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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/18 in all areas

  1. 10 points
  2. Steaks on the grill with the GF ... Akron Park. Beautiful evening for a cookout!
    9 points
  3. This seems almost pedestrian for this thread,but i love it,my go to beer.
    8 points
  4. Acorns are raining down here, scouted for deer on a new piece, saw 7 deer and shot 5 bushytails in the process. First hunt of the year for me. Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
    7 points
  5. So at 10:45 this morning, I was at my house, in my dad's passenger seat. He stopped by, so we are chot chatting, and I see a flicker of black in the woods. A lot of thick pines here, and deadfall in the woods, so we both are squinting in trying to see if it was a black squirrel, or bear. So we get out, and sure enough a lone bear. Decent size, we see 10's of bear here in this area, throughout a year, and I woukd say it was on the larger end of the average size we see. I bought my hunting license last Friday, if I was out back, I would have seen the bear to harvest by the looks of where it came from, lol. Took a pic, ran down my driveway quick before he crossed. Never gets old to see bear. My dad headed home shortly after, and saw another about 25 miles away, this cooler weather, seems to help, at least thats when I notice more.
    6 points
  6. this is one of 4 target bucks on my property
    6 points
  7. My wife and I left Saturdays banquet with another new toy.. We got lucky again and won a Browning A-bolt III in 6.5cm. I have yet to shoot a Browning rifle, but man do they feel great when shouldered. We won the custom engraved A-Bolt III in 270, at the banquet 2 years ago and have yet to fire that one still. Both wood Walnut Stocks, It makes me want more wood stock guns.. The factory synthetic stocks feel like garbage compared to these stocks.. Sold my Savage Axis in 6.5cm since I dont need 2 of them. Ill take that money and pick up a nice set of optics for it..
    6 points
  8. Sals wings. Lightly breaded , hot , garlic Parmesan and a whole lotta garlic , fries n gravy. The gravy has nutmeg notes like Swiss chalet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  9. Hen of the woods and pasta... And i am impressed,the folks on this site sure eat well,damn.
    6 points
  10. Shredded up some leftover smoked chicken for chicken salad in a pita. Added slivered almonds and Craisens. Delicious lunch Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  11. 5 points
  12. 35 yards Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
    4 points
  13. Lobster roll with bacon for lunch. In Bermuda Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  14. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  15. This pic was taken by landowner last year on the last day of bow season! Heres looking forward to the first day back out!
    4 points
  16. Found a rub today, it was in the woods Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    4 points
  17. Nope. Not giving my money to those gun grabbers either.
    4 points
  18. Honestly I feel there are more folks than you think that just "aim for the middle of the big part". LOL This would be good for them. SMH.
    4 points
  19. Will look into Ford's Buckmaster7600. Thanks for the tip. Tomorrow the aquarium, the Navy museum, Tree House for happy hour oysters, and a late dinner. Not many pics yet as we are just relaxing tonight. Rental car did a number on my back. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
    4 points
  20. Venison Philly cheesesteaks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  21. Captain Scots Lobster Dock. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
    4 points
  22. That said, I've lit farts in the past.
    4 points
  23. My bird dog max watches the security camera screen and there's a pigeon outside he's been going back and forth from the security camera screen to the window and he's crying and he wants to go out and get this poor little pigeon that's lost. Poor Max is crying up a storm. Sorry can't get the video to load
    3 points
  24. Ok, not really trail cam pics. Shot through my kitchen (screen) window with a hand held camera (Canon Power Shot). Anyway, we seem to have a lot of red fox and few if any coyotes this year. In areas where the coyote population is high, do they drive the fox out? Our coyote population was real high several years ago, now they are scarce.
    3 points
  25. Fresh oysters at The Treehouse. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
    3 points
  26. Rounds 3 and 4, glass is the same from dinner, Fox Head Porter. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
    3 points
  27. Went to the Sabres game last night, got gifted front row seats! Hockey season bow season is right around the corner!
    3 points
  28. I don't think there is a chance that this is credible. If I were the Republicans I would give her a chance to sit and provide PROOF and without "conditions" if she isn't willing then move the vote forward. We need to show them that if they throw up a roadblock we'll either step over it or walk around it. It's time for the gloves to come off and in the words of Obama, "Elections have consequences".
    3 points
  29. Jealous Monk for a snack. Nachos and a beer sampler. Jealous Monk Hefeweizen, Dunkle, and IPA. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
    3 points
  30. 9/20/2018 I received a call from a hunter shortly before dusk last night, asking for help tracking a bear he had just shot. He and his brother had tracked for a couple hundred yards, then lost blood in a swamp grass/tag alder area. Luna and I met them in Potsdam this morning, then were led to the hunting property in Parishville. The hunter had shot the bear behind the shoulder with a 300 Savage, at 40 yards. The bear had rolled, then got up and ran off. Luna led us right to their point of loss, then down one of the many trails crisscrossing the small swamp. 300 yards into it, we found 2 piles of bear scat, 1 very fresh. We also found a bed, with no blood in it. We left the swamp and went into some woods. At this point I decided to take Luna back to last blood and do a restart to ensure we were on the correct bear. She took us back to the same spot, showing us one drop of blood we hadn't seen the first time. We continued on, working through fairly open wooded areas, swampy areas with lots of blow downs, and areas so thick you couldn't see 3 feet in front of you. We were in one of these thick areas when I heard something moving 10 or 15 yards in front of us. We stopped and listened and the hunter heard it. I had the hunter's brother stay put with Luna, and I went to the right and the hunter went to the left. I heard the hunter holler that he saw him, then a minute later I heard two shots. Unfortunately he missed the lumbering bear at 50 yards with his .40 caliber handgun. Lesson learned.....I will never again allow a hunter to go on a bear track with me during the day without a rifle. We started the track on private property, went on to County land, then came to private property and had to stop to obtain permission to enter. Many thanks to the owner of Parishville Sand and Gravel for allowing us to proceed. Per gps, we made a 2 mile circle and ended up back almost exactly where we started. We never saw the bear again, but Luna was locked on and definitely upheld her end of the deal. This bear will survive his experience, obviously no vitals were hit. Remember the aiming point on a bear is "the middle of the middle".
    3 points
  31. I dont figure equipment costs in other than implements that are specifically for the plots. Id have my tractor, etc anyway. I just put fuel, seed, fert, spray materials into the cost. I have less than $300 into my plots this year.
    3 points
  32. My wife costs me much more than the plots. I've kept her around for decades. It's something you love. So money well spent. No matter what you do, for something you love, or any hobbie, it will cost you dollars. Well worth the price for the happiness gained IMO.
    3 points
  33. Looks like a threesome!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  34. Just saw this. I tell you. If there was ever a need for a thumbs down on a post, I think this has got to be it!!
    3 points
  35. i would put that one on the wall for sure. All the time we have tried to get sight of him and for the areas i hunt that is a big rack. But def small for his age and body. Def a trophy by age and knowledge, esp to me. Would love to see him while in the stand even if i dont get a shot. got within 70 yards of this boy twice last year, but would still rather get a shot at that old 8 if given the choice.
    3 points
  36. Neither Dick's nor F&S will ever see another penny of my hard earned money.
    3 points
  37. Tall PBR Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  38. ok,this is an invite to all. I build a masonry heater in my house this year,still have to finish the chimney,but it has is a wood fired heater and doubles as a bake oven. I will work out the kinks and then blow everyones mind with wood fired pizza. I am in the Cooperstown area... Just before gun season maybe?
    3 points
  39. Very true. And watching the MSM "news" channels just makes you dumber. I worked in a dental lab recently for about a year and the owner had a big flat screen tv on the wall above the work bench always tuned to CNN. I asked him a couple of times to change the channel. Game shows or something would have been a nice respite. I always had a 9mm in an ankle holster and thought several times about using it. I finally quit. I simply couldn't take it any more. I suppose people in airports can just tune it out, but when it's right in your face for 10 hours a day it pushes the envelope.
    3 points
  40. Just got my new cam and strings for my Elite Ritual set up about a two weeks ago. Was not too concerned about hitting slightly right because I had to replace the string and cams and reset everything back up. First 2 shots where Aug 25th (30 yards) and Sept 4th (about 17 yards), 3rd is our new apple buck (about 20 yards) just a fun target and last was today (30 yards). All first shots except the apple buck. Sorry for posting the apple buck but its just a cool target!
    3 points
  41. Thinking about starting a fire. Either way, it's Hump Day!
    3 points
  42. My main point wasn't clear . This could happen to anyone at any time . Other than being old and overweight , I have always been able to hike back into the woods with my hunting equipment with no problem . This bleeding internally came out of the blue . In my semi consciousness I started thinking of all the things I had put off for another day and would never have gotten done . There is so much catching up to do when I get well . No more procrastinating ! Don't ever think that you are indestructible !
    3 points
  43. I adjusted my buddy's by 1 inch and his shooting improved dramatically. Slightly short is better than slightly long. Good luck.
    2 points
  44. Red Stripe in Bermuda Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  45. Yes, Nevada is big. Las Vegas is in the bottom corner, surrounded by desert for hundreds of miles in every direction. My father (big hunter) retired there, and eventually died there. I've been there many times to visit. The only time he hunted was when he got an invite to go to Utah. When I went to sell his guns for my mother, I was constantly lowballed, the excuse being, "nobody hunts around here, sorry". The O.P. asked if there is anywhere CLOSE to hunt there, I would still say no. Unless you want to go out at night & shoot jackrabbits or coyotes (if you are lucky). There are a LOT of bighorn sheep near Vegas, but you have a better chance of hitting the Powerball than drawing a tag for them. Supposedly there are mule deer on Mount Charleston, but I've never seen any. My take was that the O.P. was going on a vacation, and wanted to take a day or two to hunt. Just about every species in Nevada requires drawing a tag, making plans & arrangements months or years in advance, maybe hiring an outfitter, having a 4WD truck or horses, etc. Not something you just decide to do at the spur of the moment. If you look at the map, the areas in Nevada that are promising to hunt are HUNDREDS of miles to the north of Las Vegas. Logistically, you'd be much closer to hunting spots in Utah or Arizona, but still, this requires putting in for tags and picking the right week to travel. Personally, if I was picking a spur-of-the moment hunt, I'd make the drive to California, and hunt for turkeys in the spring, or hogs any time. Licenses are OTC, and there are healthy populations of both. It would take you the same amount of time as driving to Carson City or Reno, and cost a lot less in the long run.
    2 points
  46. Not bad at all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  47. Snack, cheese pizza and extra hot buffalo wings. Pizza was good, wings had some heat, but not nose watering. I guess you have to specifically ask for the blue cheese down here or they forgot it. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
    2 points
  48. 9/18/2018 I received a call at 9:30 this morning from a bowhunter that had shot a bear while hunting in Santa Clara at 6:30 last night. He stated the bear was quartering away at 35 yards, and he thought he made a good hit on it. After losing the blood trail last night, he went back and searched for 2 hours this morning before calling me. It was Kunox's turn to track, so much to Luna's chagrin, off to the Adirondacks we went. This was Kunox's first bear track, and the hunter's first bear. We met the hunter and he led us back in the first 4 miles, then the road got narrower so I parked and rode with him to avoid beating up my truck. Once we arrived at the hit site, Kunox was shown blood and started working 5 yards downwind of it due to a breeze dispersing the scent. In short order he worked his way back to the blood and stayed on it for 125 yards until it ran out. Kunox continued on, weaving his way through the woods. 75 yards later I saw the bear 10 yards ahead, laying behind a blowdown. I called the hunter up and told him to make sure it was dead before I approached with Kunox, which he reported was the case. Kunox was initially hesitant to approach, but about 2 minutes later he was chewing and tugging on it. It was laying just outside it's den, which was dug out under the blowdown. The hunter said he would never have found it without Kunox, and also admitted to having serious doubts about him being on the right track once the blood disappeared. Very happy with his performance on this 18 hour old track.
    2 points
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