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Live From The Woods 2022 Turkey Edition


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Saw 10 birds in the woods tues-wed, hens and jakes. The first time in two years (in season. Two years in a row I had close encounters with hens the day before the season started)

Heard gobbles Mon-tues-wed, first time in three years.

So in that way, it was a very good hunt, relatively speaking.

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We just got rained on and chilled . Just woke up from a nice nap.  Tomorrow  for mothers day I want to give a turkey a dirt nap . Fingers crossed 


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Funny shit last night I’m discing my food plot, audioslave blasting on my Bluetooth in the same field I hunted in the morning and out comes a tom lol.

Had baseball this morning and man was it chilly with that wind.

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CT doesn’t end at noon. You can hunt em till sunset

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Birds didn’t gobble much after hitting the ground this morning but I got to see a beautiful show with five Tom’s four hens and a Jake for a couple hours before this one came close enough. Even got to see two hens get breed ! 


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I am in my truck cap blind near the sw corner of our place.  I hear a gobbler going off about every 10 seconds within a few hundred yards.  

My decoy is out and I will wait till it gets a little lighter to call.  I am packing my 12 gauge today because it is about a 30 yard shot to the clover patch where I set up my decoy.  That is a bit beyond the effective range of my 16, but right on the sweet spot for this 12 using an extra full choke and 3” lead # 5’s.  


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I quit at 6:45.  Didn’t hear any gobbles after 6:15.   The next time I go back there, which will be the week after next, I will set up my pop up blind and decoy near the far corner, where I heard the most gobbling today and last Sunday morning.  

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4 minutes ago, Lomax said:

Hmmm.  Well the guy at BP did say the new real decoys worked like a charm. Perhaps a deer deke will pull in some turkeys. 


Couple years ago I had my DSD upright hen decoy out and gobbler came in at a good pace just as a deer was checking out the decoy. At one point i could have rolled the bird shooting between the deers legs they were so close to each other.

I've had deer paw(hoof) at decoys and footstomp to get it to move. Jake mount it, fox come in and realize wth and take off running full tilt, have tactacam video of coyote sneak on DSD jake decoy and lunge at it (can hear thwap of plastic in video and he hit mach speed running away thinking ballz that isn't my free meal. Fisher other day ran right past them (that would have been fun to watch him)

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9 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

Couple years ago I had my DSD upright hen decoy out and gobbler came in at a good pace just as a deer was checking out the decoy. At one point i could have rolled the bird shooting between the deers legs they were so close to each other.

I've had deer paw(hoof) at decoys and footstomp to get it to move. Jake mount it, fox come in and realize wth and take off running full tilt, have tactacam video of coyote sneak on DSD jake decoy and lunge at it (can hear thwap of plastic in video and he hit mach speed running away thinking ballz that isn't my free meal. Fisher other day ran right past them (that would have been fun to watch him)

The fisher pics were cool as hell we don’t have them here in my area yet no bears yet either  Kinda like that but don’t think it will stay that way forever.  Got 1st bobcat pics in 18 yrs here this winter. Covered in deer this morning but not a Turkey yet today.  Good luck TF just a matter of timing for you. 

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 We found some birds but the Hen took them away . So Bill and I wonder  around  looking for away to this other ridge that we heard some on . Can't get there unless we go thur thick stuff. So we were making our way back . Walking and talking and all of a sudden on the trail ahead  gobble gobble gobble . So I got tucked into a tree bill did his magic  but the bird was going around us and he went quite . So we got up and start making our way down the trail  and the bird spots us and head back to the trail so I go out to the trail and bill  follows . I said  bill he is still in there go back around and push him my way . So bill goes back in I make my way down alittle on the trail . Then pop I see him coming  I figured  he was going to run across so my first shot missed and this dumb bird just turns and starts walking up the trail so I shot again and  dirt nap for the bird   beard is 10 inches  spurs are alittle over 1 inch. And he weight is 26 pounds . Wesome bird . Thank you Mr Bill. We make a great team . Can't wait to do it again . Bill stayed in the woods the birds we really moving around today. Butchered myself . So still learning . Don't think I did to bad .



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