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Live From The Woods 2017 edition!


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13 hours ago, grampy said:

Just got home. Buck down! Shot him at 4:30. Saw him run out and stop after the shot. Found blood followed it for 50 yards, didn't like what I saw and pulled out to give him more time. Went back and found him! Went about 200 yards. This has been a very trying year for me. With some medical issues. My season will end on the 28th of this month. I was so happy to get this deer! Hunt like every deer could be your last. This is a trophy to me. 3 year old 4 point. 20171104_195733.thumb.jpg.50f4566395e62a7b69137273dbfe2ec4.jpg20171104_205451.thumb.jpg.f07b3c8333dae55841516f65f7e202f3.jpg


Great looking buck , Grampy . Congrats !

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Was out yesterday for crossbow. Had a really nice six pointer follow the scent trail I put down, but he saw me from behind my stand, peeled away and circled back. I tried to stay still, but I call this one "naked stand" for a reason. He busted me and trotted away. But a bit later a small doe came by the scent trail, and the six then came back, along with a four pointer. They were following the doe thinking the scent was from her, I think. Well, the little doe wanted no part of it and ran off. At 50+ yards running, I had not shot. The bucks followed her over to where my hunting buddy was in a stand. He saw the six pointer somehow get its antlers stuck it a"bushy tree" and end up flipping itself over. For a second, my hunting buddy thought the buck had broken its neck! The six pointer finally got up and exchanged nasty snort wheezes with the four pointer.No more deer sightings the rest of the day, but my hunting buddy had a flock of 9 turkeys come by him in the food plot. He was playing with them for hours using his turkey caller he had left in his bag. They flew right up into the trees around him. First time we've ever seen turkeys on my property. I hope they stick around. He also saw a large reddish coat coyote. Will have to do something about those coyotes . . . .

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7 minutes ago, Belo said:

Other than 1.5 and 2.5 I really don’t get how some of you are so confident with aging. Not to be salty, I think we should stick with “mature”. Lol

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Those are the only ages I can determine,oh ,and a six month old as well. After 3,5 it really becomes a guessing game.

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Warm wet and windy. The unholy trinity. I just checked cams. Nothin moving, day or night. I did have one yearling Buck pass by me as I walked the woods. Those yearling maniacs are always moving, heat, rain, wind or shine.

I will sit magic hour later, but I am not wasting a moment more this afternoon in this kind of environment 

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39 minutes ago, growalot said:

I can't believe the number of guys out in this torrential down pour  hunting....hope if they get shots they are perfect ones....

Maybe due to work, this is the only day to hunt for some people?

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Tacc! Thanks so much, i live in 3k so that is music to my ears. Good luck to you.
Good luck Biz...and to your dad.  My dad and I hunt together a lot as well, I refuse to hunt with anyone else.
Jpastor- thanks foor the info, I appreciate it.  Sounds like a cool experience,  I have had a couple amazing encounters with bucks this week, but not necessarily with does. Just right place, right time. Good luck...

I hunt 3 h I have seen many does this weekend not being chased, I saw one buck a 8 pt nose to the ground but not running. Should pop any day here now

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I'm for love and I'm for happiness but I'm against hunting in the rain.


Pouring here in cny.  Sucks cause the deer are really in rut mode.  Gonna sit out tonite. And back out tomorrow.  See forecast is for morning hard rain then afternoon a north wind. Gonna have to do some thinking on where to go for that wind. 

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6 hours ago, upstate said:

Grampy- congrats on the buck. I know how you're feeling I got some bad news myself on health front Friday and not sure what my future holds. I hope to get out with crossbow this coming weekend but there's a real chance doctors will have me in for  surgery this week, then I'm done  for year.  



Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you well! And good luck for hunting this season! My fears were confirmed a couple weeks ago after the CT scan. Asked Doc to give me until after Thanksgiving to get some hunting done before surgery. This will be the 4th time under the knife this year for me. Not a one of us are ever guaranteed our futures. So live each day to the fullest. Hunt like each deer will be you last. Love your loved ones like there us no tomorrow. Thank God for the blessings in our lives. Live simply. 2017 has been a tough one. Already looking forward to a much better 2018!!! I'm certain it will be!

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5 minutes ago, grampy said:

Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you well! And good luck for hunting this season! My fears were confirmed a couple weeks ago after the CT scan. Asked Doc to give me until after Thanksgiving to get some hunting done before surgery. This will be the 4th time under the knife this year for me. Not a one of us are ever guaranteed our futures. So live each day to the fullest. Hunt like each deer will be you last. Love your loved ones like there us no tomorrow. Thank God for the blessings in our lives. Live simply. 2017 has been a tough one. Already looking forward to a much better 2018!!! I'm certain it will be!

Well my friend, I have more scans coming as well as specialists to see but the first one isn't so good.  Lots to wrap my head around and much is unknown, even my own future. I'll be sure to keep you in my thoughts as well. Best wishes and I'm glad you got that buck! 

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Thanks Chef, im near Glen spey in sullivan, and have a difficult time even seeing deer up here, i don't get it, but good luck.

I’m in jeffersonville also Sullivan, my buddy has a camp he’s a member of in glen Spey honestly I’m not even sure why he pays to be a member there, it sounds like they don’t ever get deer

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