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So I own 100 acres.... the south end of my property butts up to state land. I bought the property 5 years ago.... while posting it I noticed a stand about 5 yards off my property line facing into my line on the state property. I was able to locate the guy who’s stand it was. I spoke w him and told him although he is legal I do not want him trespassing or shooting into my line. The guy says I been hunting here for years and it’s never been a problem. I politely told him I don’t want him shooting across my line. He told me he would move the stand so it wouldn’t be an issue. Well he moved it about 5 feet further away facing the same way. Last year I heard him shoot. On my way out I walked up and saw his boot prints in the snow 50 yards into my property and tracks of a deer... this year I had two cameras stolen. This state land doesn’t get hunted much and the only guy I see in this area is him. I have had enough... what do you guys suggest is my next option ? 

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1 hour ago, rooster85 said:

Hide cameras and bust him. Get a hold of DEC as well.

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And provide a Bait Cam (broken of course )   Add a generous amount of Urine ( human of course ) around his stand !

Edited by GreeneHunter
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Battery operated alarm clock set to go off every 5 minutes placed on your property but near his stand. Place camera 40 feet conspicuously hidden and either gets sick of alarm and finds somewhere else to hunt or gets caught on cam messing with the alarm clock and charged w trespassing. 
you could also staple black plastic type trash bag material across shooting lanes So can’t see or shoot

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4 minutes ago, Lomax said:

Battery operated alarm clock set to go off every 5 minutes placed on your property but near his stand. Place camera 40 feet conspicuously hidden and either gets sick of alarm and finds somewhere else to hunt or gets caught on cam messing with the alarm clock and charged w trespassing. 
you could also staple black plastic type trash bag material across shooting lanes So can’t see or shoot

Man that’s low and well thought off!! I like

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24 minutes ago, Lomax said:

Battery operated alarm clock set to go off every 5 minutes placed on your property but near his stand. Place camera 40 feet conspicuously hidden and either gets sick of alarm and finds somewhere else to hunt or gets caught on cam messing with the alarm clock and charged w trespassing. 
you could also staple black plastic type trash bag material across shooting lanes So can’t see or shoot

Would that fall under harassing a hunter while hunting? 

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Buy another trail camera and a POS sacrificial/broken camera for bait and use this mount for the good camera.


I had almost the same issue with a neighbor on my land upstate and a picture is worth a thousand words.

I borrowed one of my brothers satellite cameras and knew exactly when the other camera was screwed with and had all of the photos on my phone, incase the main camera was detected and taken too.

Some people just don't abide by the rules and you tried to do the right thing.


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Actually, I revise my idea...and someone else hinted at it.

ASAP put a very well secured tree stand where his normally is. And then same plan...be there early! If you have hunting buddies, get thier cooperation (your land, your rules) using it. Cameras would be good just in case.

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I am guessing that you dont live on the land, which makes the situation more difficult for you.  Posted signs are not worth the cost of the paper they are printed on in cases like this.  Dudes like the perpetrator interpret "posted" as "good hunting".  More signs mean better hunting.  You are dealing with someone with extremely limited mental capacity.

What I would do, is find someone else to do the dirty work for you.  Befriend a local, and give them permission to hunt that area or maybe just game recovery privledges, in exchange for keeping an eye on things when you are not around.  Good choices would be a police officer, retired one, or another neighbor who already has plenty of land to hunt in the area.  

A side benefit of you giving other neighbors permission to hunt your land, is that they usually reciprocate, even if it is just game recovery privledges.  Good luck, and I hope things work out well for you.  Think of it not as a problem, but as an opportunity to make some new freinds.

Edited by wolc123
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bunch of guys from another state, built a cabin near our southern tier deer camp. Lined a ridge on state forest with ladder stands. One was right next to a bucket and brush blind that I had used for years. Owner said that since his tree stand was there, that I could not use my bucket. After disagreeing with him in bow season, I returned the night before the gun opener. Used kerosene and cheap spray perfume both upwind and down wind of this stand. Rigged up two cheap transistor radios that I had and turned them on and placed them on two major runs coming up to his stand. I went and sat a couple of hundred yards away on some private land I could hunt. No shooting from his stand, but a small 5 point wandered by me and I dragged him back to camp.

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@mowin the alarm clock could possibly Be construed as harassment but if you put inside a ground blind not so sure.  If used it to keep awake and since can’t stay awake when hunting also can’t remember to turn it off when leaving.  If It’s on his property he should be able to utilize legal aids to help hunt.  Binocs rangefinder loud alarm might hold up. 
I think the plastic sheets bags in the trees is ok it’s passive.  Likely can’t do this if zoned residential but if bigger spread zoned ag different rules depends.   
ways to deter need to be smart legal and get the job done.  

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3 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

Post every tree there.  Put up "smile your on camera" signs, "posted and patrolled" signs. "Violaters will be prosecuted" signs.

   Really over do it so he "gets the hint".  

This. But he won't get it.

Cameras are your friend. Put the bait cams on your property in direct view. If they function all the better. Hide your better cams. 

I'd also try to contact him before the season and take his temp. If he's still sketchy let him know again its private property and your expectations. I know first hand how annoying this is but I'd personally give diplomacy one more shot.

When that fails lol, gather your pics and prosecute to the fullest extent.

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