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How Much Do You Have Left?

Five Seasons

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I took 3 deer last year, all were small in size. A small NY doe and 2 southern deer. We still had a pretty full upright freezer in the garage. Last night I noticed I had 3 packs of steaks and 2 packs of ground left. With 2 more months to go and no guarantee of an early October harvest I am depressed...


On the bright side, I unplugged the freezer and put the remaining in the kitchen... so I'll save some electric I guess.


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If it wasn't for the moose I took in 2013, I would be completely out of meat.... This year I will fill my tags... last year I put all my tags for my vacation during MZ season and my mom passed away on the 11th.... Did get out... So, this year I am thinking I won't have the rug pulled out from under me like that so I'll be bringing home a lot more venison... 

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not sure with how much I started with.  took a 3.5 yr old 123 lb doe, a 95 lb 8.5+ year old doe, and one 135lb 5.5 year old doe.  all dressed hanging weights.


I put the 5.5 yr old doe which was about 54 lbs venison plus added water and pork fat into the good stuff.  that stuff's almost gone as I burned through all those back strap steaks.  almost all my smoked snack stick dogs with cheese and regular smoked dogs.  went through almost all the sausage. 


other two doe I put into ground venison, steaks, roasts, other cuts, and jerky.  jerky has been gone a long time ago last year.  still have a couple grocery bags of ground venison and a bag of steaks, roast, and other cuts.  probably 30 lbs left.

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Last season was odd in that I did not fill any doe tags but we are still In decent shape thanks to a road kill button buck and a nice 2.5 year old 8-point archery kill that a friend gave us. I gave some of those and part of my own 1.5 year archery buck and 4.5 year, 200 + lb gun buck to a friend who got skunked last season. We still have a freezer shelf and a half full which should take us to archery season at least. IT has been many years since we needed to buy any beef.

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We still have a decent amount of venison left.  I shot 7 deer last year with the smallest one being 95 lbs and biggest 175 lbs.  So our freezer was pretty full.  Add in the fact that I also raise sheep and put 2 of them in the freezer.  

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I got to selective last year and wasn't able to make it out for muzzle loader season so I never pulled the trigger or bow release...... I saved a few packs for just that reason but I was out a long time ago.....I learned my lesson the hard way......Now its meat hunting first and then I'll be selective. This year I hope to put a bunch in the freezer to avoid this problem.

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I still have enough to easily make it until the 15 of October, approx. 10 weeks.

Hopefully.............. :)

When I opened this thread I thought the question was referencing vacation time, which I have NONE of. :(

Ouch brother. I've managed to burn only 1.5 of 4. Saving for deer and Santa.

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