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Life expectancy


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Could be any day now,lol

My family has a history of suffering into their 80's and early 90's.

I intend to break that trend and planning on tapping out here in a few more years by the age of 50 as soon as I complete my saw collection!:D

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Well my mom just turned 70 in July and my Dad isn't that far behind so suddenly 70 doesn't seem that old. 

I want to live as long as I am able to enjoy life. I am not sure what enjoying life will mean for me 30 years from now but I watched my grandmother live to long. She had to leave her house that she lived in for almost 70 years to go into assisted living, wasn't able to do a whole lot for herself, and went from one of the most cheerful loveable people that I have ever been around to being quite depressed about needing assistance and not being able to take care of herself. She actually told me that she has lived too long and was more than ready to move on. That was probably the saddest thing I have ever heard. She lived for about another two years and it was difficult to watch. I hope I am gone before that point....

I am 46, I remember not that long ago thinking 30 was old and 40's were my parents....really old...lol. 

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Men in my family seem to drop out around 60 or so. Women live to be in the late 80s, early 90s. My father, both grandfathers and one great grandfather never saw 62, before going to the happy hunting grounds.  I'm already 62, so I'm on the plus side already!! And maybe I'll take after the women side of the family??

Being diabetic, and gone through a few different types of cancer surgeries, no guarantees for me. But there are none for any of us! 

But right now I'm holding my own and doing ok! Got some top notch Doc's that got my back!  I'll take that!

Looking forward to another deer season!

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Passing away in the 80’s is early for my family , 90-100 + is where its at . 60 y/o don’t take RX meds, bp, bloodwork all very good numbers , keeping weight down is key to anyone’s longevity.

The only wildcard is so ,many FF get cancer either while still working or shortly after, every retirement party, or funeral I go to I Learn of more guys who came down with it, some for the second or third time . It’s something that really  concerns me .

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I got mixed genetics. Grandma died at 59 y/o from breast cancer in 1993. But my other grandma is 96 years old and lives on her own. She cooks, cleans, takes the bus to hair/nail appts., etc. She beat cancer multiple times. My grandfather who is still alive is 91 years old and also lives alone and does everything himself. He mows the lawn, etc. He would golf regularly if I went more with him.

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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My Mother died in her early 90's but had been battling dementia since 85 or so. My Dad dropped dead of a heart attack at 57 and lived longer than most of his siblings. I'm pretty sure I take after my Mom's side. I've reached 60, would like to make it to my 80's as long as I have a sound mind.

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My maternal grandfather was an ornery old Frenchman..He smoked and drank heavily all of his life and worked daily all his life and died in his sleep at 83..

My Mom made it to  85 and took care of her own place right up until the end..

Most of the males in my Dad's family died  in their early 70s, but they were all lifelong smokers..My one remaining uncle is 85 now  and still smoking like a chimney....

I'll be  70 in March..If I make to 80 without any major issues, I'll consider myself lucky...

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"Que sera sera-whatever will be will be", other than trying to live a somewhat healthy lifestyle we all have an expiration date and there is not much we can do about it, something I do not dwell on.

My philosophy is to live life and do things the way I always have (grudgingly a somewhat slower) for as long as I can.:yes:


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My family has historically been long lived. All grandparents and great grandparents all lived late 70at earliest and most
80’s and 90’s. I’ve beaten cancer in my 30’s now 52 and figure I’ll last mid 80’s but with the dementia and Alzheimer’s in my family I won’t know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, old man river said:

Great Thread! Hope Pigmy approves as it is not hunting related.  My Mother is 84 right now. My Father died at age 63.5 and his Father died at age 60. I will be 60 in September. I think, I can make 70 hopefully. I am collecting my Social Security at age 62 before, I kick off .

Actually it is a hunting thread i was figuring how many hunting seasons I have left and such things as putting in trees and food plots 

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My Dad lived to 61 and his Dad lived to 61......hmmmm

Fat full and pushing 50!  Just had my physical last week and no issues.  I take NO meds at all and i am never sick - have 450 hours of sick time only because they max you out there.  I will be the guy that just drops one day out of the blue. lol. 

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This reminds me of Dr. Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief when facing a terminal illness: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance; and this old animated short  


Me, I’d like to go out like Roy Scheider as Joe Gideon as Bob Fosse at the end of All That Jazz  with Ben Vereen singing me out broadway style  


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3 hours ago, greensider said:

Given your family history and other factors such as job and hobbies how long do you think you will live or be happy reaching I think 70 would be nice 

Anything over 56 is a bonus if I go by family history. 

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