve any we shoot. It’s a ton of fun! You can chit chat, move around and not be so worried about being busted by a deer you didn’t see behind you. As far as eating them, I would not be too worried about that. It would be no different that eating walleye out of Oneida Lake; I’m sure you’ve seen some of the things tossed (etc.) into the lake. And to top it all off - duck is delicious!!!! From the few pics I saw of your location, I would say you’ve got a great spot to try out a few times. And I am sure my buddy and I would be happy to join you sometime!4 points
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3 points
I get sunrises like this quite often at the cabin, amazing to see. Almost looks fake.3 points
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Tonight I’m betting on the stand closest to my truck ,as it’s my turn to cook dinner and I’m picking the stand with the shortest walk out .3 points
Very cool! Congrats on the house and buck. Shopping for a bigger home myself now and man does this market blow! Even if you are willing to pay more than you should, there is really nothing to buy. lol Sounds like you did well!3 points
Couple guys in the parking area, but I was in and ready before them so maybe they'll push something my way. Yesterday was quiet. Good luck to everyone still grinding it out.3 points
Pretty pathetic when you see more meteor showers in one night, than I do deer all season!3 points
The solid colors were ~$20, but the camo ones cost more. My stock is camo, so I just wanted a camo sling too. Besides, it's from Santa!3 points
We could be brothers. I'm a 6' tall 200# uncoordinated oaf. I fall and pick myself up at least once every time I go walk in the woods. Shot nine times at two deer on opening day years ago. Never cut a hair. Scope was 14" high and 6" right. The number of times I've left my truck to go hunting and returned to find my keys locked inside is pushing double digits. Dead car batteries are my middle name. Dropped 3 of the 4 arrows in my quiver onto the ground one day in the stand as a parade of deer walked by. New nocks weren't tight lol. Happens all the time. Perspective is important. Don't sweat the small stuff. Take it slow when you get time to be outside. Much much more enjoyable imho and hey, at least you weren't working.3 points
My new one is a Lodge, and it is a great utensil... My old one ( circa appx 1973) is retired for sentimental reasons and was probably hand forged by Fred Flintstone...Next time I am out in the garage I'll take it down from it's place of honor on the wall and check out the manufacturer.. I'll call Lawdwaz around 1:00 AM some morning and let him know who made it...3 points
I live in the northern zone and we are completely finished here. Actually, I arrived in Florida today :-)3 points
My Dad was in the 82nd Airborne, jump master sergeant, he never really talked about his service much, but did open up to me a couple of times about buddies that were lost on jumps. All of my four uncles on my mother's side of the family served in WWII. One fought in the Battle of the Bulge in the army, he never talked about this also. He never told his mother what he did, we found this out many years later after he passed away. The others served in the Navy in the Pacific. never to talk about their experiences either. Uncle Woody is buried in Arlington Cemetery. On my Dad's side, his brother served in WWII in the pacific and his ship was sunk by a Japanese torpedo, he went on to serve off the Aleutians when the Japanese invaded Alaska. Again, never talked about his time in Navy. My mother's family in Norway fought in the underground. She told me some were captured and tortured to death. Many died fighting the Germans. I was always fascinated by all of my uncle's tattoos when I was a young kid. Ships and anchors on their arms and chests. My dad had twin parachutes one forearm and Mom on the other. They are gone now, I am very proud of them all.3 points
Don't be afraid of bumping deer,at least that is info for you. I still hunt with the bow and got a few deer that way...3 points
3 points
All part of deer season. I think the most important thing is to be prepared and organized then hope for the best. The weather is something we are unable to control so being prepared to hunt in all conditions is a must. Talk about frustration this year I bow hunted a total of 40 sits and during gun 24 sits. After seeing some beautiful bucks all summer and some pretty big does I promised myself I wasn't going to shoot anything that wasn't decent. During bow I really never had a good shot opportunity but saw a total of 73 deer with 24 of those being bucks. During gun season I saw a total of 29 deer which is very unusual for this area during gun. I passed on a bunch of opportunities thinking something better would come along. During bow I kept seeing this decent 4-point off & on. I saw him again during gun broadside @ 75 yds., had the scope on him, the safety off, my finger on the trigger, and gave him a pass at the last second. The next day he was killed on the road by a car not to far from my house. With time running out I shot a small doe on Thursday to be sure to have some jerky. Sunday the last day of gun I saw two deer right at dusk. One was bigger than the other so I concentrated on that one. They were feeding in the cut corn and I ranged it @ 189 yards. The one I was watching never really gave me a good shot but with daylight fading and 20 mph winds I decided on a hail mary. Needless to say, I missed and he came running towards me. That is when I saw he had horns. Not a big rack but a decent size deer. At 135 yards he made a left headed for the woods and stopped broadside before going in. I took a shot confident he was mine. He headed into the woods and five minutes later I heard two quick shots a couple hundred yards away in the direction he was headed. By now it was dark and I have made it a habit to bring my thermal on afternoon hunts. I went to where I saw him last and didn’t find any hair or blood. I walked into the woods and couldn’t pick him up with the thermal at all. The rifle I use is deadly accurate and I have never had one go more than 50 yards using it. So now I am thinking I either missed or he is laying in the thick brush and I can't pick up an image. After a half hr. I decide I would come back in the morning, hope the coyotes didn't get him, and see if I could pick up the trail. Today first thing I was back out and it didn't take me long to figure out what happened. About ten yards from where I shot on a downward slope there was a tree branch sticking out that could not be seen in the scope. The bullet nicked the top of the branch and that was all she wrote. I am thankful it was a clean miss but can't help but wonder if the other shots I heard was someone shooting at him and if they got him or he got away. Frustrated…yes but thankful I had the opportunities I did and look forward to the late season weather permitting. If I don't connect and add to the frustration I will still look back and be glad I was out there. No one ever knows what next year will bring. First pic is where the bullet hit. Second pic is the opposite side of the branch.3 points
12/13: Dad couldn’t hunt today so I borrowed his ML. I never shot one before but he gave me a tutorial yesterday. Anyway, I went his land in 3N in hopes of catching up to they 8pt who recently has been showing up now that I have a valid buck tag again. Great season of action continues. Kicked up a deer on my way in. Passed up this a 5pt around 820am at 40yds (took video and attached screenshot). Thought about taking him but he looked clearly 1.5 years old. Then still hunted late morning and saw 7 does/fawns yarded up together. Lots of fresh scrapes and rubs. And I was 6 hours behind our new target buck (8pt). Every since we killed the 7pt and 6pt, this guy moved in and has been on 4 different cams. He’s going wild. I moved to the powerlines for afternoon and saw nothing. Hopefully my Dad gets him this week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro3 points
I'll be brief as there are a lot better hunters than me on here... But it depends on what ground you are hunting. If it's private, light pressured land with food attractions....crops etc you want to be between bedding and the food. Play the wind right. If your hunting heavy pressured land and public. Get deeper and thicker. If your seeing sign you got a start. Like you said that is probably night movement. So you need to figure out where from and where to. In these places still hunting might gain you a lot of knowledge.3 points
Starting with a Lee Classic Loader in .308. Bought all Lee accessories to accompany it for the most part. About $120 into all Lyman 50th reloading manual. Lee Perfect Powder Measure Lee Funnel Lee Case Prep Kit (cutter, lock stud, chamfer, primer cleaner) Lee length gauge Hornady Trickler Case lube Lyman Bleacher Blocks Plan on using either IMR 4064 or Varget (these would work for other calibers I may intend to reload, 223, 243). Found 4064 locally hopefully still there today. Plan on trying the Barnes ttsx 168 all copper bullets for the 308. Also plan on a diy case cleaning regimen. I will be using once fired brass from my store bought ammo. Just need large rifle primers. On multiple notification list. If I end up enjoying reloading I'll buy new rifle in new calibers to reload for.2 points
Thought about this tonight, as I stomped back to my stand after dark, to retrieve the ramrod that I left behind!! Oh boy....2 points
2 points
Ok gotcha.you lost interest in the hunting posts on a hunting site...I can't believe you can't see how that doesnt make much sense. As I said before you and I agree politically and philosophically quite a bit. My issue is and has always been the arguing and bickering and general nastiness of these political threads doesn't belong on a hunting site. As it doesn't belong on all the rest of the hobby forums. And they Always go bad every damn time. And it's the fault of a very few and most don't want it here. I am very glad it has been put back into a sub forum as it was ruining this site. Like it or not it's a hunting forum first. Some great folks here and most I would be glad to pour beers with. I haven't read all the challenge stuff. Not sure what to tell you there as I think it's ridiculousness. So your saying you won't post in the political section if the people that don't like it won't ? So basically your saying get rid of it then cause no one is using it. Ok I'm all for that. Only reason I responded to this was because it was about getting rid of it and I think it would be a huge upgrade and relief to this site and 99% of it members. Good luck on your game or challenge or whatever it is. Carry on. Will leave you 7 folks to continue your argument.2 points
Congrats Fletch!! No wonder there's no deer around here! Fletch shoots them all!2 points
Claw sling is the ONLY sling I put on my guns now. I have 3 of them. they are awesome.2 points
Well the gym posted that on Twitter and were interviewed on the news , but few counties here are doing any enforcement. Even mine with the blue woke county executive, has said they have to study it more . But it’s all moot, Gov. Kathy Cuomo just folded on the whole thing saying it’s up to each county, most around here already told her to pound salt . Eddie , Not just Livingston , but, Ontario ,Wayne ,Genesee, even Monroe hasn’t said they would enforce it . Mrs Nomad went to the Post Office and two stores today, without a mask, nobody said a thing .2 points
2 points
Rob that sounds great! I loved all bird hunting but I guess unless I got an invite, my days of hunting the winged critters is done. You see, for me the use of a dog was mandatory in my enjoyment. You can kill geese in fields all day long with well placed shots but over water, unless you bring a canoe or kayak (or of course a rod, reel and three gang hook or chest waders!) it can be difficult to retrieve them. So........the question I have is; black, yellow or chocolate lab?2 points
Solid advice. Thanks. But if I take it down and look to find a deer staring at me, I’m going to lose my mind.2 points
Great season of action continues. Kicked up a deer on my way in. Passed up this young 5pt around 820am at 40yds. Then still hunted late morning and saw 7 does/fawns yarded up together. Lots of fresh scrapes and rubs. And I was 6 hours behind our new target buck (8pt). Every since we killed the 7pt and 6pt, this guy moved in and has been on 4 different cams. He’s going wild. Needless to say I’m not leaving as originally planned to bowhunt 3S. I’ll stay here till dark. He may have been the lone deer I kicked up this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro2 points