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2015 HuntingNY Archery Harvest Thread


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This guy came through this am, He was limping bad and i decided if im gonna do the right thing i should take this guy, 

He has a big body and i cant find a reason for the limp, He was quartering too me and only went 20-25 yards the last place i seen him was where he laid, 20 yard shot, he went 25 yds and the drag to the edge of the field from where he fell was 60yds, He stinks real good too they are starting to begin rutting, His tarsals are getting black, and all you can smell is buck, 


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4 pt 0830 am, almost gave up early this morning before I saw him. 25 yards broadside and rage hypodermic 125 HAMMERED him. Pass through blades still sharp and straight. Shot was a little back he trotted 20 yards, did the tail flicker for 30 seconds and fell over.id guess 120-130 dressed. My buddy and I have had many close calls with him but let him walk because we didn't feel the shot was right. Glad we did.



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This guy popped out of a stand of pines and was heading in the wrong direction. At 66yds I decided to grunt which turned him around. He came back to about 40 but had no shot. Started to leave again so I grunted and snort wheezed. Why not. And low and behold he came back and two my left for a 32yd shot.

We have several cam shots of him. I actually told phade I would be happy to shoot him. Big bodied and named him tank. Not the biggest of those we have on cam but I couldn't be happier. First time I truly called a buck in.


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My first with a bow, I was told if I want to help out I need to start shooting doe.  (To please the land owners.)  So after many years of passing them, now they are on my radar.  After passing 3 early that where pushed by a 4pt I spotted 2 button bucks but could not see the doe.  She popped out at what I though was 20 yards but after reviewing the video she was probably closer to 18 yards.  Arrow broke off and spun around the cavity, broad head was stuck in the entry wound, found that out the hard way and found the rage was still sharp!  You can hear her crash right after the shot.  She was 40 yards from the hit.


This is the video.  Shot is after the 1 min mark.  Buddy made me wait until dark to find her, his property so I comply. 






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So the wind was perfect for the "Sure Thing" stand.  Up and in position, bow hauled up, arrow knocked, put shooting release on hand, hear a couple footfalls to the west, spot doe.  No way........I JUST got in the stand 60 seconds earlier.........................OK, I'll participate.  :)


She doesn't follow the script exactly though, she heads to the base of the stand.  A couple whiffs of me and she takes two quick jumps towards where she came from. 


I had the bow drawn before she even stopped, figuring she'd stop and take a peek at the blob in the branches........FFFffttt..,. the arrow is gone and right in the boiler room.  She sprints away and I hear her crash about 60 yards from me.  I can't see her but I'm confident she is down...................................I decide to leave her be until 9:30 or so, planning on the arrival of a buck at some point.


Well, around 8;15 I see a red fox sneaking up on the approx. spot she went down.  He figured he had a freebie coming!  He must have gnawed away on her for about 20 minutes when all of a sudden I see him/her sneaking towards me with something in it's mouth.  WTH man, it's the tail from my doe!!  Honest injun......  


I got a little Iphone video to substantiate the theft. :)


Here is the doe................



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I took this old fighter on Halloween. He came in after hearing a few bleats with the can. The shot hit its mark and he only went 30 yards and fell over. I guess my aluminum arrows and 100gr Thunderheads can still do it even at 35 yds. This buck was a real fighter as he has scars all over his face. His left eye was even swollen almost all of the way shut from a recent brawl. I haven't had him aged yet, but I believe he's and old timer and was in decline. He has unbelievable mass on the bases and main beams. His face and head are very gray, and he's missing quite a few teeth in the front of his mouth.





Edited by NonTypical
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My friend nailed this guy on Halloween night,he hit a branch and the shot wasn't good.We left him overnight and we found him this am.By the time we had gotten to him the coyotes had tore him up real bad.He still tagged him for the horns and we are taking the carcass back out to set a few traps around it to get some of the friggin coyotes.He came in to rattling and grunting.He green scored at 138 so he should make NYS big buck club








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Well I wasn't overly confident with the high winds this afternoon. I had only seen a small buck and was getting pretty bored. Then I hear noise behind me to the right. I quickly see he's a shooter, grab my bow and stand up. At this point he's maybe 12yrds from the stand. He hears the stand make alittle noise when I stand up, he looks around for a second and takes a couple steps and I grunt to stop him and get it fly. He went maybe 70yrds.


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Well the warm temps had me questioning going out today in Suffolk county, nailed a nice doe at 7:30, decided to hang out a little longer, well mr big comes walking in 30 min later, and I took my best buck with a bow to date, 8 ptr with one tine snapped off.


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Scored this nice buck on 11/1/15 While hunting with my brothers in Rock Hill. He was chasing a doe and came straight at me. When he got to 13 yds I drew down on him with my Bowtech Destroyer and sent my Rage tipped Easton Flatline at him. He dropped a few yards away.


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So, bit of a surprising result this evening. I came home a little early from work and despite the ridiculous temps, I decided to sit for the remaining 40 minutes of shooting light.I am going away for the weekend so I didn't wanna waste any opportunity to try and get Big-Boy.


It is dry, a dead calm.Almost no breeze. I'm thinking, as I crunch my way to the stand, that this is gonna be a waste of time, but it's already almost 4:30, so I won't be out there long.Sunset is a little after 5 in my zone.


I sit in the stand.2 or 3 squirrels are tearing it up in the dry leaves, making a decent racket. 10 minutes after my butt touches seat I hear a more regular version of leaf crunching. Something is coming my way. It's getting louder and louder. I can tell its close but I can't see a fricken thing between all the sapling trunks.Maybe it's my neighbor going for a walk I wonder? No self respecting Deer will be out in this crap, surely?


Then I see him and for one fraction of a second I think it might be the Big 10. I see a decent amount of bone. After a couple of seconds I realize it is not the monster 10, but he looks a decent 8 and I have put in enough hours this last month to take the shot and reward my patience. He has read the playbook and is coming right toward the pinch point made by some fallen trees.


I line my sight up right over the spot he is going to hit. As soon as his shoulders pass under the pin I let one fly. He drops like a sack of potatoes. My shot was a touch high and I have spine shot him unfortunately.It was a clean pass through, I haven't yet recovered the arrow. So he is down but not out, he crashes about behind this lump of dead tree tops. I cannot see him for a kill shot. I have to jump down and run around to get to the other side of the brush-pile. At about 15 yards I put another arrow right into the boiler room and it is over.


This is the stand I was surrounded by coyotes in, so I rush back, get a 4 wheeler and the wife with a shotgun to cover me while I do the business of dressing him. I had no camera, so the photos are after dark and by the house. 


I cut my finger up nicely in my haste to get him gutted given the warm evening temps. I just missed the processors, so he is in the basement full of Ice packs for now.Have to wait till morning to get him to the butchers.




Edited by Papist
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