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Not mine. But one of the guys got this one tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk14 points
I guess I did a breech of etiquette by not coming here first. I've done a few postings and have greatly enjoyed the content of this website. It appears to be well managed and free of trolls and has people with sincere and common interests. I'm here to learn and share ideas. I know a little about a few things, a lot about far fewer things and there just so much more I don't know anything about. As a rabid baby boomer I grew up in an interesting age and I'm grateful to see the advances in my lifetime. Man on Moon, Electronic age and modern medicine I greatly enjoyed being a Boy Scout but fell short of being Eagle when I discovered girls. The woods has always been my church. My dad helped with this but was never a hunter. He grew up during the depression and my gramps was a hunter. To make ends meet they ate a lot of rabbit and squirrel. Plus, he was a WWII vet. Battle of the Bulge and the whole bit. Dad never talked about the war until the later days of his life. When he did it made sense why he didn't want to talk about it. He saw awful things and cheated death a few times. He wanted nothing more to do with guns so my involvement with hunting and firearms started in college from experienced friends. I've always been a student of WWII. As a younger man I backpacked, camped, winter camped, climbed, ice climbed, downhill skied and X country skied. Some of these I can still pull off but to a lesser degree. My mortality is catching up with me. I do well in Nordic environments but abhor heat and humidity so you won't be finding me in Florida in the summer. Married one and only wife and she's an old fart too. We are the polar opposites that work. She breaks stuff and I fix stuff. Two adult children. One gone and one that may never leave but there's always hope. I have an advanced formal education but that certainly doesn't mean I'm smarter or dumber than any of you. Dad never tolerated any of is five boys being average but the fact of the matter was, I was average so I had to work twice as hard in my studies. He only wanted the best for me. I've never stopped learning and still attend classes at times. Professionally I'm a senior facilities manager of a couple industrial complexes for a major corporation. I've been responsible for building and maintaining buildings, equipment and processes. I also get to do environment, health and safety which actual plays well for me. I care about people and the environment. I do nothing to harm either as a core belief no matter the cost. I'm an expert at precision temperature control. I've built environments that control to thousands of a degree. I'm proud of all of this. My major hobby is collecting and restoring firearms from WWII European theater but I also appreciate other firearms. I don't own anything that I don't shoot, can't take apart and then put back together again. Obviously I hunt and I hunt alone by choice. Hunting for me isn't predicated on getting a deer. Fact of the matter is I let most of them walk. Being alone in the woods with my thoughts and being entertained by sightings of fox, turkey, grouse, fischer cats and a variety of other wildlife can make my day as much as getting a deer. I own 30 acres on a mountain top near Swain and we have since purchased our retirement log home there as both my wife and I love our piece of heaven. I've lived 56 years of my life in Rochester, NY and have a house by the U of R where the wife works. I have a passion for wine and enjoy cooking when I have the time. Oh the smell when I make bread. I'm a certified trainer in first-aid, AED and CPR. Mom was a surgical nurse. We got stitched and shots at home and got training by her. I keep a EMT bag and AED at my property as closest medical care is 40 minutes away. I have plenty of faults. Ask my wife So, this is me No more No less13 points
We got skunked, buddy pull the trigger on a fox behind my house at 50 yards...unfortunately he never chambered a round... bumped 2 yotes out of a field walking in, couldnt convince them to come back. Night got cut short by my buddies getting sick. But the weigh in is always worth the drive. Won a new scope for my new 204 ruger! Now i get to join the night vision crowd!13 points
This afternoon The_Real_TCIII and two of his brothers were going to The Griffon Pub for a beers. My wife and I (her not pictured) showed up along with Goosifer and turkeyfeathers to partake in the brews. We had a very nice chat and watched some football. Next week a bunch of guys are going down to the other side of the state for a GTG in southeastern NY, I'm not sure if the DEC even gives that end of the state a Region Number? I'm sure they'll have a grand time........12 points
Got this nice red yote last night right behind our house my wife was kind enough to pose it lol9 points
I unearthed a box of hunting items this weekend that was stuffed in a closet. Lots of lead from the good old days. Slugs and slugs and slugs for 12 and 20. A few backtags, my old duck call, arrow knocks, old WASP blades. A veritable treasure trove. I was really hoping this was it for my three lost goose bands. If they were anywhere, it would have been here. I am afraid they are in the landfill somewhere. The best item I think I found was the receipt from my fathers 20 Ithaca featherlite. My mom and I went to Creekside in 1982 to pick it up for xmas.8 points
Here is the story of another Old Mature Buck I got to spend some time perusing... Some of you may remember my story and history a little while back, with a buck we called "The Ghost" that died last yr. at 9.5 yrs. old. I had full history with him since he was a year and a half. Well along with him, I had another buck of the same age class, roaming the same hill. I called him "Chunk" for obvious reasons that you'll see in pictures.. His Mass! Chunk has a serious "chunk" of bone a top his head.. As far back as the pictures I’ve kept, well at least the pics I still have that didn't get lost or deleted back in the day.. I have him going back into 2012 I had him on camera a lot in '12 and actually passed him up at 60 yrs on Thanksgiving morning because he was with a much bigger buck and 3 other smaller bucks all locked on 1 hot doe. Continued getting pics of him the next few years.. in 2014 his massive beam was snapped off above the base.. Would love to hear how, if it were a slug or another buck. Im guessing a slug since i have yet to see a buck as massive.. In 2015 I had my next encounter with him. He was doing what a true pressured giant whitetail does.. Ignore humans at all possible.. I got a few pics back to back days so I moved in on him, he came through Halloween morning at the max of my bow range but I couldn't get him to stop for an ethical shot opportunity. i let him go by and I tried calling him back in.. Anything I tried he would not turn his head my direction, but i could see his ears turn my way with most every call I gave. He eventually walked off onto the neighbors where i watched him walk right pass this guy’s tree stand where he leaves his boss buck decoy laying against the tree every week, so he wouldn't have to carry it to the stand each weekend. Chunk stepped over the decoys legs as it laid on its side, and slowly walked away out of my life for that day.. I Continued to get more pics of him that year.. Along with the next year into 2016, where I finally started gaining ground on him figuring out where he goes, what he’s doing, why he’s doing it and so on.. I also learned going into this year that he has now decided he does not care for trail cameras, if he catches himself in front of one, he always gave the camera the " oh sh!t " look and you’d never catch him there again, unless you moved it slightly and disguised the camera completely. Which I did, I spent a ton of time narrowing paths with him where he beat me every time. Not sure if he had a bad experience with them, since I have some outlaw neighbors in the area he called home, but in 2017 he became very camera shy and also developed what looked like a shoulder injury IMO due to a broad head. That year I moved cameras and blended them in and hung them high to my best ability to stay ahead of him. And mostly it worked, proving his patterns haven’t changed as long as I did my part.. My time in the woods during deer season began to disappear as children entered my life, and their health was never great to where I felt ok spending more time in the woods than with them.. I hunted when I could for him but was always a step behind it seemed that season. Hunted opening day of Rifle where I knew he’d be, but never laid eyes on him, saw the dozens of doe he surrounded himself with, but not my boy Chunk.. I couldn’t hunt the 2nd day due to my grandmothers 81st birthday a few hours away.. And wouldn’t you know, Chunk breeds a doe directly under that stand at 8am that morning.. Ugh, he’s a Total PITA! I went after him a few more times that 1st week of gun season but gun hunting pressure is strong here, so I just backed off in hope she survives and settles down for ML season where I know exactly where he’ll be, In my late season plots!! Well I never made it back out since my daughter just couldn’t get 100% healthy. Then Deer season closed and low and behold he was in my big plot hammering turnips/radishes and broadleaf’s during the day and all night from the end of Gun season throughout early winter... Right around the New Year, he dropped his right side in front of one of my cameras on the plot, and then walked past another on his way out with a bloody pedicle. And the next day he dropped his left side just a few feet away from where he dropped the right side the day before. Going into 2018 his patterns were all the same but he was much more frequent than ever! I was pumped, fall was closing in and I couldn’t wait with all his movements and most of it being during the day. I picked up a cell cam and hung where I thought Id have my best chance at him. Season opened and my daughter became very Ill and my newborn son wasn’t the healthiest either.. And again, it kept me out of the season way more than id have liked to, especially when the rut set in.. Chronic ear infections suck! Both my kids suffered from them which kept me home snuggled up with them.. it’s like they shared them or gave the other the charm when they were finally over it. Well while sitting on the couch with my sick kids, Chunk reminded me daily, that my scouting and planning for his demise, was proven true! He was on that cell cam almost every day for 3 weeks straight. Either right after legal morning light, between 11am and 1pm or the last 30 minutes of legal light.. it was driving me freakin wild not being out there, At 9.5 yrs. old I finally was able to put the pieces together on his journey through life but not able to get in the woods.. Due to my daughters illness. But my kids always come first. And I refuse to pawn them off on others for my selfish reasons. Shortly after Gun season opened he stopped showing up, but showed up a few times on other cams. But due to pressure, he disappears until ML season when he starts searching for food.. And he always knows where to go. He showed up during ML season after dark, looking healthy as can be.. I was tickled pink! Awesome Ill get another crack at him next year since this year is shot and almost done.. Well, I never got another photo of him that year, and never got one of him during the 2019 season either.. I was bummed to say the least.. I didn’t hear of anyone wounding him.. He looked healthy; I didn’t hear anyone harvesting him the last few days of ML. I was clueless, so I believe his age and winter finally caught up with him, or he was poached by spotlight. I put a cam up on a lead access and found several trucks cruise through after dark when season closed. Not sure If they were coyote hunters or some of the local jerks that catch word of good deer on local properties.. I’ll never know. But the run was good, and between Chunk, and the other 9.5yr old buck I called The Ghost.. I learned a lot, they taught me a ton on how to address properties, how to follow mature deer and read them.. I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunity they gave... So to my best guess, when i remember him from 2012, this buck died as a 9.5 or 10.5 yr old deer.. amazing! I also believe there are more deer like this out there, than ppl believe.. and without trying to trace and save history.. one may never know .. His bases on those sheds were (R side- 6-5/8") (L side- 5.7/8") Pics are slightly out of order.. my apologies..8 points
Rattler, I'm 61 but with a bad back earned from a lifetime of doing dumb things. I've always loved thing old and my collections reflect that. Maybe chronologically I'm not that old but these days I sure feel it. I plan to retire in 14 months and move to my land permanent. Wife will work a few more years mainly to provide us health insurance. My decreased brother work seven day a week and accumulated a lot of wealth. However, when he finally did retire and bought his slice of heaven he didn't last long before the cancer got him. I wish not to do a repeat as I was doing the same path and I always felt he got screwed. Soon after my best friend died from a very minor operation where they did an out patient thing to cut off a growth. Dead three days later due to a blood clot to brain. These events drove me to work toward what I dream of. A cabin on a mountain. NY is a tough State to retire in but I truly do LOVE NY. Well, maybe not the governor Attached is my pond in front of cabin. I've been stocking my ponds with fish. It's kind of like a mega aquarium.8 points
Buddy in Wyoming, those “ dots “ along the top are Elk .7 points
I was literally next door at my son's birthday party LOL. My wife was in the picture too but she has a nasty black eye from archer slamming his head into face the other day ,she would kill me if I put that picture online.LoL6 points
5 points
Ha, what a great hunting forum. I'm a recent joiner but you're hitting my hobbies. Now where's the cigar forum? I grew up in house that had a wine cellar. There was five boys in my family and we were all into sports. We could miss dinner Mon-Sat. However Sunday dinner was mandatory a$$ in seat. But as an enticement wine was serve with dinner. Very good wine. We all got schooled and quizzed from an early age. I guess dad thought it would give us culture. All my brothers moved away but right up until his death, I had every Sunday dinner with dad....with wine. Dad was 93 when he passed. In his will my brothers and I were to get together and drink down his collection. We did and split the rest. I got the bottle of Lafite Rothschild. I will never drink it. That will go to my children on my death Dad was mostly into Bordeaux Grand Cru and German Kabinett wines but we did sneak in some Italian. When my oldest brother retired he moved to Bordeaux he bought an old winery and turn it into his house. Sadly the big C took him but his wife still lives there. The cellar there has several hundred bottles he collected. Every time he visited he would bring me something nice you couldn't get in the States. I now have quite a collection myself but I only drink these wines for special occasions or with my brothers One of my regrets is I never visited him there when he was alive. I retire in 14 months. Then I will travel to France to see SIL. My brother told me I have open access to his cellar. I'll arrived with corkscrew in hand and will be drinking several toast to him. And will likely cry a bit too. Wine for me has unique overtures of family5 points
Here’s a pic of a video that my cousin sent me, it was taken behind his house on Staten Island,. In the video they were tickling horns with each other., there was a doe to the left of them. Messed with the colors to edit the pic. best I could. In any case no denying these two are giants. This is what age gets you. To think this is only a 20 minute car ride from my house in Brooklyn, insane!!!4 points
Grandson and I went out pheasant hunting. He got his first pheasant. Afterwards we cooked up the pheasants along with some venison on the old coleman stove. Here is a short youtube video We made. .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPfxDVXwyAw4 points
Or it is during the season and we can organize some sort of massive HNY morning hunt followed up with a GTG to celebrate a successful morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
I just showed the pictures to my next door neighbor.She said oh ya I see him all time. I hope he sheds his antlers in my yard.lol4 points
You can take everything I know about cars and trucks, ball it up in tin foil and stick it up a canary's ass and it would look like a BB in a boxcar4 points
Mom weaned so he came home early . Hour and a half drive home . Didn't make much noise. Slept most of the way. Sleepy little slug. Ate a half a cup of food and passed out .3 points
Yeah. 5 day. I’m ready if a big one steps out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Day 2 in the books great day no accidents . Only cried a little and was asleep in 5 minutes. Ruger woke up at 430 this morning out and back in cried for 5 minutes . Got about 20 minutes sleep and alarm went off. He is alone until misses tracker comes home on her lunch hour. He is going to be a chewer. .3 points
Hunting with the muzzleloader today on the long Island.Got a good spot should be able to still hunt. 31 degrees with light sw wind Anything goes today not going to be picky Good luck to everyone3 points
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Good times boys. Thanks. Special game burger of the day was venison so that was fitting. They were out of wooly mammoth, unicorn and Sasquatch according to the server. I’ve had yak , ostrich, water buffalo , elk and kangaroo as the special before. But venison with a few of my good hunting friends was perfect. What a great burger indeed. Onion straws , goat cheese , fried jalapeños and get these tomato slices off fast. Other half green city IPA or two And can’t post pics as always could nor converted to jpeg as saying format too large. Ugh3 points
SEND IT!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
For the WNY’s especially the north towns. Bar bill north soft opening today they open for real tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
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This was just a reminder folks, that united we stand, divided we fall. There are many out there who despise us, for who we are, and what we do. And would love nothing better, than to see hunting as we know it abolished. Now, on to what calibers are best for deer, and the crossbow thread!3 points
I remember reading articles about deflection testing years ago..They set up grids of wooden dowels and shot through it at targets at varying ranges with many different projectiles, including shotgun slugs and heavy bullets in a 45/70.... The results as I remember it indicated that unless the target was VERY close to the grid, ALL of the projectiles deflected enough to cause a miss or a bad hit...There didn't seem to be any evidence that heavy, slow moving projectiles deflected any less or any more than lighter, faster projectiles... I'm not sure how scientific these tests were, but the moral of the story was that it is much better to find an opening in the brush than to try to plow through it, regardless of what you are shooting..3 points
just noticed this thread. got this 34lb female on opening day of the southern zone deer rifle season. my first one ever. gonna do a full mount. real nice coat3 points
Creekside Gun Shop......oh my, what a place for a young gun looney to just gawk. (Oh I spent some money there but I was just a piker’ then, lol)2 points
Cool! A number of years ago, my uncle offered me his Springfield .22 semi auto. I declined it as I had a surplus of .22s already. Some time went by and in some of my dads stuff I found the factory hang tag/price tag from a Homer NY hardware store, for the Springfield .22! Dad had bought it for my Uncle for highschool graduation, if I remember now. Boy, I sure wish now I had taken the .22 for that connection (Unc sold it at a garage sale shortly after).2 points
His '19 buck is in the shop. Just had a guy back out on his mount so I happen to have a big mature spare cape available now...lol2 points
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I think he'll be in rehab, a mental ward, or prison by the time next season rolls around. That guy is a great athlete but a legit basket case.2 points
2 points
Would it be running fine if Cynthia was coming?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
This is an end around with the goal of removing the 2nd freedoms by design. The provision to require serial numbers on the key parts----A manufacture will not take on the additional work and paperwork to sell in the NY market.2 points
Snowing nothing seen yet. Very quiet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
I’ve always said I’d rather have poop in my hair than watch a Bills/Chiefs game with Biz, because I know we will lose, having said that I consider Biz a damned good friend so I’ll have to suffer through it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro2 points
Actually it started as the Goose and I just wanting to have a holiday beer and then of Course wanting the local guys to join, plus I have great friend in from out of town and my brother is in the area too. Turned in to a fun night Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro2 points
Well...i was wrong. A fox shouldve died. 1st set of the night was behind my house. Called in a red to my buddy at 50 yards, and for the second time this year a friend has forgot to chamber a round... 1 loud "CLICK" and off the fox goes. Next set nothin, 3rd set nothin, weather got crappy whiteout conditions. 4th set walking in bumped 2 yotes out of the field never to be seen again. 5th set nothin and called it because 1 buddy was sick and me and my other friend were pretty shot by 330am. But the weigh in makes everything all better. Talked to some great guys, learned some things and won a new night vision scope! Hell yea!2 points
That's awesome..... definitely worth the entry fee. Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk2 points
Jim Shockey Hunting Adventures is on right now (396 Dish Network) and he is guiding Steve & Jason Hornady for bear in Vancouver if you're interested. (If you aren't, maybe watch the Golden Globes on NBC................ya blade)2 points
Eagerly awaiting the start of the 2020 Maple Season. The maple bug grows each year from within. The sweet smell of maple steam is nearing. Getting ready for another great ride, LOL.2 points
Read this wrong lololol I read rattled in a blind deer lololol darn jack daniels2 points
Special coffee. Half booze shown, half dark roast coffee. Add whipped cream and shaved chocolate.2 points
Firebird with limo tint. Escort GT and Beretta z26 in black rose.Beretta had a governor that kicked in at 126. My Michigan State U runs to visit then gf now wife were frequent through Canada. All of which had some giddy up. And I used to be skinny My younger years2 points