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Live From The Woods 2022 Turkey Edition


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3 hours ago, reeltime said:

This is one of the most assinine statements I have ever read in this turkey forum. It shows just how much of a hypocrite you are. Preach how God loving you are then in the next breath saying its "no big deal" to maim a turkey now and then, one of gods finest creatures.

I would hope that one of the mods will remove the post so it doesn't give us all a bad rap in the publics eye, as far as that goes they can remove this one as well.

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Having a rough time of it are you ?  I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.  

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Got out there a little late because I almost got the 4 wheeler stuck in the mud. Had to walk quite a bit further than I anticipated and had a bird gobble from the roost a lot closer than I thought he'd be. Belly crawled to set up dekes where I thought he could see them then set up as fast I could hoping he'd fly down to them. He did not. The silent hen he was with flew down into the fenced in solar panel field and he quickly followed. They were slowly headed towards the gate at the other end so my plan was to wait for them to walk out of sight then swing wide and cut them off on the other side of the gate(they usuallykeep it open). Well they went from walking slowly to running because 2 hunters spooked them just before I was about to get up. Oh well. Still a beautiful morning to be out there. So that was down at my in-laws... I get home around 1pm or so and start doing some yard work and what do I see? A big ol gobbler strutting 50 yards behind my garage. He hung around for almost 2 hours, even gobbled twice when my neighbor started his mower. If I get home from work before noon this week he's in big trouble!

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Managed to find a nice tom with 4 hens in a field up the road at 10:30 AM.  There was no chance of getting set up on him today, but he stayed in that field until noon.  If it isn't raining in the morning, I'll be there waiting for him.

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Very quiet morning, no shots heard in the neighborhood at all. Never heard a gobble all day.   We did have 2 hens come right up against the blind within a couple of feet, they were around us for more than a half an hour.  Moved around a couple of times and at 10 decided to check another field.  We saw a Tom about 200 yard away, set up and called, never came in.  Went further down the lane and saw a different Tom (we think) in the field.  Set up on the opposite side of the thick brush pile, had him right behind us for over 20 minutes, could not get him to cross over to our side through an opening.  

I plan to go out for a couple of hours in the morning.  Congrats to all that scored one of natures most delicious wild game animals or just had a great day like I did.  

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Ok after a good part of the evening looking, I finally found my Turkey tags !

Still can’t locate my hunting license, but I got Turkey  tags and a back tag , I’m ok with that . I plan on hitting the woods at 9 or so a couple times this week .

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35 minutes ago, Nomad said:

Ok after a good part of the evening looking, I finally found my Turkey tags !

Still can’t locate my hunting license, but I got Turkey  tags and a back tag , I’m ok with that . I plan on hitting the woods at 9 or so a couple times this week .

I got a replacement backtag & replacement turkey tags Friday.. Was $10.  Originals will turn up once I forget about them.

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   I plan on every now and then getting to my area around 9am and hunt to 12noon.
   I have been out 5 total times and feeling  beat up from the early wakeups.

I had a lot of gobbling from in the dark until 6 and they started back up at 10. I might make it until Wednesday before I fall back into my 8-12 routine. Getting up at 4 to hear them gobble from the tree only to go silent when their hens show up is something I tire of very quickly.

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Moved from just listening by car to into where birds should be later morning…. I hope. Woodthrush’s are singing beautifully. And I’m camped out in huge leek patch I’ll dig into later. Killed a couple birds from below this tree so good juju at least. 



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7 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

What’s turkey behavior like when it rains? Do they stay on the roost longer? Don’t gobble? It’s been quiet around here… 

They may hit fields quicker than usual if still raining. Too fluff feathers and since rain May dull their hearing better predator awareness using eyes to scour more ground. No rain no gobbles here in 9H 

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Do toms get dumb like bucks do when it’s mating season ?  On the drive to work this morning (in a no-hunting area) I saw what looked like a big garbage can in the middle of the road far ahead.   

It was a tom in full strut.   He was in the center of the two lane.   I had to get on the  shoulder to miss him as I drove past.  He moved slightly to the other side, blocking off the traffic.   That was at 6:54 am in the light rain.  

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What’s turkey behavior like when it rains? Do they stay on the roost longer? Don’t gobble? It’s been quiet around here… 

Depends on the day, I’ve heard some of the most gobbles when it was pouring and I’ve had them be silent when it’s barely a drizzle.

They do tend to go to fields earlier, generally on the highest point of the field so they can see better.

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Got in at 5 am and set up in roost area  bird  starting gobbling 70 yards down hill from me ,was big tom i wanted. Had hen roosted 20 yards below me and a jake 50 yards up hill.   3 other hens flew down below me and 2 my right , then  the dominate hen to my right 40 yards  the tom pitched down 10 yards past hen and went into full strut, the jake landed about 35 yards from me  but had no visable beard. I had a poke at tom at 50 yards but wasnt comfortable doing so as its a really nice bird and he never came out of strut  the jake came to within 20  but  i let him join rest of flock as the headed away to the lake.    Was a good  morning got out before it started raining.. 

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Awesome morning, I had a Tom gobbling of the roots, but it soon it pitch down it headed to the cut corn field with the hens. As I was watching the Tom ,  I hear a few gobbles behind me. I began to call and five Jakes and a hen came and at about 15 yards. I decided to take one of the Jake’s, which I am happy about about :) 

Primary weapon- God

Secondary- Mossberg 935

County of kill - Yates 


Edited by WWJD_Hunter
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