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Fawn sightings


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In the field behind the house,we have this one doe we call big mama. I would guess she is at least six and a half years old. Was so glad she made it through last winter. The last four years she has had triplets. This year she has a single fawn. Not really sure if it's her age or the bad winter or any other factor, her having only one this year. I have seen only one doe with twins in my area so far. And seeing only a hand full of last years fawns that made it through the winter.


These observations are only close by my home. Three miles away on the farm property, it seems the deer fawns are closer to normal numbers.

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Some of you must be way ahead of us if you are able to count triplets. I see does alone all the time. The only fawn I have seen with a doe was nursing, and a day or two old. If I hadn't been out and around the property tripping over them, I too might think the coyotes ate them all.

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Come on guys it's a bit early yet to see does moving with fawns.  Give it a few weeks  The Does you see alone probably have fawns within a hundred yards or so.  The fawns  need to get a bit stronger before they go around with Mpm.  You should start seeing them more frequently after July 4th.  So start driving carefully  especially when you see a doe on the street looking into the woods.  She is waiting for the fawns who make a habit of jumping in front of the car the instant your car obscures mama from them. They don;t want to be separated from mom and make that suicide leap into your car.

Be careful and good luck.

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I haven't seen any yet but a friend of mine had one laying right on the double solid line, in the middle of the road a hundred yards or so from his house, Thursday morning. He stopped his truck and directed cars around it for a little while.He didn't want to try and touch it. The fawn eventually stood up and wobbled its way off the road and into some apple trees where it plopped down.

My buddy didn't see momma anywhere but Im sure she was around. 

Edited by ants
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